4 o'clock


It's a Saturday and Amy would sleep until noon without any disturbances however today is a different Saturday. Still half asleep, she was not sure whether she's still in a dream mode or there was really somebody standing by her bed watching her sleep. Slowly, she opened her eyes and was surprised at the nearness of her mom's face to her. She got confused as her mother does not normally come to her room to wake her up. Not even on school days. Puzzled by why her mom was there, Amy rubbed her eyes to clear her vision and said:

"Mom? What's going on?"

Her mother clasped her hands and smiled with excitement: "Oh Amy! Do you know who is here at our house right now?"

Amy, confused over her mom's question, started to think of who could be their visitor today. She noted that today is a Saturday and tried to remember if they were expecting any guests. She can't think of anyone. Giving up on the guessing game, she looked at her mom and said: "Who?"

Amy's mom's face lit up and started removing the sheets off Amy. Her mom said: "Go check outside, go".

Still half asleep, she sat up and like anybody who just woke up, she suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom and pee. While passing by the corridor on her way to the bathroom, she did not directly glanced as to who was the visitor but she could feel that whoever it was, it was watching her intently as she walked.

Coming out of the bathroom and still sleepy, she made a stretch and gave a big yawn. As her vision starts to focus, she noticed the person in front and she had a shock. Mouth opened and eyes wide, she remembered that she was in her pajamas and was not wearing a bra. Immediately crossing her arms to her chest, she looked at Edmond and asked:

"What are you doing here?"

"Who let you in?"

Her father came to rescue the situation. "I let him in."

Amy looked at his father in disbelief and said: "Why?"

Her father answered with a smile: "Why not?"

Her mother came to join them to explain the situation: "It's alright honey" (trying to calm Amy). "He has good reasons for coming here today."

Amy looked at her and said: "Huh??"

It's Edmond's turn to talk: "Go get ready Amy. I am taking you somewhere."

Amy looked at him in confusion. Her arms still crossed on her chest. Then she looked at her dad then to her mom who both just nodded and said: "Go!"

The situation caught Amy off guard however, having Edmond at the house right now is not a bad thing considering that she is starting to see him in a different light. She rushed back upstairs and got ready. Mom and Dad kept Edmond company until she came down.

"I will have Amy back by 9 o'clock Sir." Edmond told Amy's dad.

"Oh that's too early." Amy's mom said teasingly.

Amy was shocked at her mom's comment.

"9 o'clock is fine." Amy's dad said.

They left the house and got onto the city bus. Edmond said to Amy:

"Today is my treat. I will take you to a nice place and you don't have to worry about anything. Just stay with me."

Although puzzled about what so special about today, Amy liked the words "stay with me" and could not hide her smile.

Seeing her smile, Edmond continued to say:

"Last Saturday was actually my birthday but it was the engagement party of your sister. So I decided to move my celebration to today instead."

Amy looked at him in disbelief. She cannot believe what she just heard from Edmond. Not only had he moved his birthday plans to accommodate her sister's invitation, he had chosen her to be his "date" on his special occasion. Confusion started to run on her head. What started to be just an anti-boredom antidote might have turned into something serious. Something she is happy and ready to embrace.

Amy just kept smiling and staring at him. A sudden feeling of "floating on air" ran through her body. She never ever would have imagined that a plain jane like her will ever get the attention of a popular boy like Edmond. She only wished for an invisible life at the university but what she got was something better. Cinderella only wished to attend the ball in a nice dress but ended up with the handsome prince instead. Fate has a funny way of twisting itself. What was once unconventional could turn out to be something special.

Arriving at the city, Amy checked her pocket and noted that she did not have enough money to buy him a gift. All she had was loose change. If she had known what's going on today, she would have asked money from her dad. He probably would have no hesitations to give her money anyway considering the turnout of events lately.

Her eyes roamed around as they walked along the shops hoping she could spot something cheap...actually, very very cheap. Frustrated, they have entered and exited lots of shops but no luck. Outside the mall, there were some people gathering and watching a folk band performing in exchange for some loose change. It caught Edmond's attention. He tagged Amy along to go watch. Edmond was enjoying the band and Amy noticed it. Gripping the change in her hand, she thought of a perfect gift. Unnoticed by Edmond, Amy slipped away from his side and went around the band behind the drummer. She whispered in the drummer's ear and they started talking while the drummer kept playing. At the end of the song, the drummer called the singer and they talked for a while. The singer went back to the microphone and before singing, she made a little speech:

"Someone in the crowd right now is celebrating his special day today and this next song is a special gift to you by your special friend. Hope you like it."

As the band started the intro, Edmond heard a familiar tune and when the singer sang the first few lyrics, his face lit up. It was the love song of his parents and his favorite song. He looked straight at the singer who sang it very well. He looked at his side to check on Amy but she was not there. Suddenly he felt a big thud on his back and two arms wrapped around his waist. He heard Amy's voice saying:

"I didn't know that it was your birthday last Saturday and I didn't have enough money to buy you a nice present so I just asked the band to....."

Before Amy can finish her last sentence, Edmond turned around and hugged her tight. Amy was surprised and choked a bit but slowly raised her hands to hug him back. Edmond whispered on her ears:

"Thank you. It was the best birthday present."

The crowd noticed them hugging and realized that the song was intended for them. They started clapping. Both Amy and Edmond heard the clapping crowd and got embarrassed. They got off the hug and timidly thanked the crowd. Amy looked back at the band and in a whispering tone said "Thank you." The band acknowledged her thanks.

The evening went according to Edmond's plan. They dined in a fancy restaurant, watched the play and just did fun stuff together. Mindful of the time committed to Amy's parents, they called it a night and headed for home.

The day was full of excitement and fun however, exhaustion caught up with Amy. As soon as the bus started moving, it instantly lulled her to sleep. Edmond was quiet beside her and smiled as he looked at the photos taken earlier. They took a lot of selfies together and it came out pretty well. He was about to show Amy some photos when he noticed her in deep sleep. The side of her face was leaning heavily on the glass window. Her mouth was open and worse, there was a low tone of snoring. She looked very awkward, unlady like in her position. The naughty side of Edmond caught up with him and started taking her photos in that awkward state. He took a few shots and suddenly stopped and stared at Amy closely. Despite her unflattering state, she looked peaceful and angel like. She may not be physically appealing but somehow there is a calming effect when you observe her closely and it works like a charm on her.

Memories of the event flashed back at Edmond as he stared at Amy. The affection she showed him made today his most memorable birthday. He had dated girls in the past but none really lingered on his mind unlike today. Most of them were shallow and self-centered, nothing really much to look forward to except for pretty faces. Amy was different. It seemed that every time they are together there is always something exciting that can happen.

Edmond leaned back on his chair and stared at the ceiling. His emotions confused him at the moment. He pondered, he was not physically attracted to her, however he looks forward to being with her all the time. He smiled at himself and shook his head thinking what started to be just an intrigue over her lonesomeness turned out to be fun and excitement...and now, becoming a different level. He is becoming too comfortable with her....too comfortable.

Looking at her with that awkward position, he pulled her head to rest on his shoulder. He leaned his head to her and closed his eyes until they reached home.

As promised, he had Amy back by 9 o'clock. Amy invited him to go inside but Edmond needed to head back home.

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