48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1086

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Si Sihan was silent for an extra long time at this time, her body was also shaking slightly with the subway car, and the billboard outside the wall flashed quickly, as if it was a mime.

“If I let go of the idea of ​​saving my father, would I be able to see Loki and rediscover my ability.”

“Of course.” Beta said, ” Although the game organizing committee stipulates that the gods can only choose one agent, but you know Teacher, he never put these rules in his eyes. “

” OK, then I give up to save my Adoptive father. “Cheng Sihan said indifferently.

“I knew you would say that,” β laughed hehe, “Come with me.” She finished standing up from the position, and the subway by chance also came to the station again. The door of the carriage opened again.

β got out of the car, but not at all took Cheng Sihan to the direction of the exit, and did not go to the place to take the elevator to change, instead walked to the end of the platform, waiting After the subway drove away, the staff jumped off the platform while inadvertently, and flashed into the side tunnel.

Cheng Sihan hesitated and jumped along.

Then I saw β bounced forward, and at the same time did not forget to remind Cheng Sihan behind him, “Be careful of your feet.”

Cheng Sihan was snorted, also Quickly followed along, and the two heard the trembling sound of the track before they walked farther and farther.

Cheng Sihan ’s heart tightened, reminding, “The subway is coming.”

“I know.” βlaughed, but it did n’t mean anything to avoid, but paid Feet stood in the middle of the rails, eyes closed, and after about ten seconds, a fast subway came from the darkness, rubbing her body and driving her hair.

The whole scene is threatening but not dangerous.

βeyes opened, blinked, “Look, it ’s the car next door.”

“You do n’t have such good luck every time.” Cheng Sihan coldly said.

“It ’s not luck, the car on our side has just passed by, so I know it must be the car next door.” She said after she broke her grin and added, “But this time comes It ’s the car on our side. “

After she jumped out of the track, she put her body against the wall behind her, and Cheng Sihan behind her also learned her appearance and clung to the tunnel. The walls, next moment The railroad tracks shook wildly again.

Another subway drove out of the darkness, and β was right. The cars from this time are from their side. The high-speed subway is formed from the whistled past in the ear of Cheng Sihan. Her face stung slightly from the air current.

When the subway passed, Cheng Sihan reopened, and the tone was calm, “I let you take me to see Rocky, not playing a guessing game here.”

“Don’t worry,” β said, “We are about to reach the destination soon.”

Then the two walked for about two minutes, and β finally stopped, pointing to the front wall There was an iron gate on the road, “That’s right there.”

While talking, she walked to the iron gate and found an iron key from her pocket to unlock the lock. , Climbed down the ladder below.

Although this iron gate that suddenly appeared in the tunnel looks suspicious, there is no other choice for Cheng Sihan at this time, because the next subway is coming soon, so She could only gritt her teeth and climbed down some rusty iron ladder.

As a result, the scene below surprised Cheng Sihan slightly.

No one thought that there was a platform under the subway tunnel, but it seems to have been abandoned for a long time, or more precisely, it should have never been put into use, and there are a lot of construction waste piled up in it. The dust under my feet doesn’t know how thick it has accumulated.

β tuned the phone to flashlight mode, took a look around all, and explained, “Here there was also a subway line in the original urban planning, but later the plan was changed halfway through construction. This line It was abandoned. “

” I seem to have heard of a similar view before, and thought it was just an urban legend. Was it true? “Cheng Sihan frowned.

“Well, many rumors will have a source,” beta said, “but there are not many people who can find this source.”

“Loki is most recently hidden in Is it here? “

” No, no, Teacher does n’t like this shady and abandoned place, he just came here to visit a friend, I told you, he did n’t see you tonight. There are other things to do, in fact, if it is not you have been strongly demanded, I will not bring you here. “

” Who will he visit, who will live in this kind of place? “Cheng Si Han asked.

“I honestly neither know nor care.” βshrugged, “You let me take you to find him, I will bring you over, I have completed the agreement between us, so later You have to go your own way. “

However, Cheng Sihan on the side didn’t want to let her go. Instead, he drew a small knife from his body and held it in his hand.

β was a little surprised, because she did n’t find this knife when she searched for Cheng Sihan.

Cheng Sihan spoke indifferently said, “I thought about what you said on the subway, and found that what you said is quite reasonable, I really like to have someone to accompany me to speak to solve the problem and so on , And you like to talk so much, it is really appropriate. “

” But I have finished what I should say tonight, and I am just a little thirsty now, so I am anxious to buy water and drink What about. “Beta spreads his hands.

“It’s okay, you can’t die if you drink less sips of water.” Cheng Sihan said while moving towards β, but didn’t expect next moment β turned off the flashlight of his phone directly Function, so the whole platform fell into the darkness again, only a little light exposed from the billboard above the iron gate.

With this light, Cheng Sihan saw that β jumped off the platform again and ran towards the tunnel in front, so she also caught up without the slightest hesitation, but ran out of about 20 The meters are getting darker and darker in front of me, and I can hardly see the road in front of me.

Cheng Sihan does n’t want to go deeper into that darkness because she instinctively feels a dangerous breath, but if she stops here, she will probably lose β, Zhang She also knows Heng’s plan that his agent β is the best bargaining chip to induce Loki to appear if Loki cannot be found.

Therefore, Cheng Sihan just hesitated and continued to chase. At this time, she could not see anything, and it was stumbling when she ran, but fortunately, the situation of the previous β is also not optimistic. Neither of them could mention the speed, so they chased and ran away in the dark, throwing about two hundred meters away, and Cheng Sihan was able to catch up with the previous β, but the footsteps of next moment β suddenly appeared. Disappeared.

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