48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1096

—— Yemengarde, the second child of Rocky and the giantess Angel Burda, the younger brother of Fenrir, the big brother of Hella, the deadly enemy of Thor Thor, rumored to have a huge body The boa constrictor was regarded as a major threat to Asgard by the god Odin as soon as he was born.

So Odin threw it into the bottomless deep sea of ​​Mortal World when Yemenga was young. When Yemenga grew up, his body became bigger and bigger, stretching his body, just right He bit his tail and wrapped the whole Mortal World, which is also known as the giant snake surrounding the atrium.

In the dusk of the gods, Ye Mengjia met his dead enemy Thor, and a fierce battle broke out between the two. Eventually Tor was hit with his Thor ’s hammer. Yemengaard’s head, and Yemengaard also injected venom into Thor’s body within the body, the two perish together.


“I should have thought about it earlier, the Ouroboros itself means both the beginning and the end, there is an endless loop, which is why we are caught In the tunnel that never ends, there are those construction workers who are suffering from strange diseases. They should have been poisoned by Yemengad in unconsciously, and it is also the sperm whale that Yemengad used to swim in the deep sea Bring here to feed the snakes in the tunnel. “Zhang Heng said.

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