48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1132

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Now that the future has been discussed, the seven people of course are reluctant to stay in the nuclear power plant and continue to be exposed to radiation.

In fact, the nuclear power plant at this moment has been completely transformed into a purgatory. The fire caused by the explosion began to spread around. The alarm sounds one after another. The shattered glass ballast is scattered everywhere … Seven people have found The downward staircase is preparing to run down the staircase.

But what made them didn’t expect was that after seeing the door of the room like the central control room at the end of the corridor open again, three people wearing white clothes ran out of it. Two of them looked very young, only 20 years old in their early days, and it was not others behind them, it was the man standing on the terrace who had escaped from the exploded reactor with the seven before.

Because they are separated by a certain distance, there is a lot of dust floating in the air at the moment, and the three people also seem a little uneasy. It seems that they failed to notice the player immediately.

As soon as the players saw this, they all hurriedly drew their bodies into the stairway, slashing the teenager and Kui Ye and looked at each other. The latter made a stunning action and slashing the teenager nodded But what made the players didn’t expect was that the three of them didn’t turn around when they passed the stairs, didn’t even take a look here, and walked straight ahead.

The boy was stunned for a while, “What do you mean, where are they going? There are no other stairs behind.”

It ’s not just him, other people are also puzzled.

“Is it possible that they want to go to the reactor?” Although Kui Ye said so, from the perspective of her expression, she actually did not believe this inference.

After all, when the player first entered the copy, he did n’t know that it was justifiable, but the man who stood on the terrace was obviously an employee of the nuclear power plant, and it seemed that he was specifically responsible for the reactor. With a look of horror, impossible does not know what happened.

And now he does n’t want to leave here hurriedly, and he turns around and walks back to the reactor again, does n’t he know what will be waiting for him after opening the safety door?

It seems to be answering the players ’questions, and then the three of them really came to the safety door again, and it seemed that they were going to open the door.

“Are they crazy?” the chopping boy who went out with the probe exclaimed.

“Do n’t care about other people ’s affairs, let ’s leave here quickly.” The doctor expressed grave, “They will definitely make the radiation value increase when they open the door.”

Everyone hearing this There was no more heart to watch, and they ran down the stairs. On the way, they met several people in white coats, all workers of nuclear power plants, most of them were full of panic and Dazed, but none of them ran out. Some people were busy rescuing the wounded, some were busy fighting the fire, and some remained in their posts.

Nevertheless, the nuclear power plant staff encountered by all players did not wear any protective equipment no matter what they did and so on, whether it was protection against the radiation dust floating in the air on the skin Clothes, or breathing masks, they are basically the same as the clothes they usually wear at work.

But what is even more unbelievable is the scene that many players watched after running out of the building.

I saw the reactor building where they were before. The roof has been completely opened by the explosion. The wall facing the road has collapsed in half, broken bricks, concrete and some black ones. The material flew everywhere, falling on the asphalt road, some of which were still burning, the steel bars and pipes that were originally buried in the building are now exposed, and huge fire pillars rose up into the sky, emitting under the influence of Cherenkov radiation With the luster of dim-blue.

However, behind this beautiful luster is the danger of terrifying terror.

Without the protective cover and concrete cover, high-intensity radiation is spreading from the damaged core to all directions!

At this moment, the players just want to do everything possible to leave this radiation hell, but at this moment, the sharp-eyed mouse saw a silhouette appear on the ruin.

—— It was the man who was standing on the terrace before. He had returned to the building where the reactor was now, and was crawling up and down the ruins, under his feet. It was the damaged core of the reactor. At the moment, his body was suffering from a huge amount of unimaginable radiation. The skin burned by the nuclear became darker and darker, and his eyes swelled.

He used both hands and feet, and he kept repeating what he was shouting while climbing.

“What is he shouting?” asked subconsciously, who subdued the teenager.

“His colleagues.” Zhang Heng said, “Did we not see the staff of the other two nuclear power plants in the building before? He is now going to the two. The office of the staff. ”

However, the players just glanced back, because according to the doctor ’s view, the radiation dose they suffered after leaving the building will be greatly increased, considering their distance from the core, There is a risk of one more point for every second spent here.

This time the repairman ran at the front and rushed towards the gate. The follow closely from behind was coconut, but the run out was probably about fifty-sixty meters away, and the coconut sent out a groan, because there was a lot of chaos in the scene. At night, she failed to see the road under her feet, stepped on a piece of construction waste, and fell to the ground.

The mouse behind him stopped immediately and lifted her up, “Are you bleeding?”

“It ’s a little bit broken, no major event.” Coconut Road, There was a piece of black stone where she fell just now, and it broke her palm, but this little wounded coconut did not take seriously. Instead, she tried to walk a few steps and found that she was slammed and became a little bit. Limp.

Then the mouse and the servant boy set her up and continued to run towards the gate.

“There is a car over there, let’s get in first.” The doctor said, pointing to a bus parked outside the gate not far away. The maintenance worker stepped on the bus first, and the driver waved his hands and feet to him expression said something excitedly, but was interrupted with a punch by the repairman without saying a few words.

Kui Ye followed the car and squinted to see the repairman holding the driver ’s neck. The latter’s face was flushed, and one would be breathless. “You are planning to Do you kill someone? “

” No, I just want to calm him down. “The repairman explained that the muscles in his body were tightening now.

As a result, Kui Ye grabbed the driver ’s hair and bumped the latter ’s head against the iron handrail next to it. The bus driver immediately flashed his eyes and fainted.

“He is quiet now.”

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