48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1058

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Miss F arrived in time to finally let Zhang Heng take a breath.

He stopped and took what was thrown by the former, and tore off the tarpaulin above to reveal the [hidden sheath] below.

Before leaving for the 3rd floor, Zhang Heng asked Ms. F to help him take care of inconvenient props. This time the two sides met. Zhang Heng asked Ms. F to help him bring the [hidden sheath] to him in advance. This is why Zhang Heng The reason why you have to move closer to Miss F even if you take a great risk.

Because this knife is his real reliance on the challenge of hunting type VI robots.

Qiu Ming did n’t know whether it was his own illusion. When Zhang Heng held [Tibetan Sheath], his temperament changed. The previous embarrassment disappeared, and he was replaced by an unmatched strong momentum. .

Qiu Ming even tranced for a moment, feeling that the position of prey and hunter had changed.

And it was not just this thing that surprised him. The woman with a mechanical prosthesis on the other side actually had a tie with the type VI robot.

Although there is only less than ten seconds, the two sides are indeed equally divided within these ten seconds.

Regardless of strength or speed, Miss F’s mechanical prosthesis did not lose to the other party.

However, because there are too many weapons that can be attacked on the whole body of the hunting type VI robot, Miss F has not found any good attack opportunities, and only left 2 swords on the calf of the hunting type VI robot.

Her golden sword is already hard enough, but the robot that was cut in front of him can only leave a dent that is not deep and shallow, and that dent disappeared soon.

Miss F was also the first to see this kind of metal with self-healing ability, and the expression was slightly dignified.

In this way, she hopes that the battle strategy of accumulating a little advantage through the cooperation with Zhang Heng will also be ruined, and then at this time Zhang Heng’s voice came from behind her, “Here it is to me. . “

“You don’t need to rest for a while?” Miss F asked. She could see that the previous chase also consumed a lot of Zhang Heng’s physical strength.

As a result, the latter just spit out three words, “Enough.”

So Miss F, after fighting with the robot in front of him again, rolled back to the rear, and the Hunting Type VI robot stepped forward and wanted to take advantage of the pursuit, but didn’t expect was given by Zhang Heng who held the knife. Stopped.

It is a pity that its central control system cannot read Zhang Heng, which is different from the previous one, under the existing calculations.

Therefore, it directly waved the giant sword in the right hand to hit Zhang Heng, and this time Zhang Heng did not dodge like before, but chose to meet the sword with meet force with force, and the result was to retreat backwards. Several steps.

With the power of mankind, it is really unrealistic to want to contend with machines.

However, Zhang Heng did not want to win this confrontation, he just wanted to check how hard the [Tibetan Sheath] is compared to the Hunting VI robot, and also take a look at the non-healing effect of the [Tibetan Sheath] on the strange metal in front of him. Whether it is still valid.

And now the gap of about 2cm at the bottom of the giant sword has everything.

Zhang Heng moved a little sour wrist, and raised the [hidden sheath] in his hand again, this time when the giant sword in the hands of the type VI robot was hit again, Zhang Heng chose to bow to avoid After this sword, but then two metal sickle legs slashed at him.

At this moment, Zhang Heng also exerted his pace to the extreme, his calf tensed violently, crossed the first sickle, and then waved the “Tibetan Sheath” in his hand.

This blade was so fast that Qiu Ming’s eyes could not even keep up. When he reacted, he saw that one of the calves of the Hunting Type VI robot had left the body, spinning and flying into the sky, and finally inserted into the side Half of the wall of that building did not go in.

Qiu Ming sucked in a cold breath, he did n’t expect 2 people to fight again, it would be such a result, to know that each model of this type of robot is made of the strongest material, before Miss F ’s He has been surprised that the golden sword can leave marks on the robot, but it is too exaggerated to cut off one foot directly with a knife like this.

And this is just the beginning. Zhang Heng didn’t give the robot in front of him a breath, and soon cut the latter’s second foot.

It is a pity that the logic setting of the Hunting VI robot has never encountered a similar situation. The stretched legs of the head iron still want to meet Zhang Heng hard, so it lost another in just ten seconds. One leg, followed by Article 3, Article 4 …

Discarding the sickle foot not only lost the weapon, but also slowed down the speed of hunting the Type VI robot. In this way, it became the flesh of Zhang Heng and could not afford any more waves.

Zhang Heng was like a superb chef, and soon dismembered the eight feet of the Hunting Ⅵ robot after one after another, completely depriving the latter of his motivation, and could only move by two hands. .

It wasn’t until I saw here that Qiu Mingfang woke up like a dream, and reminded him, “It’s control center is in the lower abdomen.”

Zhang Heng hearing this but not at all anxious, first took some effort to cut off the robot’s shoulder, so that it could not move at all, and then pointed the “hidden sheath” to the abdomen of the latter, Zhang Heng At the same location, he even chopped 7 knives to cut through the shell, and finally destroyed the control center inside, thus ending the battle completely.

Qiu Ming on the side was full of an unreal feeling after witnessing everything.

He looked at the Hunting Type VI robot that had turned into a pile of scrap iron on the ground, and looked at Zhang Heng, who was still in the side of the sheath. It took a long time to reorganize the language, and exclaimed, “How is this Maybe, you solved a Hunting Type VI robot by yourself? Isn’t this guy a simulated robot? “

Zhang Heng didn’t answer his question, but pointed to Qiu Ming’s other robot that followed him step by step and stalked him. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t want this,” Qiu was obviously very innocent. “Remember what I told you before? After losing the signal, this thing will continue to execute the last command. The last command it should get is to follow the team. The rest of the police, now the police of the squad are dead, and we are the only two left, and it is keeping up with me. “

Zhang Heng looked towards Miss F, the latter was nodded and said, “I will take you to see Mr. G now. This robot can also be brought back together. Let our engineers study it. We already have many companions who have died in these things. In your hands. “

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