48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1122

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Zhang Heng went back to school and took a shower. By the way, he cut his hair at the barber shop in the vicinity, and then found that he received an application from a WeChat friend.

Zhang Heng originally thought it would be a tea girl or a fairy jump and so on, intending to refuse directly, but after seeing the name of the note, he changed his mind and passed.

It did n’t take long to greet each other.

—— Hi.

Zhang Heng also politely returned a hi.

—— I hope I have n’t bothered you. I ’ve calculated the next time. It should be afternoon on your side. The last time you said it would come in July, the time is almost the same, so you Is there a specific itinerary there?

Zhang Heng ’s WeChat is not someone else, it is the female student translator Song Jia he found on the travel online before, the latter and he reached an initial employment intention, will be responsible for Zhang Heng ’s subsequent Greenland Provide translation and guidance.

Zhang Heng typing.

—— Do you also play WeChat? Well, I’m already ready to go. I can’t fully determine the itinerary for the time being, but I plan to hire you for a month, and I will decide where to go in this month, even if it is not in the last month. Will pay according to a month.

—— Is that so.

Repeated three words across, Zhang Heng can feel Song Jia hesitating, although Greenland is her hometown, after all, she is only a female student, and she has to be different from another in a month. A strange male gets along, and does not know the specific itinerary, will naturally be unable to bear to whisper.

Zhang Heng did n’t rush, waiting quietly for the other party to make a decision.

About half a minute later, Song Jia ’s ideological struggle finally came to fruition. She still had difficulty refusing the generous reward from Zhang Heng, so she replied.

—— WeChat was recommended to me by a previous employer. I also communicated with employers. By the way, I also have multiple windows for understanding your country. If you are not convenient to tell me the specific itinerary, you can Tell me roughly the purpose of coming to Greenland, is it a business trip, a personal trip, or buying a property and so on?

—— Scientific adventure.

Zhang Heng replied.

—— Oh, are you here to study the glacier, how many people are there in the team? There are also some research teams from other countries. Would you like me to introduce you?

Song Jia seems to have misunderstood something. Hearing Zhang Heng ’s answer is not only relaxed, but also becomes enthusiastic. After all, scientific research personnel are relatively high-quality groups, and reception will be safer and more worry-free.

—— I do n’t have a team and I do n’t study glaciers, but my expedition did have some relationship with glaciers.

—— Climate?

—— No.

Song Jia heard that Zhang Heng did n’t want to talk too much on this topic, so he did n’t ask more.

—— Scientific adventure? Ok, I am understood, I will make some preparations for this aspect, we will meet and talk about the specific situation.

—— Okay.

Zhang Heng ended the conversation with Songjia, and then he went through Fan Songjia’s circle of friends again.

Songjia should have started using WeChat a year and a half ago. In addition to communicating with employers in advance, she should also keep in touch with many people. She will occasionally distribute landscape photos or her own in the circle of friends. Self-timer, it looks normal, and it is consistent with her student status.

Every photo has a date displayed on WeChat, which also ruled out the possibility of rushing to work in the near future, but Zhang Heng still has n’t completely given up his vigilance because there are many people who are staring at him now, Korono Needless to say, Giustia, Bartender Young Lady, and even Rocky seemed to be showing great interest in him.

None of these people is someone who is easy to deal with, and to this level of opponents, many conventional judgment standards are no longer applicable, and Zhang Heng has to repeatedly improve his own Caution, Song Jia is the translation he chose. Until now, not at all revealed any anomalies, but Zhang Heng will not trust the other party.

However, he can wait for him to go to Greenland Island. Now, we still have to solve the problem of the first fund paid to Fulou.

Zhang Heng glanced at the starfish, and there was still some time before dinner, so he decided to sit in the library for a while, found a book about glacier exploration and flipped it over, and sorted it down by the way. A copy of the harvest.

A copy of the agent ’s war itself is not at all any props and points can be obtained. For ordinary players, it is basically impossible to learn new skills, but due to Zhang Heng ’s own copy time extension effect, it is completed. After the main mission, he still has time to continue to improve himself.

It ’s just that with the continuous rounds of game clearance, his skill system has become more and more perfect. In this world, I ’m afraid no one has more skills than he has mastered. From language to driving of various mechanical equipment, combat skills, makeup, reasoning, and even art appreciation, he has been involved.

Although compared to the vast science and human civilization, the knowledge he has now is only a small part of the insignificant, there are still unlimited fields waiting for him to explore, but the improvement in strength is indeed It became less and less obvious.

This is also the inevitable law of the development of all things. In plain language, Zhang Heng has now reached the bottleneck. Although he can still continue to improve himself in the future, the marginal returns are indeed decreasing.

So in the bodyguard copy, Zhang Heng spent a lot of time thinking about his next direction of development.

Feng Zi is idle and bored, and also gives him some suggestions from the perspective of bystanders.

She pulled her finger and said, “You are the strongest person I ’ve ever seen, there is no one, there are almost no weaknesses, not even the cloned warriors of the memory-encoded Shengcheng Morgan Emergency Response Team. Your opponents, reaction, judgment, combat skills, and analytical skills are all cream of the crop in the world, but they are limited by the human body, and you are basically about to touch the ceiling of battle strength. “

“So, are you going to suggest me the next step in human body transformation?” Zhang Heng opened a can of beer and took a sip.

“No,” Feng Zi took the beer from someone’s hand and sat next to him. “I suggest you … think about exercising your spirit.”

“I’m exercising.” Zhang Heng said.

At the end of the Kyoto copy, if there is no mental exercise and the sudden enlightenment of the final battle with Okita, his Blade Technique ca n’t break through to lv4, in fact any one of the combat skills is exercised to the most. The ultimate is basically the unity of spirit and body, which is probably what the ancients called Myriad Laws Return To One.

However, Zhang Heng does not have as much focus on mental exercise as after all. After all, this thing sounds very mysterious, far less intuitive and practical than the change in skill level. In addition, Zhang Heng is also different from ordinary person His emotional loss is almost the same, so he naturally resists all kinds of negative emotions, and he does n’t need deliberate training and learning at all, he can achieve face does n’t change at a critical juncture.

As a result, mental exercise is not as effective for him.

However, Feng Zi seems to be particularly obsessed with this matter and took a sip of beer. “Don’t you ever think that one day you will find those lost feelings? Have you ever thought about being in that state?” How to fight? “

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