48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1029

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

After throwing Fengzi in the military factory to transform the production line, Zhang Heng continued to tour with Heihe, and saw more people who had to sleep and eat in order to welcome the arrival of New World. Among them, there are many celebrities around Mr. G, but more are just some sticking to The ordinary person of the respective post.

Just like the workers in the military factory, they were originally in different places, doing different jobs, but now they are brought together because of a common belief, just like a drop of water drops finally merged into a river, surging.

But what made Black feel a little disappointed was that Zhang Heng was basically very calm no matter what he saw from beginning to end. He was like a boulder in the middle of the river. No matter how it was washed, there was no reaction, and it made No one can guess what he is thinking in his heart.

Until dusk, 2 people came to the last place they visited today.

Unlike before, this is neither an arms production plant nor Mr. G’s secret base. It seems to have nothing to do with the so-called New World. On the contrary, this should be the most gloomy place in the whole new Shanghai 0297.

Because this is a nursing home.

Heigang parked outside the gate of the nursing home, but this time he did n’t get off, just said, “I ’m glad to be your temporary driver and introduce our companions to you, but now, you should go to see your companion Now. “

Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows, and finally said nothing, opened the door and went down.

Unlike some old gates that are in disrepair, Zhang Heng didn’t expect the interior of this nursing home is still pretty. There is a small garden that looks very warm, the flowers and trees are trimmed, and there are fountains and fish ponds.

Zhang Heng walked through the garden and came to a 4-Layer white building in the back.

The induction door opened automatically in front of him. Zhang Heng noticed a light flashing once above his head, accompanied by the sound of taking pictures. Shortly afterwards, he saw a little nurse wearing a blue nurse uniform and was busy from the duty room. Ran out, and gave Zhang Heng a card, “You are here, the old man you want to take care of is in room 219. Your work and things you need to pay attention to are written on the card. Just look at it yourself. . By the way, welcome to the Happy Nursing Home, I hope you can be happy too. “

Seeing Zhang Heng standing still, the little nurse explained again, “Oh, that’s it. Our nursing home follows the way of happy retirement, and pays special attention to the emotional state and mental health of each old man, which is simply to encourage They do what they really want to do, and the other is to pass on happiness. “

“Transfer happiness?”

“Yes, we believe that happiness can be transferred, so the staff of the nursing home should also pass happiness to the old man who lives here. It may sound a bit complicated, but the actual operation is very simple, that is, to make you happy, after Just pass on this happiness to the old man you want to take care of. “

While talking, the little nurse photographed his head. “I almost forgot. I haven’t introduced you to the nursing home yet. Let’s go. Let me briefly talk about the facilities here.”

After talking, the little nurse took Zhang Heng’s hand and walked to the other side of the corridor. She pointed to a spacious and bright room with a row of dining tables and stools, which looked like a room in the banquet hall. , You can tell the chef what you want to eat. “

“What do I want to eat? Or do I mean the old man I take care of?”

“Yes, what you want to eat. This is the staff cafeteria. The old man in the nursing home usually eats in his room. The staff can take the food cooked for them after eating here.” The little nurse sweetly said with a smile, “How about it, is it very simple.”


After 2 people came to another room, the nurse continued to introduce, “This is the game room, you can play some new video games on the market, if some old games are not available, you can also tell us to let our people To purchase, here you can choose to play against two people, of course, you can also play your own. In addition, the game room is also equipped with a beverage machine. Rest assured, you do n’t need money. “

“You still let the old man of your nursing home play a game console?”

“No, this lounge is also for employees. The old man in the courtyard also has their games room. The two sides do not interfere with each other.” The nurse replied, “Let’s go, let’s go to 2-Layer to see, there are A swimming pool, a basketball court and a badminton court. “

“These are also for employees.” Zhang Heng had already thought of something.

“No, the basketball court is for old men.” Seeing Zhang Heng’s eyebrows raised again, the little nurse Puchi laughed out loud, and then added, “Just kidding, of course, for employees, old The men have their own, well … not so intense exercise, in addition, I would also strongly recommend to you the 3-story spa room, believe me, you must try it once, and then you ’ll probably never leave it Now. “

“Will the welfare of your nursing home staff be very good?” Zhang Heng asked.

“Well, you are not the first person to ask this question, and it is estimated that it will not be the last one. I admit that this seems a bit strange, but do you remember the guidelines that our nursing homes follow-pass happiness, we believe that only let employees Only when I feel happy can I pass this happiness to the old man who lives here … “

“Thank you, Little Yi, just come here, just leave it to me here.” A voice came from the other end of the corridor, and then Miss F came out from there.

“Okay, sister F.” The little nurse named Little Yi put out her tongue and returned to the duty room to brush up 8 gossips.

After she left, Miss F also rushed to Zhang Heng nodded, “You are here.”

Zhang Heng un’ed, opened the mouth and said after paused, “You know what you are doing is actually meaningless, right.”

“It seems that you already know what this nursing home is for.” Miss F didn’t answer Zhang Heng’s question, just made a gesture to let Zhang Heng go upstairs with her.

“Well, you look at the clones who have been used as tools too poorly, so they rented them from their company. The obvious reason is to let them come here to work, when in fact just to let them take a break Take a breath, they are really cared for in this nursing home, not the old man. The so-called happy passing is just an excuse to avoid the company’s people from discovering the anomalies here after the memory of some of them is read. ,but……”

Zhang Heng paused, “You should know that these clones who are rented out to work odd jobs are at the bottom of the entire clone group, and their memories will be reset after each job, and they will never remember what happened here. Things, you are wasting your energy. “

“I don’t agree with you, otherwise I won’t show you that movie when we first met.” Miss F shook her head and then said seriously, “I answer your question, they may not remember this memory, But this experience is real, and their happiness is real. Even if there is only such a small section of time, at least they have actually lived in this world. “

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