48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1076

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng quietly listened to Fan Meinan’s story, and then not at all gave any comments, just asked, “How much time do you have?”

“What do you ask, is my condition? I entered Phase IV about 2 months ago. If it is fast, it will be 2 or 3 months. It is optimistic that there may be half a year.” Failed at the funeral? “

“I’m also busy with some things recently, and I don’t think I can spare any time.” Zhang Heng threw the empty coke can into the trash can, and then took out his mobile phone, knocking on it, the first email It was sent out soon, and the second one was written soon.

Fan Meinan was stunned, but soon followed, “Then forget it, I still wanted to ask you to help me deal with the relics and so on, I also prepared a few game items as compensation, but it is estimated that you can’t see Too high, after all, you are already ranked first in the agent war, so I will go find someone else. “

“Do you have any friends here besides me?” Zhang Heng asked.


“I can send a reward on the forum.”

“Then the person you find sees what you are, and 80% took your props away.” Zhang Heng didn’t look up. “Why not push the time back and wait until I’m free and die?” . “

“Do you think I don’t want to live?” Fan Meinan put down the plastic fork in his hand. “But I have been abandoned by Loki and I have lost all my abilities. I can’t squeeze anything into it with plasticine and I can’t participate.” In this proxy war, because the organizing committee banned me, I could n’t even get in the ordinary copy. How could the first person on your list understand me ?!

“I am no longer the person in your World. Except for the few remaining props, I am no different from the ordinary person. Even the hospitalization money was deceived before, and it is almost spent. Like the Cinderella in a fairy tale, my bells, pumpkin carriage, and ball gown all disappeared after ten o’clock, and I changed back to the one sleeping in the restaurant dormitory. I can only watch ordinary girls who die a little bit. “

“I don’t think all your things are gone.” Zhang Heng said, “Aren’t you still mine? Since there is supernatural power in this world, there must be a cure for your illness.”

“Do you think I haven’t thought about this? I have contacted a lot of Chamber of Commerce, and they do not have the props I need, and the same is true on the auction. On the first day of the player forum, I hung out in the prop trading area. Want to post, but no one has contacted me until now. “

“Have you ever thought about it because you didn’t have enough chips and your ID doesn’t have any credibility? Props like this are definitely precious if they really exist, and most people will choose themselves Keep it, after all, no one knows himself, or when his important relatives and friends will use it, even if it is sold, it will not risk contacting a stranger on the forum. “Zhang Heng checked his own writing again. Something, and then click the send button.

“This is no longer important, anyway, I can’t afford the price of this thing now,” Fan Meinan said. “My ability to disguise is no longer valid.”

“I can pay for the good news.” Zhang Heng finished, his cell phone lighted up at the next moment, showing that he had received an email, and the sender was Ding 4, with only one sentence in it.

–is this real? ! ! ! ! !

The five exclamation marks at the back fully showed his inner shock, Zhang Heng replied.

——Yes, just post it like this.

Then Ding 4 returned almost in seconds.

——No problem, we would have inspected the goods if someone else entrusted us according to the requirements, but Mr. Simon’s words, we can fully trust you, as long as you take the time to come to our headquarters within 2 weeks. And this matter itself is also a good advertising opportunity for us.

——Working hard.

Zhang Heng finished sending it, put away his phone, and said to Fan Meinan, “Let’s go.”

“Where are you going?” Fan Meinan looked a little dazed.

“Go talk to your former employer.” Zhang Heng indifferently said.


At the same time, the player forum on the other side exploded once again.

The dragon wars, the tiger battles on the leaderboard tonight, successive reversals are even more exciting than TV series, first βby the strength of oneself, the 3rd guild ranked first in the list, and it was not long before Simon was overtaken , And soon some people dug out Simon ’s First Round agent war and played only two games of fierce material, so that the players have no reason to talk about whether Simon has opened the question. The traffic to the forum has made history tonight By the way, many usual diving parties were also bombed out.

At this time, the official account of Foulou, which was certified by the forum, actually posted another post, so that Simon, who was originally curious and hotly discussed by countless people, once again stood on the cusp of the storm.

——Purchasing curative props or solutions, requiring the ability to cure late rare diseases, no repercussions, remuneration … 2010000 points (the customer does not have enough points at present, according to the regulations, a B-Rank prop is used for payment guarantee, and the payment cannot be completed In the case of, the B-Rank prop will be used instead to complete the transaction)

2010000 points trading reward? ! ! And the payment guarantee is still a B-Rank prop! ! !

The whole forum is completely sensational! ! !

To know that the general copy can get dozens of points in one game, 2010000 points are an astronomical number for any player, not to mention B-Rank props.

So far, only a total of 2 a-level items have appeared, and one of them disappeared quickly, so the B-Rank item is basically the strongest item available to players, and the number is equally pitiful, almost on the market. There is no B-Rank item circulation, like the “death dream” that appeared on the previous auction, it is completely an accident. The 3 guilds cannot decide who is holding it. They have to choose the public auction method as a last resort, and it is almost certain that the “death dream” ] Will fall into the pocket of one of the guilds, but didn’t expect was later deceived by the Sunglasses woman.

Considering that Simon obviously does not have 2010000 points, that is to say, he will probably pay with that B-Rank item in the end, and this is the first time that players have publicly traded B-Rank items, and the trader is still on the leaderboard. Simon, now ranked first.

Soon, the traffic record just created by the forum was refreshed again, and more and more posts discussed this matter.

——Simon wants to buy props for healing. Is he suffering from any terminal illness?

Speaker: Ice Shrimp

——Not necessarily, it may be relatives and friends and so on, after all, the terminal illness is still so fierce and a little unrealistic.

Speaker: Ball Lightning

——Ken took out a B-Rank prop, this person must be very important to him.

Speaker: Little Tail

——It is worthy of being the first player on the leaderboard, and he is too courageous. Although everyone had speculated that he should have B-Rank or above props on his body, this is equivalent to directly admitting that he has B-Rank props on his body. And he does not belong to any guild, so he is not afraid of being targeted.

Spokesperson: Cut down the boy

——In this world, does anyone really dare to play Simon ’s idea?

Speaker: Little Tail

——No in theory, after all, no one would think that his life is long, but after all, it is a B-Rank prop, and Simon has only one person, at most plus his teammates, in this world there is always no shortage of want to gamble A handful of people.

Speaker: Revolver

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