4 o'clock

Chapter 27:ONE RAINY DAY

It was a rainy afternoon. Edmond walked Amy straight home then after, headed for home too. The rain poured out as he ran to the bus stop. While shaking off the rainwater from his shirt and hair, something caught his attention inside the record store beside the bus stop, it was Val. She was checking out some cds and was listening to the sample music at the player. She seemed to be alone and Edmond saw this chance to stalk her a bit.

Val walked by the window to check if the rain already stopped. It did, so she went out and headed to the bus stop. Edmond followed covertly. The bus was packed. Val positioned herself by the pole and Edmond (hiding his face) went towards the back. As the bus travelled, people started to get off at each stop. The crowd became less and less but Val stayed standing where she was. Edmond got a seat at the end of the bus. A man was standing behind Val and remained there even when the bus became less crowded and seats became available. The driver suddenly hit the brakes making the man crash forward to Val squeezing her. The man seemed to like the situation and murmured soft apologies to Val with a smirking smile. He remained close behind Val and she felt uncomfortable with it. Edmond kept on checking Val and he noticed the man behind her.

Edmond was about to rescue her but before he can stand from his chair, Val took matters in her own hands. She made a step back landing her heel on the man's toe putting her weight on it crushing his toe.

The man screamed, pushed her to get off his feet, stumbled and fell backwards clutching his toe. Val swung around pretending the situation was an accident, bent down to help the man but as she did, her bag heavy with books slid down her shoulder hitting the man on the face. The man got mad as he figured out that it was no accident and was deliberately done. He stood up and was about to strike Val when a hand halted him. It was Edmond. He glared at the man ready to strike him if he makes another wrong move. The man got scared as he realized that his dirty advantages were uncovered. He ran out of the bus as soon as it stopped.

Edmond looked at Val but before he can asked if she is ok, Val immediately cried. She was so terrified that she cried slumped to the chair and sobbing. Edmond felt really sorry for her, sat beside her and held her until she was all cried out. He can feel her body shivering from fright.

The situation was traumatic for her that Edmond felt obligated to make sure that she gets home safely. He walked her until the front of her house.

Val was thankful for his gesture.

He asked her: "Are you ok?"

Val stared at him relieved and thankful for being there at her scariest moment and Edmond stared back noticing her beautiful face and feeling sorry on how she felt at that scariest moment.

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