48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1108

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Zhang Heng had seen the garden in the center of the labyrinth through the camera on the drone.

However, if it is not really standing here, it is difficult to believe that this extremely desolate, red island with no creatures other than the snake embryos in the pebbles will have a beautiful garden so lively.

It ’s like an oasis in Desert.

When Zhang Heng reached the gate of the garden, the rumble behind him disappeared.

It seems to realize that Zhang Heng can no longer be stopped, the red mud walls have stopped changing, and the entire maze has returned to its original state of rest. It was at this time that a breeze blew through, and the vegetation in the garden also followed. The swaying is like welcoming the arrival of new guests.

But Zhang Heng did n’t have anything to do as a guest at all. He inserted the [hidden sheath] back to his waist, took off the [Plague Bone Bow] behind him, and put the [Arrow of Paris] I put it on the bow string, keeping the half-open bow posture, and walked into the garden after doing all this.

Oncoming is a burst of floral fragrance, mixed with jasmine and osmanthus in the air.

The flowering dates of these two flowers are not the same. It is rare to see them blooming at the same time in the outside world. However, this garden seems to have some magical powers. In fact, it is not just jasmine and osmanthus. Zhang Heng Looking around all around, I saw flowers such as tulips and corn poppies a little further away, and each flower looked in good condition, showing no signs of decay.

However, with the constant deepening of Zhang Heng, there was still a smell of faintly discernable smell in the air. The smell was not strong, but even the floral fragrance of the courtyard could not be covered.

For Zhang Heng, this smell is the best road sign, guiding him into the depths of flowers.

Zhang Heng noticed that the more he moved forward, the lower the terrain, and at the same time the flowers and trees around him became more lush, and the branches with trees stretched even covering a square of 100 meters At this time, it was difficult for the drone overhead to provide Zhang Heng with any vision, so Zhang Heng simply retracted it into his travel bag.

After walking for about five minutes, the smell in the air became stronger and stronger, and Zhang Heng also raised his alert level. The opponent he will face this time is the Nordic mythology. The famous monster python Yemengad, and now he is located in the other party’s old nest, Zhang Heng certainly will not be naive to think that Yemengad will know nothing about his arrival, like the old man outside the labyrinth. He is regarded as a potential believer on the new island.

So far, there has been no movement in the python, or the other party has not put him in the eye, waiting for Zhang Heng to come and feed it, or it is hiding in this garden Somewhere in the quiet observation of the new enemy.

In contrast, Zhang Heng of course still hopes that Ye Mengjia will choose the first plan. The legendary power of this python has been unmatched. If you add the cautious crafty character, then I am afraid this battle will be more difficult than expected.

Zhang Heng was about to pass through most of the gardens at this time, and because of the sinking terrain, he estimated that he should be approaching the sea level now. Zhang Heng even heard the sea water The sound of the reef washed away, and when he walked out about 20 meters away, the trees and flowers in front of him finally disappeared.

It was also at this time that Zhang Heng realized that the central position of this red island was actually hollow, and there was a reef beach in front of him. Obviously, what channel under this reef beach could be connected to the outside world? , Sea water can flow here along that channel.

But Zhang Heng has long been concerned about this kind of thing at this time, because right in front of him, there is a connected red reef, which is extremely huge, like a throne , Towering in the sea, and now the throne is entrenched in its king.

—— A black python.

Zhang Heng initially estimated that the body length of the thing has exceeded 400 meters. Although it is not as endless as the legend, it can also be formed in a circle along the school ’s playground runway. No wonder it can be in the deep sea. Hunt sperm whales in the middle, and you can easily drag the sperm whales all the way to the station.

The size of its head is more than that of a locomotive. A pair of yellow eyes are staring closely at Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng can feel the strong maliciousness contained in it. apart from this it also has a black scale. When its body starts to move, the scales and the red rocks collide with each other, making a heart-rending rubbing sound.

Zhang Heng is also not polite. Immediately, the bowstring is filled, and this kind of post-control will probably only happen in the wuxia novel. In the actual battle, the person who obviously grabs the first hand is more advantageous. Considering black python With that exaggerated size, Zhang Heng pointed his arrow at his opponent without any need to aim.

Besides, [Arrow of Paris] has the function of locking the target itself, Zhang Heng even releases his finger without any further fine-tuning, the next moment [Arrow of Paris] comes out of the string .

Zhang Heng did n’t try it with ordinary arrows first, because the scales on the black python would not be seen by ordinary ordinary arrows at first glance, so Zhang Heng did n’t waste time and used them directly. [Arrow of Paris].

Although [Paris ’s Arrow] is just a C-Rank item, and it has only the lethality of ordinary arrows, but because of its unique characteristics, it has played a remarkable role in previous battles. Zhang Heng I didn’t expect this arrow to really hurt the black python in front of my eyes. As long as I could find the weakness of Yemengaard immediately, this C-Rank item would be considered Perfection to complete the task.

But what made Zhang Heng didn’t expect was [Arrow of Paris] who had been trying so many times before. This time it was a rare miss in front of Yemengad.

This arrow was originally directed towards Yemengad, but when flying to Yemengad, about five meters away, I do n’t know why I lost all my motivation for that reason. I fell helplessly from in midair.

And Zhang Heng did n’t even have time to pick it up from the sea water. Because the black python on the reef has also been moved, it seems that did n’t expect the tiny human in front of him actually dared to attack first. Although this arrow shot by Zhang Heng did not hurt it, it did succeed. It angered.

There is something burning in the eyes of the pair of yellow eyes. Python twisted its body and crawled down the reef. It did n’t even attack. When its body fell in the sea The huge waves that were stirred up at that time were already shot towards Zhang Heng.

But then the black python was surprised to find that the human in front of it was not at all fleeing as imagined, but just stood in the same place and stretched out a hand. When that huge wave touched Zhang Heng’s palm, it actually divided into two from the middle!

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