48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1036

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“I don’t care about your theory about what the hell, this is fake news, because there is nothing wrong with my spirit, you know this very well.” Xu Qian said angrily.

Qiu Ming hearing this was not angry. Instead, he cut the apple in his hand and handed it to Xu Qian. He said softly, “You seem obsessed with distinguishing between true and false. Perhaps this is why we will eventually come to this step now. Originally, I had prepared aromatherapy, wine, and the bed was covered with rose petals. If I was in a restaurant before, when I pulled out my engagement ring, you ran without turning your head, leaving me alone as a fool, saying I would like these three words, we should have had a very pleasant and memorable night. “

Qiu Ming answered him with a crackling sound.

Instead of picking up the apple, Xu Qian slapped Qiu Ming directly.

She was unable to control her anger when she heard what a pleasant and unforgettable night, but Xu Qian couldn’t help but felt a little scared and shrank back.

Fortunately, Qiu Ming not at all turned over because of this slap. He still held the apple in his hand and waited quietly.

Half a minute later, Xu Qian couldn’t bear the increasing pressure and reached out to catch Apple.

However, Qiu Ming did not loose his hand immediately, instead he extended the other hand holding the knife. After the cold light flashed, the apple was cut into 2 petals. Qiu Ming then withdrew his hand and did not forget to urge his face Xu Qian, who was already scared, said, “Eat, this apple is quite sweet.”

Xu Qian didn’t have any mood to eat apples at this moment. She checked the hand she had just taken to get the apples immediately and relaxed before seeing the wound.

“Are you scared of me?” Qiu Ming asked back. “Actually, you don’t have to worry. People are emotional animals. We have been in contact for such a long time. I know what time you have your period. If there is another person in this world It ’s me who cares about you, so eat it. I ’m afraid you wo n’t be able to eat such a delicious apple in the future. “

Qiu Ming said that he had bitten the apple in his hand and signaled that it was not at all poisoned.

“What are you going to do to me?” Xu Qian’s teeth were trembling when he asked this sentence.

“Well, even if the meaning of the understood answer is anything, you can’t change anything.” Qiu Ming spread his hand.

“Will you kill me?” Xu Qian said, “It is said that the elderly clones can no longer generate enough value and will be pulled somewhere to perform euthanasia.”

“You really already know your identity.” Qiu Ming said with a smile. “No, no, you are still young and beautiful. It would be a waste to die like this. We will not waste resources.”

“Then what do you want to do to me? I’m a public figure. You can’t just rewrite my memory and throw me out again. I will be recognized by fans.”

“Of course not here, but in other places, those places where no one knows you, you can still start a new life there, of course, you can’t be as beautiful as it is now.”

“What does it mean when no one knows me?” Xu Qian puzzled.

But Qiu Ming did n’t mean anything. He finished eating the apple in his hand and pats the hand. “We ’ve talked a lot. Usually, things are much simpler. You accept the engagement ring and announce your retirement. Husband, we will enjoy a beautiful night together. Your memory will stay here. Of course, this will not last too long. In the end, you will completely forget this life.

“Speaking of which you are only one after another person who can chat with me before leaving.” Qiu Mingdao said, “How about, I am not bad to you.”

“What if I insist on not posting the retirement video?” Xu Qian gritted her teeth.

“You wouldn’t do it.” Qiu Ming shook his head. “You know you have no chance of continuing to fight. You succumb is only a matter of time. Even if you don’t retire the video, you can almost put the previous news and video. This matter is controlled within acceptable limits. Your hostility towards me is too great. In fact, compared to the enemy, you should treat me as a friend to help you. “

“Which friend have you seen who would cheat me by marrying into a wealthy man, erase my memory, and sell me to somewhere I don’t know?” Xu Qian was exasperated by Qiu Ming’s shameless.

“Perhaps you should look at this matter from a different angle. You are the anchor. It should be clear that no anchor can stay popular forever, so this kind of thing will happen sooner or later. My existence is to make this process more humane Take a look at your life, starting from scratch, starting with a lady welcoming from a small restaurant on the ground floor, defeating a competitor and being signed by an entertainment company, and then relying on your own efforts to reach today, becoming a little Fame, finally realized his life goals, married a handsome and handsome man, is it perfect? ​​You can also complete your curtain call in the eyes of others envious.

“Of course, we can also do a little tougher. For example, everyone now thinks that you ca n’t do this job because of the unstable mental state, and then you are also terrified and helpless. Look at you, from you The moment the eyes were opened, until now, it was like a fledgling blown out of the nest, shiver coldly, it might as well be happiness without knowing anything. “

Qiu Ming seems to be talking about Xingtou, and knowing that Xu Qian will be rewritten shortly afterwards, he will simply let go of the conversation completely. If you dig in, you can never really find the truth. Even if you feel that you have mastered the truth now, what you really get is actually a narrative method that you believe in. ”

“What is the truth?” Xu Qian said, “straightforwardly, tell me, I will shoot the retirement video as you said.”

“I honestly don’t know, I can only see the side that I am willing to believe in.” Qiu Ming sincerely said.

“Aren’t you curious at all, don’t you worry about what happened to me, will one day also come to your head?” Xu Qian still asked stubbornly.

“This is the difference between me and you. I am not obsessed with the truth,” Qiu Ming laughed. “Because the truth is painful, it can never be reached. The puppet and his constant search for who is holding the thread above his head. Here, it is better to perform well and enjoy your current life. This is a piece of advice I will give you before you leave. “

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