48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1064

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Feng Zi ordered the Hunting Type VI robot to shoot everyone, and then removed the obstacle in the middle of the road, allowing Zhang Heng’s vehicle to pass by, and then she controlled the robot to rush forward again.

Relying on the hunting type VI robot to open the way, Zhang Heng rushed through the four checkpoints in one breath, and finally got closer and closer to the white signal tower, but this is also the farthest distance he can drive. After 4 checkpoints, the road in front of him was directly cut by the excavator.

Zhang Heng stopped the car and walked down from the top with all his equipment.

In some places in front, the Hunter VI robot controlled by Feng Zi has been engaged with the guards there. The gunshots are loud, and there are some people ’s shouts, but soon, all this is calm again. .

Qiu Ming followed closely from behind and walked down from the car with a gun. He got up and walked with Zhang Heng through the dug road, guarding all around.

So far so far, with the modified Hunting Robot VI, the two people have almost no trouble, but I am afraid that the situation will not be so optimistic in the future.

In fact, Qiu Ming has already seen a scrapped type VI robot for hunting. In order to get rid of this robot, Mr. G’s side apparently also used blood, and used an unknown amount of explosives to directly blow the ground out of a depth of more than ten meters. The pit is like a huge meteorite crater. In addition to the direct blasting of the Type VI robot in the center, there are many human corpses all around. It seems that it should be a bad luck ghost that has not been evacuated to a safe area in time. He was buried with him.

At this moment, the two people also heard the explosion sound from the front, but this explosion was not at all so terrifying. It should be that the Hunting VI robot operated by Feng Zi was attacked by the rocket launcher and so on. The defense and self-healing capabilities of Type VI robots should not be too much of a problem.

Sure enough, after a while, the sound of the explosion disappeared.

Fengzi, who is 30 kilometers away, has completely red eyed by now. She sits cross-legged in an underground warehouse, surrounded by various pirated cheap dolls, and has a bottle at her feet to buy on vending machines before coming in. Coke, but because she has been fighting, she has no time to drink.

To be honest, when he first took over this robot, Feng Zi was still very careful in controlling it. In many cases, he would also subconsciously give dodge commands in the face of attacks, but with the passage of time, more and more battles have been experienced before Feng Zi can understand. What does Zhang Heng mean, “It’s okay, you just need to attack and not defend.”

Because this Hunting VI robot is too hard, Feng Zi found that general attacks would not cause any damage to this robot at all. Even if it is hard against rocket launchers, the deformed metal shell can quickly recover automatically.

This is not to blame Fengzi for being too cautious, mainly because she has seen the battle between Zhang Heng and the Hunting Type VI robot before. From the scene at that time, Zhang Heng only used a blade to cut this robot without any chance. At first, Feng Zi actually doubted the strength of this robot.

But now her experience is completely different. She feels like a brave man who picked up a god costume in the game. She directly changed from Xiaobai in Xinshou Village to a ruthless experience harvester, which also made her completely excited. It has become more and more unrestrained, and has even distanced Zhang Heng and Qiu Ming unconsciously.

As Feng Zi continued to verify the formidable power of the Hunting Type VI robot, Zhang Heng and Qiu Ming finally encountered the first stage battle of two people. During the course of walking, Zhang Heng suddenly opened his mouth and squatted to Qiu Mingdao.

Although the latter did not know why Zhang Heng said so, unlike Feng Zi, Qiu Ming had a clear enough understanding of Zhang Heng’s strength, so as soon as Zhang Heng spoke, he immediately squatted without the slightest hesitation.

And the next moment a bullet of a sniper rifle fell on the concrete road behind him.

Sniper! ! !

Without reminding Zhang Heng, Qiu Ming has already found the bunker and drilled in, and Zhang Heng on the other side is also hiding behind a stone slab.

“Do you need to call back the robot?” Qiu Ming asked.

“No, we can solve this little trouble ourselves.” Zhang Heng shook his head and then turned out the Lego bricks from the bag. It took two minutes to assemble a sniper rifle and inserted the [infinite bricks] into it. , Completed the last step of modernization.

Qiu Ming’s eyes almost didn’t stare. He didn’t know what words to use to describe his mood. The person who saw Mr. G directly used a drill to drill a hole in the 2-Layer space. He was shocked enough. However, he still knows how the other party did it, and Zhang Heng’s magic of building blocks is really like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. He can’t guess the principle at all.

Zhang Heng took a shot and immediately made a simple inducement trap. He took off his coat and propped it up with the barrel to find the bunker. About 3 seconds later a bullet passed through the coat and left on it. A hole.

Zhang Heng also roughly estimated the opponent’s position from the hole position and the previous shot. Afterwards, Qiu Ming made a wink and asked the latter to help him attract attention.

So Qiu Ming stretched his gun-hand out of his bunker and fired at the direction of the bullet, but the sniper in the distance at this time did n’t get fooled. He ignored the right shot by someone over there. Qiu Ming, instead turned the muzzle to the area where Zhang Heng was, holding his breath.

As a result, Kung Fu paid no attention to the person, next moment he saw a silhouette jumped out of the slate.

“Catch you!” A flash of joy flashed through the sniper’s eyes, pulling the trigger in his hand.

But when the bullets ejected from the gun barrel hit the target, the sniper in the distance was surprised to find that it was still just a coat, and there was nothing below.

The moment before he was still complacent about seeing Zhang Heng’s decoy tactics, didn’t expect next moment he tripped over the same stone twice, and this time the trip was fatal to him.

After the gunshots sounded, Zhang Heng had rushed out from the opposite direction. He spent a second and a half of Time Lock on the target in the distance, took another half a second to adjust his posture and breath, and then also pulled trigger.

Zhang Heng is aiming at the arm of the opposite sniper, but because of the terror kinetic energy of the bullet, the latter not only ca n’t shoot again after being shot, but also loses an entire arm, and may even lose blood if he is sent to the hospital late Direct death.

However, considering that his previous 3 shots were not polite, Zhang Heng was already looking mercilessly under Miss F’s face.

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