48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1072

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Less than 24 hours were left until the official round of the First Round agent war ended.

The enthusiasm of all players for eating melons has also increased unprecedentedly. Some people are idle and even brushing the official website every two minutes to see if there is any change in the ranking. Then take a screenshot to the forum water.

However, because the deadline is approaching now, the rankings, especially the top rankings, have gradually stabilized. The first is still the president of the arc of 2 points in the siege of February. The name was exceeded by a player named Tchaikovsky on the second battle line. He was only 2892 points lower than the siege score in February. His appearance also broke the arc’s monopoly on the top three.

But apart from the airborne without Tchaikovsky, there were no other changes in the top ten. The silver wing president Tian Ma, who was originally ranked tenth, was squeezed out of the top ten and ranked eleventh with 2240 points. Although the top 50 rewards are the same, for the big guild such as the silver wing, he failed to enter The top ten is a failure in itself and will bring a series of adverse effects.

For example, some people have taken pleasure in other people’s misfortune posts on the forum to analyze that Silver Wing has fallen behind the arc and the second battle line since the death of the former president, and fell into the 2nd echelon. It is recommended to put the Silver Wing Three guilds were expelled, but soon the members of the guild of Silver Wings replied below. The two sides then started a lip battle. You come and go, and the topic has gradually been taken off course. A Tianma can fight a boring problem like a siege in February.

As a result, at this time, a refreshing party suddenly found that the top ten rankings were refreshed again. Everyone on the list, including the Siege of February, retired one. Now the first place is a player named β Replaced by.

This is a terrifying thing, especially people later found that the three guilds kept silent on this matter collectively, and no one uttered a voice, which means that the player named β does not belong to any guild.

Independent player? So fierce? !! !!

Although the Internet has no memory, after all, it did n’t take long. Someone soon remembered that this β was the only player who scored more than 2 points in the 2 copies of the first stage agent war, and there was another player named Simon, He got the highest score of 1000 in First Stage, and everyone still does not know how he did it.

I can only continue to sigh that this guy is hanging up, but then the guy named Simon has his score forever fixed at 1475 points. Over time, more and more people believe that he will play in the future There was an accident in, so no one cares about him anymore.

As for β, it was only now that everyone found out that his ranking had just changed a few hours ago, and he came to the 37th place silently. Then, half a minute ago, he jumped to the top of the leaderboard.

Who the hell are you guys? !! And they connected two copies in one breath, without any rest in the middle.

Everyone in the forum ca n’t help but inquire about this player named β, but unfortunately, no one can tell his origins. In fact, before the end of the First Stage game, his score exceeded 1000 points. At that time, it attracted the attention of many people, but as famous as his score is his mysterious.

This guy named β is like jumping out of a stone. No matter whether it is in reality or in a game, no player has touched him, and naturally he cannot collect any information related to him.

However, when everyone felt that the first place in the first round of the agent’s war copy was actually won by an extremely mysterious independent player, no one thought that the position of the top ten on the leaderboard was refreshed again.

The mysterious player named β stayed in the first place for less than a quarter of an hour before being replaced by another player.

at first Everyone thought that the 3 Guilds had stunned some big tricks, but when they saw the name of the first, everyone was stunned, because now the number one is actually a familiar ID.

——Simon 3025 points.

Moreover, because of the sudden appearance of β at this time, some idle and boring people also checked Simon’s ranking. They can prove that just a few minutes ago, Simon’s score still only stayed at 1475 points in First Stage. In other words So far, this guy has only played 2 copies of the agent war so far, and as a result, he ranks first in the rankings, and he is the only one of the players who scored more than 3000, more than the β of the second place. Scored 2 points.

If the people who eat melons are just amazed by the sudden rise of β, they do n’t know what to say about Simon ’s sudden corpse.

——This tm is the stone hammer, right? !!

Speaker: Carousel

——If he really got 1475 points in the first stage, it is quite normal to get 2 points in the second game. It would be better to say that he could not get such a high score in the second game before he stoned him a cheat.

Speaker: Madrid is incredible

——Is Buddy of ls funny? Isn’t this cheating? !! !! !! You can show me more than 1000 points in one tm.

Speaker: Monkey Race

——If you ca n’t do it, it does n’t mean that others ca n’t do it. Is n’t the one named β who has also brushed more than 1000 points, and the president of the Light Arc February siege, there is also a game that is almost 2 points.

Speaker: Madrid is incredible

——But his 2 points in two games isn’t this too ridiculous? Are we really playing the same game? !! !! !!

Spokesperson: Xiongmao spread his wings


As more and more people noticed the long-lost name of the leaderboard first, the forum has also completely exploded, mainly because this guy named Simon has completely exceeded their common sense. If the First Stage game gets more than 1400 points It can also be explained by chance, then he scored more than 2 points in the second game to prove that this simply is not accidental.

But the problem is that no one knows how he did it. The mysterious β does n’t say that February Siege is now recognized as a Peak master by all players, and he serves him with the power of the entire guild, with an average of 2 games. The field score did not break 3, especially anyone who participated in the game knew that the more points later, the harder it was to earn. Simon Field was leading by 1000 points in the siege in February, which is somewhat exaggerated.

Soon a post on the forum “On whether players can achieve 1500 points per game” was topped the most popular place. The following comments have all kinds of brain holes, but no one can give a convincing The plan, but the reason for the parties is actually very simple.

After all, Zhang Heng spent a full 270 days in the previous copy. Although he rarely collected shellac records in the later period, because he had a purchase agreement with the gold digger before, the latter would still continuously He provided shellac records, especially when the time of copying was long enough, and the number of shellac records he accumulated became very impressive. So when Zhang Heng left the copy, he found that his ranking had been re-unconsciously. Back to the first in the list.

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