48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1129

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The wire protruded from the crack of the door, first twisted a few times left and right, it looked quite excited, just like the dog who went out to happily go out, but he did n’t forget what he wanted to do. Quickly began to look for the keyhole.

Everyone in the house heard the sound of the wire head sliding across the door panel. After about half a minute, the wire seemed to have found the position of the door lock, poked in, and tinkered with it for a while, and then accompanied by With a click, the unlocked door was finally reopened, and the servant boy was quite proud to put the wire back in his pocket.

He is about to reach out and push the door did n’t expect but was stopped by the repairman. “We do n’t know what ’s going on outside. Should we discuss it first and what to do when we encounter a fight.”


“What are you afraid of, but we have Simon on our side,” said the convincing youngster with full confidence. “No matter what enemies are outside, we just push it flat.”

Zhang Heng was originally I thought the repair union made a rebuttal, didn’t expect the latter hearing this actually nodded agreed, “It makes sense.”


Fortunately, Kui Ye compares Reliable, frowns saying, “Don’t be poor, you have to chase the stars and wait to go out and chase again.” Paused she rushed to Zhang Heng again, “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“No, what you said is very good Yes. “Zhang Heng had already removed the [Plague Bone Bow] on the back as he said.

Because he took the lead, everyone else was ready to fight. Afterwards, Zhang Heng rushed to serve the nodded boy, who then reached out and pushed open the door.

It ’s obviously a veteran, and although he shouts Simon World ’s First, he knows that he still has to worry about his life, and once he opens the door, he flashes to the side.

Zhang Heng stood on the left hand side of the house door. After opening the door, he first lifted the [Plague Bone Bow] and aimed directly in front of him. As a result, he saw a small terrace on which stood a Dressed like a man in a white coat, looking down at the moment, it seems to be checking the equipment below.

He heard the sound of the door opening, lifts the head, and looked toward the seven people.

Zhang Heng ’s mind flashed a lot of thoughts at this moment, and finally the man who rushed on the terrace turned his gaze to the place before the quietly received [the plague bone bow] behind him, and then he listened The man on the opposite side opened his mouth and shouted at him.

Zhang Heng ca n’t understand Russian, but he can tell from the expression that the other party is not calling the guard or other who, but he is a little surprised why he is here.

“What should we do, are we going to go out?” asked the beating boy in a low voice.

“Well, go out and see the situation with three people first, and leave four people in the house.” Zhang Heng said.

He then walked out of the hut with the beating boy and the Kui Ye three, and finally he could see more outside.

This is indeed the common architectural layout of the factory. Looking around all are concrete walls and iron frames, as well as some machinery and equipment, but the most attractive thing is the location of the bottom of the factory. It is a huge round lid with a diameter of about 15 meters. The magic thing is that the lid is not a unitary structure, but is divided into small cubes. The cubes are about two thousand. This number is from the side. The number of rows and columns is calculated, and some cubes are painted in different colors, and other numbers are marked on it.

“What is that?” asked the beating boy.

“I don’t know, what organ is the labyrinth?” Kui Ye guessed.

The stainless steel cubes look a lot like the small cubes in the Huarong Road game they have played before, and it is inevitable that Kui Ye will have such associations. Apart from this she also noticed the left hand side, the terrace There is also an office across the street, and the two staff members can be seen through the glass windows, and this is everyone in the plant.

Without the guards that many players worried about before, even the decent armed forces did n’t come across, and the seven seemed to continue their good luck when they first entered the game.

“Is there only such a little manpower?” Be eager to have a try, “You can give them all down after 3 minutes.”

” I only need two and a half minutes. “Kui Ye indifferently said.

“How is this possible, but they are separated by a certain distance.” The young boy refused to accept the airway. “It takes a lot of time to run, but after all, it seems that we are indeed in the factory’s production workshop. No wonder there are no security guards, but why have n’t you seen a few workers, is the production level of sl in the 20th century really high to this level? “

Just across from each other while they whispered The man on the terrace shouted a few more words, but the three fake foreigners in white skin across from him would say nothing but a Ula, and of course they could not give him any answer, so the man on the terrace shouted a few. After no one had paid attention to it, I had to come over here.

“I’ll take him and you will deal with the two in the office.” Kui Ye assigned the task.

“Why?” The servant boy was quite dissatisfied with this arrangement. “The office has to run a few steps, okay, and who knows if there is any alarm button in it. In case you lose it, you are alarmed.” I ’m going to carry the last pot. “

” Otherwise, you do n’t want to move these small fishes and shrimps. Is it possible that you still want your idol Simon to shoot? ”

“Of course not, it must be me.” The young boy was busy, but after a while, he also revisited the taste, “Wait, this is not our task.

“You are really annoying this person.” Lord Kui said impatiently, “It’s awkward for you to do something, otherwise we can change it, you can control it The guy who came over did n’t let him make any movements, arousing the vigilance of the two people behind the glass window? ”

Because the boy was dumb, he finally had to cast his eyes on Zhang Heng for help and found Zhang Heng had been staring at the big iron cover below.

“Is there any problem?” Said the young man.

“Oh, I think this workshop is production and so on.” Zhang Heng said.

“What do you produce? speaking of which really seems to be a problem.” The servant boy also said curiously, “Although there are several machines in this place, why are they all installed by the wall, and there is only one open space in the middle. Dajing cover, do n’t you say that the production line is below? ”

When he said here, there was a sudden shock at his feet, and then the whole“ factory workshop ”shook with it. The three found underground. The metal cubes suddenly moved into action, as if the lid was opened by boiling water.

At first there are only a few, but soon all the cubes are madly chasing up and down, and the round lid now looks like a twisted human face.

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