48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1082

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Zhang Heng glanced at the ward card in front of another window and saw the name of the aunt above.

—— Wang Lirong.

Like her people, this is a very common name. The admission time is after Fan Meinan. According to Fan Meinan’s view, the original patient on this bed was a female Teacher, and the female Teacher was discharged from Fan Meinan after staying in the hospital for almost two weeks. Later, Wang Lirong moved in.

Because he is still on the wanted list of the three major guilds, Fan Meinan maintains considerable vigilance even when he is treating illnesses, and pays special attention to the people around her. She also spent time to find out Wang Lirong. The bottom is thin.

Wang Lirong ’s age is definitely not a player, and the nurse and son who contacted her have ruled out the possibility of players after Fan Meinan ’s investigation and temptation, so Fan Meinan also completely put down Heart comes.

Besides, Wang Lirong has a good temper and personality. No one came to see Fan Meinan alone, and she often distributed the fruit milk and so on brought by her son to Fan Meinan. The relationship between the two Very harmonious. At the same time, because of Wang Lirong’s ears, Fan Meinan usually does some small actions, such as walking out in the middle of the night to eat instant noodles and so on. She doesn’t know at all, it can be said to be the most perfect roommate.

Therefore, Cheng Sihan doubts Wang Lirong, Fan Meinan still ca n’t believe it, but she also knows how strong Loki ’s camouflage ability is. All the gods were turned by Loki, and Cheng Sihan I only got a small amount of power from Rocky and could turn the dizzy heads of the three big guilds, so Wang Lirong, who had nothing on the surface, was really camouflaged by Rocky, but it was not impossible.

But now that the problem is coming, even if it is suspected that Wang Lirong is disguised by Rocky, the three of them seem to have no means to confirm this.

Zhang Heng until now The proud observation time this time is likely not to play much role, because if the skill level is used to quantify, Loki ’s camouflage skills are estimated to have reached the level of lv5, Standing with True Master, even if the target’s own son stands here, I’m afraid I can’t tell which is true and which is false.

Although Zhang Heng ’s body also has [Oath Ring] for lie detection, it is only an F-quality prop after all, it is okay to deal with ordinary person, but meets the level of God of Rocky I ’m afraid it ’s not enough to look at. Loki is, after all, a god of lies and mischief, an expert in manipulating lies.

And the [Oath Ring] is estimated to come from an ancient god with a loyal affix in the priesthood. Even if he is not forgotten by now, it would n’t be too good to want to come to the situation, let him confront Loki positively Purely embarrassing.

Zhang Heng turned his head to ask Cheng Sihan, how sure was she?

—— 30%.

Cheng Sihan seriously considered typing for half a minute. This grasp is obviously not satisfactory, but considering that the opponent is Rocky, 30% is not too small. But the trouble is due to Rocky’s alertness. The three of them may have only one chance. If they pick the wrong person, they will be noticed by Rocky and it will be very difficult to catch him again.

—— Do you have any other suspicions? Zhang Heng also took over Cheng Sihan’s mobile phone typing channel.

—— Yes, when we came in just now, let us be the little nurse who registered, the head nurse at this level, the attending physician of my younger sister.

Cheng Sihan listed three people who were most accessible to Fan Meinan in one breath.

-Are you so sure that he must be in the hospital?

Fan Meinan on the side couldn’t help asking.

—— Not necessarily, there is nothing for Rocky that is certain, but the probability of him being in the hospital is indeed the biggest, because here is the best theater location for him, you are here , He can observe your emotional changes every day, see if you are entangled in pain to complete his test, and the test he gave me is to kill you, so if I want to complete my test, I have to come to the hospital, With his character, he will certainly reserve himself a seat immediately, whether it is me who killed you in the end, or the two of us realized that they were cheated, which is very interesting to him.

—— One person is still on your suspicion list.

Zhang Heng Road.

—— Who is it?

—— Wang Lirong ’s escort, she has always been with Fan Meinan, and compared with Wang Lirong, she is more easily overlooked because of her escort status.

—— In this way, the range of choice has been expanded.

Cheng Sihan frowns saying, then type.

In fact, in addition to these main suspects, there are also the security guards of the hospital and the patients in the next room, even the gecko outside the wall and the stray cats around the area may be Rocky.

—— No matter which of them is Loki, there will be a hard fight next, I will go to the train to get the weapon first, you can stay here first, try not to cause his suspicion, Please contact me at any time.

After finishing the last paragraph, Zhang Heng put away his mobile phone. It must be useless to deal with Rocky ’s ordinary weapons. Zhang Heng has n’t really understood how he killed Baima Knight until now. It is just speculation that it is related to the strange power that is awakening in his body, but he has not yet mastered this power. In contrast, the weapon in his hand is more reliable, especially a few B-Rank props.

Both [Tibetan Sheath] and [Plague Bone Bow] should cause damage to Loki.

Before leaving, Zhang Heng also hugged Fan Meinan, and after seeing this scene, he was frowned and looked away. Zhang Heng subsequently opened the mouth and said, “I give you sisters After a while, we finished talking about what we should say, and then we went to find Loki. “

After he finished, he walked out of the ward, so only Cheng Sihan and Fan Meinan were left in the room, and no Wang Lirong who knows his true identity.

The atmosphere is a little awkward, Fan Meinan still has to cooperate with Zhang Heng to continue the show, so after a while she asked Cheng Sihan, “Do you want to drink something, I have white water here And milk. “

” White water. “Cheng Sihan’s attention was on Wang Lirong, who was sleeping sideways, a little absent-minded.

So Fan Meinan turned and walked to the bed counter, opened the cabinet, found a disposable plastic cup from inside, and then bent over to get the thermos on the ground.

As a result, mutation suddenly emerged at this time, and I saw Cheng Sihan withdrew his gaze towards Wang Lirong, and walked quietly behind his younger sister, and landed on the counter before grabbing it again. The fruit knife, and then gently shouted “beautiful man.”

Fan Meinan turned this around, somewhat puzzled, “What’s the matter?”

The result is The moment she turned around, a fruit knife without the slightest hesitation thrust into her heart.

“Sorry, younger sister.” Cheng Sihan said indifferently, “I won this test.”

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