Over the northern continent, there are countless figures flying, huge virtual aircraft and endless swarms are fighting in the air, and the imaginary people do not seem to notice that there are not only the ground beneath the flying insects. The wreckage of the swarm, there are some special bugs here.

Unlike the Inca, which is the 'cannon fodder', they are the creatures that truly dominate the battlefield.

Some giant insects crawl on the ground full of debris. They are in the form of cockroaches. There are many small arthropods on the wingless carapace. These insects do not participate in the battle because they are used to carry some large The type of object and excavation.

Now, they have moved some things that can affect the battlefield to this place.

These things look like small metal vessels, just backed by the five-meter-long giant insects, and the signals they release can disable the remote detection capability of the virtual people.

In fact, these things are spiral creatures. They are brought here by the Inca insects. They are called 'signal interferers'.

They are shaped like boats, but they can release an interference signal that is not directed at living things, but rather for mechanical detection devices made by similar virtual people.

From the captain's memory, Lin knows most of the detection methods of the virtual people, and from the memory of the spiral creature, Lin also knows that it has something that can interfere.

Spiral creatures used to have a war with a similarly ethical race, so they made something similar. Although the war on the pompoms has no use at all, it can now be used to interfere with the virtual people.

Because there is such a relationship. There is no need for Lin to figure out what kind of interference he has.

If you don't do some interference. Offensive methods like the Inca insects are easily restrained by large-scale weapons.

but. The Inca swarm is also learning, they will slowly adapt to the new way of fighting, but for now, they need some extra assistance.

The virtual people's current behavior is somewhat different from that of Lin's thought. When the insects approached, they did not use any large-scale attack weapons, but fired with high-speed metal shots.

Is it afraid to spread to yourself? Want to save reserves? Or is it just a simple look at the target?

In any case, a slight oversight will create a total failure...

Except for some special things. There are also some large arms that fly in the swarm and use some special abilities to trap their opponent's aircraft.


The thick red ropes hooked the hulls, hooked the gaps, or caught the exposed weapons, but in reality it was not a real rope, but a red, spider-like creature.

These insects are called 'link bugs' and they are extremely fast and can catch up with the aircraft that is retreating. And they will use a color-changing ability to stealth, and the virtual people did not notice them at first. The worms flew to the side of the hull and grabbed the metal casing of the hull with a large amount of barbs and mucus carried by the forelegs.

After the first worm caught, the second worm followed and grabbed it until it reached a very long ‘rope’, and the opponent did not find it at all...

Nowadays, a large number of such 'ropes' hooked the side of a virtual ship, and a large number of flying insects seized the rope and climbed forward to climb onto the hull that could not be chased.

Although the metal barrels continued to growl, they could not completely clean the worms that climbed on them. The number of worms that climbed onto the ship had increased, and their huge number even tilted the aircraft.

Some insects with special abilities secrete the lysate on the metal shell of the hull and increase the scars that were previously blasted.

"Commanders, they have climbed up a lot! They..." After seeing this scene in the operating room, the virtual operators only had amazed expressions...

I saw the insects displayed in the image. They were not only on the ship. There was another insect behind each insect. They just caught one, and the whole insects behind it were connected together. .

If you look at it in the distance, the swarm is like a huge hand that catches the virtual aircraft.

"Captain, they caught the first ship!"

In the higher air, the aircraft where the captain is located can clearly see the scene. Although there are two ships, they are all managed by the captain.

Because the attacking captain’s ship has fewer insects, they can see the situation more clearly...

Seeing the situation below, the captain suddenly burst into horror. It immediately shouted: "Stop shooting the creatures around, and attack the creatures that caught the No. 1 ship! Use those large weapons to attack!"

"Yes!" The operator immediately operated, and suddenly opened a lot of holes under the hull, and some strange warheads shot from below to the swarm below.

'boom! ‘But at the moment these warheads just flew out, they produced a violent explosion. The intense fire suddenly spread under the hull, and the whole ship swayed a little.

"What happened?" Captain angered: "Why would it explode first?"

The operator said: "It was attacked by something, it seems to be a light!"

"Request for support! They are pulling us down!" At the same time, there was a tense call in the operating room. The call came from the No. 1 ship, only to see the 'worms that caught them. The hand's whole began to sink down...

The group of insects that were caught together stopped flying at the same time, which caused them to start falling from the sky as a whole.

The huge weight of the insects suddenly caused the entire ship of the virtual people to tilt to one side, and the entire ship began to fall down with the weight of the insects.

"Take all the engines to the maximum, let me blow up the things that are connected together!"

The swaying operation room echoed the commander's roar, but the facts brought a heavy blow to it.

"No! Commander, we are still going down!" "Commander, the silo is stuck with something!" "We should hurry to escape..."

'boom! 'This explosion means that the spraying device of a certain part is hit, the whole ship is in a sharp shaking moment, all the virtual people are difficult to stand firm, and they also feel that the speed of falling to the ground has come The sooner...

"This group of things...not wild animals..."

When the last sentence of the commander rang, the loud noise of the ship’s contact with the ground also echoed throughout the air... (to be continued).

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