4 o'clock


Weekend came and the much awaited bonding moments. Their first stop was the hairdresser. With careful supervision of Janice, Amy had her hair done. However, she requested that the length remained the same as she planned to tie it up again later. She just wanted to please Janice and her mom at the moment. Aside from Amy, her mom and Janice had a hair make- over as well. The two looked good sporting a new hairstyle while Amy's remained the same.

After the hairdresser, they started their shopping spree. Janice and their mom got so engrossed with the latest style of the season clothes while Amy started to get bored and tired from walking around. She sat at the bench near an ice cream station while her sister and mom shopped around. A 3-year old child was sitting beside her eating an ice cream. The ice cream started to melt in the child's hand and Amy seeing this, felt the need to help not to soil the child's clothes. Thinking of a way not to scare the child, she teased him by slowly moving her mouth to the ice cream as if trying to lick it. She was actually trying to teach him on what he needs to do but the child only kept watch at what she was doing. As the melted ice cream is about to spill, she then decided to lick it directly. The child willingly gave the ice cream to her instead.

As Amy continued to lick the melted ice cream, the mother of the child saw what she was doing and came to stand beside her. She got the impression that Amy was stealing the ice cream from her child. When Amy looked up, an angry expression was seen on the child's mother's face. Amy sensing her wrong impression immediately explained:

"It's not what it looks like, really."

The mother gave her an intense look. Somehow there is something wrong with her explanation. The mother then grabbed the child's hand and left. Feeling shame and sorry to what she did, she slumped her head down and looked for Janice and her mom.

Inside one of the shopping stores, Edmond stood watch and laughing at the entire scenario. His family was also in the area doing their shopping. His younger sister approached him and asked what was funny. He did not dare tell her what he was watching and pulled her away.

On their way home, Edmond cannot brush away the smile on his face. The memory of what happened earlier keeps popping on his mind. Most girls their age act so childish but Amy is different. Her innocence is very childlike not childish and this makes her so charming plus the fact that she is sporting a new hairstyle.

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