4 o'clock

Chapter 13:A FOOD STORY

Time passed by and after so much fun, they missed the train ride back from the farm. Amy suggested that the only alternative is to take the bus, however they have to walk to the bus station. Edmond's stomach started to make rumbling sounds. Amy heard it and remembered that they have not taken any food and missed lunch. Edmond looked around to check for a convenience store nearby but there was none. Amy remembered that there is a Marketplace nearby where the vegetables from the farm are delivered. Her father used to take them there to enjoy street foods. Recalling the location, she asked Edmond to follow her.

Looking around it was not the place that Edmond had in mind to eat. Amy stopped in front of a food cart and ordered. She immediately ate as soon as the lady handed her order. Edmond just stared at her. She noticed him staring and offered her food. Edmond hesitated for hygienic reasons but his stomach did not lie. It made a rumbling sound again. Amy heard it and just stared at him. Edmond grabbed the food from Amy's hand and started eating. He chewed with difficulty at first but as he continued to chew, he discovered that the food tasted very good and he liked it. He finished all of Amy's food. Amy's eyebrows crunched in annoyance and said to him:

"For a well mannered, pretty boy like you, I didn't imagine you will enjoy eating chicken intestines".

After hearing her words, Edmond's eyes grew bigger in disbelief and turned to face her; then to the lady who was selling the food; then to the food that he just ate. Suddenly, his face became pale. His head started to spin lightly and he felt like vomiting. Amy and the lady burst out laughing. The lady handed him a bottle of water while Amy tapped his back saying:

"Oowws! You're such a baby"! "Wasn't it very tasty?" "I shouldn't have said what it was."

Edmond kept silent during the bus ride. Amy looked at him from time to time but he did not pay attention to her. A feeling of guilt crept over Amy. She may have gone overboard this time as he is not used to having such kind of food. As a manner of apology, Amy started to tell a story:

"When we were little, my sister and I were so skinny."

Edmond looked at her in disbelief. Amy responded to his expression in annoyance:

"Now I got your attention." She continued with her story:

"Yes, I was skinny and sickly. I was asthmatic when I was a child."

"My father was bothered by our health so he keeps on finding ways to improve it."

"A Shaman advised him of two things". One is a drink mixture that will increase our appetite and improve our immune system."

"Do you know what kind of a mixture it was?" (Her face closing unto Edmond's as she said the words giving a scary effect).

Remembering what she just fed him a while ago, he was sure it was something disgusting. Edmond swallowed his saliva. Amy continued with her story:

"It was beer with raw egg." Edmond's eyes grew bigger. Amy continued:

"The look was so disgusting and so was the taste". "We can't even take a sip; so my father turned off all the lights when we're about to drink and told us to drink it bottoms up so the taste will not linger."

"He made us drink it every week until there were results."

"I started to gain weight."

"Now my problem is losing it."

Edmond smiled. Amy gave him a face and continued with her story:

"It did not had any effect on my sister as her weight remained the same."

"Then later I noticed that the plant inside our house has been growing nice and healthy."

"I found out that as soon as my father switched off the lights, my sister poured her drink into the plant instead of drinking it."

"No wonder she always positioned herself beside the plant."

Edmond burst out laughing. Amy laughed as well. She was relieved that the ice had been broken and Edmond forgot about earlier.

The bus ride took a much longer route. They reached the city a bit late. Edmond who was taught by his parents to be a gentleman all the time, offered to drop Amy at her house. Amy hesitated but he still insisted. While walking, Amy said to him:

"Are you still mad about earlier?" "It may be nasty but it was really tasty, right!"

She further added: "Do you know that in poor countries, every part of the chicken is consumed. Nothing is wasted."

"From head to foot including the in-betweens and they have longer life spans."

"Now that you have eaten chicken intestines, that means that you will live longer and you will have longer time to stalk me, "stalker san!" (Japanese word of respect for addressing a person)

Edmond smiled and said: "stalker san. That's a nice name."

It was dark when they reached Amy's house.

She rarely gets home late so Janice was a little worried. She was waiting by the window, when she heard people talking.

By the gate, Amy said to Edmond:

"This is my house, so go now. Ba-bye!"

Edmond looked at the house. It is not stylish but it is also not bad. A "homey" feeling can be felt.

The day was very exciting for Edmond that he didn't really want it to end. He said to Amy: "You said that there's another one!"

Amy looked at him confused of what he was talking about. Edmond clarified: "In your food story earlier, you said there was another way the Shaman told your father. What is it?"

Amy came near his face with a threatening look and said: "I'll tell you when your stomach is strong enough to take it. Now go! Good night!"

Janice and their mom rushed through the gate to butt-in their conversation.

Mom asked: "Your friend?"

Amy answered reluctantly:

"Ahh, yes. His name is Edmond."

Her mother ran up to Edmond, gripped his hand and shook it vigorously. She then introduced Janice.

Edmond greeted them shyly.

They invited him to come up the house and have a bite before heading home. Remembering Amy's food story earlier, Edmond hesitated and said that it is also late for him and his family might be worried. He further explained that they had been to the farm and missed the train back. Amy's mother accepted with enthusiasm his explanations and thanked him in return. Amy's family were actually thankful not only because he escorted Amy back home safely but he is the first person that Amy brought home as a friend.


As Amy laid down to bed, she contemplated on the series of events that have been unfolding. She started to doubt whether this is still reality or just a dream. She had never guessed that her university life would turn out to be this way. She was satisfied with a dull, lonesome, inconspicuous life but as the recent events had been happening, a colorful life is not bad as well and she is starting to like it.

Edmond also lay awake on his bed. He cannot wipe off the smile on his face. The food story, 4 o'clock, stalker san and the other remedy the Shaman told Amy's father kept on coming back to his mind. Every moment with Amy was fun filled and he really enjoyed being with her. A thought came to his mind, stalking her was actually a good thing and he was glad that he did it.


At the breakfast table, everyone was silent. No one dared to ask Amy about last night although they kept looking at each other as if hinting who shall break the ice. Sensing their moves, Amy was the first to break the silence:

"He is just my stalker. He will get tired of me later."

Janice changed the subject to make things not too obvious: "This weekend let's go to my hairdresser and have our hair done, ok."

Janice added: "And ahhh...let's go shopping too!"

Their mother agreed: "Yes! Let's do women's bonding this weekend!" (with an excited expression and clasping both hands).

Amy felt excited also and immediately agreed.

The sound of the word "bonding" seems to have a positive effect on her. This is also a good time to clear her thoughts about the recent happenings plus the fact that she will be with her family. What Amy didn't realize is that Janice and her mom were actually planning a scheme. It did not cross Amy's mind that this so-called "weekend bonding" was actually the first attempt to change her personal style and looks.

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