48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1049

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“But in recent years, the situation has started to change,” Qiu Mingdao said. “Someone secretly spread Baudrillard’s theory and was understood by the management of the branch, so he found Mr. G for accountability. Mr. G agreed to the meeting. After several weeks of investigation, he surrendered the disseminator, but the bad luck guys were said to have turned into corpses because of the fierce resistance when they were arrested again, and the management could not ask anything. And then Bu Bao Deria’s theory is still spread everywhere on the first floor.

“The explanation given by Mr. G is that it is difficult to be completely killed in theory. Even if you kill the first person who spreads, the people behind may continue to spread, but Mr. G also promised to try to contain the situation. Development, so the management accepted his approach.

“But things did not go smoothly afterwards. According to the statistics of the management in recent years, the name of Baudrillard in the first floor began to be known by more and more people, although the body delivered by Mr. G also became more and more Many, but at least it shows that his efforts not at all have gained too much effect, so the management is gradually losing patience with Mr. G.

“If it were not for the good management of the first floor by Mr. G over the years, the loss of Mr. G might lead to chaos and the management costs would increase significantly. Now the management should have won Mr. G, but the relationship between the two parties is also It has been deteriorating and becoming more and more tense. The police under the control of the management has had many conflicts with Mr. G. The management knows what Mr. G is planning. It is only a matter of time for the two parties to completely tear their faces. .

“Some time ago, there was news that Mr. G had ordered something from an Earth smuggler, which made the management very nervous. Since you are involved, it should be very clear that you are now standing here. Mr. G has got what he wants. “

“What do you want to say?” Zhang Heng asked.

“What I want to say is that you don’t need to worry that I will tell the company management that you are still alive, because we are actually people on the same front,” Qiu Mingdao said, “Mr. G was awakened because of me, of course. Because of this matter, I was also severely punished, and was demoted to become a recycling specialist, but I did n’t at all blame Mr. G. Actually, after he took over the first floor, the two of us remained quite close. contact.

“These connections are concealed from the management, otherwise how can he grasp the management endurance line so precisely by himself, have been walking on the edge but have only been verbally warned, until this time, the management It is difficult for the tier to agree on how to deal with him. “

“You are taking a lot of risks in doing this, why should you help someone who is demoted you?” Zhang Heng then asked.

“I told you that when I was a special agent, I had almost played all the games I could think of. I almost started to get bored with this city until I was wearing the” Symbol Exchange and The USB stick of “Death” was handed over to Mr. G. What happened after this made this World interesting again. I wanted to see what kind of fruit this tree I planted would end up bearing.

“On the other hand, although I ’m tired of my previous work, it ’s a bit irritating when I ’m so stunned. I have to admit that there are some private grudges in it. After all, my People have retained a lot of innate habits, repay their grievances with virtue, and continue to contribute to the building of this beautiful city. I really cannot do it. “

After Qiu Ming said these words, he looked to Zhang Heng and expressed his expectations.

As a result, the latter’s reaction was beyond his expectations, Zhang Heng shook the head, “It’s a pity that I’m not with you.”

“You are not Mr. G. Is it possible that is the inner ghost that the management has placed beside him?” Qiu Ming expression slightly changed, “This can explain why you can appear the top secret in the new Shanghai 0297.”

“Do n’t guess, I ’m not a member of the management team,” Zhang Heng indifferently said, “I only care about my own business and I ’m not with anyone. I help Mr. G just because I have a relationship with him. Trading only. “

“The two of us are quite similar.” Qiu Ming was slightly relaxed.

“No, I am different from you. I will not just manipulate and change the lives of others just to satisfy some of my own bad tastes, and I will not take this kind of thing as fun.”

“In this era, people like you who still have a bottom line and a sense of morality are really rare.” Qiu Ming was surprised. “When you are not sure whether you are still yourself, there will naturally be no more.” What moral restrictions can only be confirmed by a stronger stimulus than alive. “

“Is this the same with Mr. G?”

“No, Mr. G is different. His self-control has always admired me. When you know that the world you live in is full of lies and deception, it is not easy to maintain self-discipline, which shows that there must be a more grandiose in his heart. The goal, to be honest, his growth rate is really amazing. When I gave him “Symbol Exchange and Death”, I just wanted to see how the most powerful clones collapsed mentally.

“But what made me didn’t expect was that he quickly accepted his situation and turned Baudrillard’s theory into his most powerful weapon, using it to unite his followers and give them faith, He is a natural leader. “

“Since you are his ally, you should know what his plan to resist management is?” Zhang Heng asked.

“I’m afraid I will let you down. I don’t know what his plan is. In fact, even if he told me personally, I can’t be sure whether what he said is true or false, just like I can’t see you through, I haven’t seen him since he became the uncrowned queen in the first floor, but what I can tell you is that his picture must be very large, much larger than everyone thought.

“The biggest mistake the management idiots have made over the years is to underestimate his ambitions. He feels that he is like a dog in the emergency response team that year. He is a dog who will lose his flesh and bones and will meet his tail everywhere. The appetite has changed for a long time. Animals such as dogs were originally domesticated from wolves. When their owners can no longer feed them, they will stimulate them in the bones. In order to fill their stomachs , It doesn’t even mind eating its own owner.

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