48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1021

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng’s words made the waitress gnash the teeth.

But she had to admit that someone was telling the truth. The only goal of these people tonight was to bring the goods back to the first floor. In order to achieve this goal, they even gave up their lives and their peers’ lives. Ideal.

However, let her didn’t expect that one day this belief would be used as a weapon against her. Zhang Heng made it clear that he did not intend to take her away, telling her she was dead, but asking her to deliver the goods come out.

What made the waitress even more frustrated was that she found that she really had no reason to refuse the other party’s request.

She held back for a long time, and finally only asked a question, “After I gave you the goods, are you sure to pass the blockade of the federal police below?”

As a result, Zhang Heng just said indifferently, “This issue is not what you need to care about.”

The waitress was choked enough, but she still did not give up, and then continued, “Then you promise me that the goods will be delivered to Mr. G.”

By this time, her momentum had softened, and there was even a hint of pleading in Zhang Heng’s eyes.

As a result, Zhang Heng just shook the head and said, “I won’t guarantee anything. Okay, it’s almost time. Give me something.”

At this time, the fire had already rushed to the rooftop, especially the thick smoke produced after the burning, almost encircling the 4 Continent Hotel.

The waitress only felt extremely unwilling. They paid the many price all the way, came here after sacrificing countless companions, only one step, one step to complete the task, but in the end all the results were cheaper Zhang Heng, The latter is just a self-confident, self-interested person, so she reasonably knew that she should give the goods to Zhang Heng, but in action she chose to stand still.

And Zhang Heng seemed to see what she was thinking, raised her eyebrows, and said unkindly, “You shouldn’t really think you can stick to the so-called lofty ideals now, without me, you are at the station The whole army has been wiped out. “

Hearing this sentence, the waitress also lost all her strength of resistance like a deflated ball, because this is perhaps the place where she is most cherished. These people have been dash on bravely with no thought of Personal safety does not fear death. In fact, not at all played an important role in the whole incident. As Zhang Heng said, the emergency response team was basically killed by him alone.

And so many of them could not even handle the members of the five emergency response teams at the station, and eventually they were chased here, like a stray dog. If it was not Zhang Heng and arrived in time, the goods might have fallen into the hands of Shengtang Morgan Too.

The waitress said nothing, and climbed the water tower directly. Then she took a metal bar about the size of a finger from the top and put it in Zhang Heng’s hand.

The latter was a little surprised, “Only so little?”

“It seems that you know what the goods are for this transaction,” said the waitress. “The core of the memory encoder is only so large, but the internal structure is quite sophisticated. At present, only one company can produce it. Equipment can be used, but fortunately the latter is not so difficult to manufacture. “

“It seems that you have been preparing for a long time.” Zhang Heng took the metal rod the size of the finger and put it in his backpack not at all.

He was not worried that the waitress had handed him a fake memory encoder, because, as he said, the fire had already burned to the rooftop, and the only thing left to the waitress was dead end, if the latter did not hand over the memory encoder Give him that the memory encoder is also expected to be destroyed in this fire.

For those who are determined to change the new Shanghai 0297, it also means that their long-term plan failed, which is an unbearable price.

After handing over the memory encoder, the waitress instead relaxed. She knows that she has done everything she can tonight. As for whether Zhang Heng will give the memory encoder to Mr. G, what kind of information will be given to the latter? The conditions are beyond her control.

After thinking about these, she did not have that many pressure on her body, and then she looked at Zhang Heng, “You have got what you want, but how do you leave?”

“You will know it soon.” Zhang Heng said he took out a gas mask from the emergency response team from his backpack and threw it at the feet of the waiter. Then calmly said, “I said no Take you away, but you and your people have helped me save the memory encoder until now, and it has not fallen into the hands of the emergency response team. The probability that you will survive in a gas mask does not exceed 20%, so good luck. “

Zhang Heng put down his oxygen mask after speaking.

Afterwards, the waitress saw a scene that would make her immortal and saw Zhang Heng suddenly stretched out a pair of black wings behind her.

When I first saw it, the waitress thought it was an illusion caused by her inhalation of poisonous smoke, but at the next moment, she realized that the pair of wings really existed, and it was completely composed of shadows, which looked like A very realistic projection technology, but when the waitress still wanted to take a closer look, Zhang Heng had waved the pair of black wings behind him, and then he also jumped from the rooftop and rushed into the billow. In the thick smoke.

The waitress completely didn’t expect Zhang Heng, who seems to have been very reasonable, would make such a suicidal move without warning, and was shocked, especially thinking that the memory encoder is still on the other side, waitress It is inevitable to turn pale with fright.

At the risk of inhaling poisonous smoke, she quickly rushed to the side of the rooftop and looked down. However, because the entire 4-continental hotel was surrounded by thick smoke, she could not see anything, and she only looked out for a few seconds. Can’t help but cough, and finally he can only retract his head back, picked up the gas mask on the ground and put it on his head.

And on the other side, Zhang Heng has flown a long distance in the thick smoke. In order to avoid being seen by the federal police downstairs, Zhang Heng deliberately flew a little higher, protected by the oxygen mask of [Infinite Building Blocks]. At the same time, the [filter lens] also allows Zhang Heng to accurately distinguish the direction even in the thick smoke.

In the end, Zhang Heng quietly left the 4-Continental Hotel in a way that hardly disturbed anyone. Ten or two seconds later, the shadow wing behind Zhang Heng disappeared on time, and he also fell on the roof of the office building next door.

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