48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1126

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In order to make time for the subsequent trip to Greenland Island, Zhang Heng had little rest at this time, and he returned to the game point 2nd day after meeting with Han Lu to discuss financing.

At this time, the school has basically been on holiday. I can feel that the students in the bar have obviously increased. The air is full of hormonal smell. Zhang Heng crowded the crowd and came to the iron ladder. Before, the player number on the arm was displayed, and then walked up.

When I opened the door, I saw the bartender Young Lady sitting at the bar as usual, paddling, playing NS, and seeing Zhang Heng just raised his eyelids slightly, “Come?”


The two acted as if something had never happened on the red island. Zhang Heng never questioned the bartender Young Lady from beginning to end. Will appear there, and the latter has no meaning to explain at all.

However, after the little monster in front of a, bartender Young Lady finally put down the game console in her hand, stood up again, and found a tule tree box from under the bar and pushed it to Zhang Heng In front of you.

“Your new props have been identified.”

Zhang Heng took the tule tree box, opened it, and saw the golden scales inside, apart from this and the above one A card, above is the result of this identification.

[Name: Dustscale]

[Quality: C]

[Function: The wearer incorporates Dustscale into the body, which can be obtained when needed Significantly improved strength, but it will produce certain repercussions after use, mainly manifested as detachment, rest can be restored. 】

The effect of [Earthscale] is very simple and direct. It is the most common power-up equipment in rpg games, which is in line with Yemengaard ’s positioning. However, this brutal attribute has to be said to enhance practical It is also the best.

Whether it is in combat or in the face of some special circumstances, this prop has strategic significance, but after reading the role attribute, Zhang Heng has some objections to the description.

“What does it mean to be included in the body? I’m not a snake, fish, or any other scale animal, and I can’t make this scale grow on me.” Zhang Heng said.

“This is simple.” Bartender Young Lady said, “Show your chest.”

Zhang Heng hearing this took off his T-shirt, the bartender Young Lady ’s gaze walked around his pectoral and abdominal muscles, whistled, and then stopped at the position of the heart. “Just here, this scale can also provide some protection for your heart cavity. “

After she finished speaking, she directly cut the skin of Zhang Heng ’s left chest with that scale, the wound was very shallow, and the scale could be entered within 1 mm, but the next moment A magical thing happened. I saw that the golden scales were like life, and I started to drill into Zhang Heng’s chest.

The whole process lasted for about one minute. In the end, the golden scales completely disappeared into Zhang Heng ’s body and could no longer be seen from the outside. During this period, Zhang Heng did not feel any pain.

After another half minute, even the wound was disappeared.

The hands of the bartender Young Lady pats, “Okay, just use the hammer three times in the chest when using it, and then use Lunwen to silently remember the name of Yemenga in your heart.”

The young bartender Young Lady finished demonstrating the pronunciation twice for Zhang Heng to let the latter remember.

Zhang Heng knew that Luenwen was a language used by the Germanic people in Northern Europe, but it was later replaced by Latin and gradually disappeared. But now it has been discovered that some people have started to use Lunwen for divination.

Zhang Heng is preparing to go to the deck after accepting [Earthscale], didn’t expect was called by bartender Young Lady again.

“Wait, there is one thing for you.”

“en?” Zhang Heng hearing this was a little unexpected, because this time he only had one more item to be identified by the bartender Young Lady, which is now the “Earthscale” on him.

“The first round of agent wars is over, and everyone in the top 50 has a small gift. Have you forgotten?” Bartender Young Lady took another one from the bar while talking. The box comes.

Zhang Heng really forgot this thing, and he did n’t expect the game organizing committee to be so efficient. The first round of the agent war was just two days after the end of the war, and the gifts had arrived.

Zhang Heng glanced at the size of the carton and asked, “What is inside?”

“I just arrived in the afternoon, I honestly do n’t know.” The bartender Young Lady also seemed very curious.

So Zhang Heng opened the package directly in front of her, and saw a brand new ps4pro inside.


“Is this a game item?” Zhang Heng asked the bartender Young Lady.

“No, this is an ordinary game console.” Bartender Young Lady said, she also seemed to have little interest, and then retracted her body back to the bar, “This is above There is no supernatural power attached, but the organizing committee seems to have said that the top 50 gifts are only commemorative. This thing is worth 2,000-3,000 yuan anyway. If you do n’t want it, it will be dropped on the salted fish OK. “

” Then I will put this thing with you first. I will take it away when I leave. “Zhang Heng finished handing the ps4pro to the bartender Young Lady. And he finally walked to the deck where he often went, set a time as usual, and lay down.

When the alarm sounded, the familiar dizziness struck him again.

[Player identity verification …]

[Verification passed, a tenth round copy is being randomly selected for player No. 07956 …]

[Extraction Completed-the current copy is an invisible killer]

“They are like stars in the sky, shining all day long! We should broadcast them all over the country, they are extremely safe.-MA Stillikovich. “

[Mission Objective: Find Key Persons]

[Mode: Single Player Competition]

[Time Flow Speed: 1440] ( 1 hour in Real World is equal to 60 days in this game. There is no specific time limit for this round of games. You can return to Real World after completing the task)

Friendly reminder, the game will be officially opened in five seconds, please players be ready.

The name and introduction of this copy are unprecedentedly abstract, and there is hardly any really valuable information, but Zhang Heng still smells an unusual breath from the strange copy time.

This is the first time he has seen a copy that does not limit the game time, and this means that as long as the player wants to stay in it, how long he stays in it is simply the official hair welfare, because almost all Players all know the importance of game time. Prolonging the game time can not only improve the success rate of the main task, but also fully exercise their various skills. However, Zhang Heng does not think that things will be so simple.

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