48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1008

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Feng Zi also encountered this kind of situation for the first time. Under completely unprepared, she could only subconsciously slam on the accelerator. She wanted to throw off the two small tails behind with the speed of the car, but saw her start to accelerate, and the two police cars behind her also With the speed increase, the distance between the two sides is still shrinking.

Feng Zi couldn’t help but get a little anxious. She started to try to get rid of the chasers behind her by changing lanes. However, she tried several times. In addition to almost hitting the opposite car, it caused a traffic accident. Not at all. A useful effect, and the front of the 2 police cars is now past her taillights.

A horn was also detected in one of the police cars, and began to shout to Fengzi, asking her to slow down and stop by the roadside, but Fengzi himself did not seem to at all intend to surrender.

She remembered a trick she had seen in the movie and was about to sway her direction and hit one of the cars, but just as she clenched her teeth and prepared to start, the PDA suggested that she received a call request.

Feng Zi connected the computer to the car’s speaker, and the next moment Zhang Heng’s voice came from inside, “Go on, don’t worry about the guys behind you.”

I do n’t know why, when I heard this calm voice again, the anxiety in Feng Zi ’s heart disappeared along with her. Her hand holding the steering wheel also stabilized, and she opened her mouth joyfully said, “Are you in the vicinity, the amusement park thing resolved Alright? “

Zhang Heng un’ed.

“Then you have received the message I sent you, there are still four people who attacked the station, and it should be not far in front.”

“I saw it, we’ll go after getting rid of these policemen.” Zhang Heng said, paused added, “Thank you for keeping me staring at this situation.”

“No need to be polite, I actually didn’t help you much except to pass on the news.”

“No, you really helped me a lot tonight.” Zhang Heng said.

In this copy, he also tasted a lot of inconveniences that his teammates did not bring, but fortunately there are some people who are willing to help him. In addition to Geng old man and Miss F, he has good luck tonight, at the bar When I met Fengzi, although he wouldn’t necessarily get a memory encoder without Fengzi, the difficulty was undoubtedly much higher, and I am afraid I have to gamble.

Just when the two people were talking, the two police cars had already sandwiched Feng Zi ’s car in the middle. A policeman held a pistol and tried to force Feng Zi to stop, but next moment, the three cars drove side by side into the underground tunnel in front. in.

The line of sight in front of me also dimmed, and then Feng Zi heard a series of gunshots, and then her car was hit by something, but fortunately Feng Zi held the steering wheel, and waited for her eyes to look back. When looking in the mirror, I found that one of the police cars had been left behind by her. The tire of that car should have just been exploded by someone. The previous crash of her car was also because the other party was out of control.

Then Feng Zi saw another police car that he hadn’t seen before and rushed over from behind. Feng Zi felt tight, but then he heard Zhang Heng’s voice, “stepping on the brakes.”

Fengzi hearing this without the slightest hesitation stepped on the brakes, the speed of red’s new energy car dropped sharply, and Fengzi’s body leaned forward under the effect of inertia, but because of the seat belt, although some were embarrassed and didn’t hurt much.

In contrast, the man who looked like the supervisor on the co-pilot was miserable. He flew directly out of the seat, his head still knocked on the windshield, and the sound sounded very painful.

The police car on the other side apparently didn’t expect Feng Zi to stop suddenly, and wanted to slow down together and then drove the car in front of Feng Zi, but then I saw a police car that suddenly came out of nowhere and suddenly stuck with them. .

Zhang Heng turned to the right and drove the front of the car. The police car on the side just found that his right side was very wide. Out of driving instinct, he subconsciously turned to the right to dodge, but he didn’t pay attention to rush into the emergency parking belt. Then he hit the cement pier in front.

So far, two police cars have been dumped.

After leaving the tunnel, Zhang Heng found a place to park and waited for Feng Zi to drive out the car. The latter left the red new energy car and took his co-pilot position.

As soon as Feng Zi got on the bus, he saw a car behind the 5-flower Eight Sects, including but not limited to various firearms and ammunition. He couldn’t help but exclaim, “Why, did you just rob a arsenal? ? “

“No, they sent it by themselves.”

In the previous battle in the amusement park, Zhang Heng killed three members of the emergency response team and two federal police teams. Finally, he solved the problem of the shortage of weapons and ammunition in the 3-Layer space. Zhang Heng is now driving this car. There are many weapons in the police car itself. In addition, Zhang Heng also collected some useful equipment from the bodies of No. 2, No. 2, and No. 3.

As soon as Feng Zi got on the train, Zhang Heng threw a new body armor to her, and rushed this thing to resist the bullet of the sniper rifle. Wearing it on the body is equivalent to adding another life to himself.

Zhang Heng then stepped on the accelerator again and drove the police car forward.

Feng Zi couldn’t help worrying after wearing body armor. She originally followed the police car in front, which was equivalent to mastering the whereabouts of the special operations team, but now two police cars have been killed, and two people have completely lost their goals. trend.

However, Feng Zi saw that Zhang Heng was still not in a hurry. It seemed that he was not anxious about this matter. Before he could ask questions, the communication device on the car answered her questions.

“The target escaped into the 4 Continent Hotel, follow-up personnel please help block all entrances and exits of the hotel!”

“Roger that!”

“Roger that!!”


When all the sounds disappeared and the car became quiet again, Zhang Heng explained, “The emergency response team ’s communications are doing well, but the police used a channel for this operation. They need police help, so they will Share some information. “

“Why do you look like you know everything?” The expression on Fengzi’s face was wonderful. “And just now, will your car skills be good?”

“Well, you should be able to feel it for yourself.” Zhang Heng reminded Feng Zi to fasten his seat belt when he got the destination address. After he stepped on the throttle, Feng Zi felt like he was on a rocket. The strong push back pressed her firmly into the seat.

The numbers on the dashboard began to climb rapidly, and next moment Feng Zi even suspected that she had flown. She had to grab the armrests on the roof to stabilize her body again.

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