48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1134

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The wheels of the bus are pressed against the asphalt road, making a dull friction sound, the roar of the engine is particularly clear in the silent night.

The players have harvested a Wrist Watch from the unconscious bus driver, which is finally the exact time of the understood.

—— At 1:44 in the morning, according to Zhang Heng ’s calculation, the explosion should have occurred 15 to 20 minutes ago.

There is still a long time before dawn at this moment. In Pripyat, 3 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant, most of the residents of the town are still in a sweet sleep, unaware of the gas caused by the explosion. The wave has sent a part of the core material into the sky, forming a large piece of highly radioactive aerosol air mass.

At first, the air mass only wrapped up the nuclear power plant, but soon it continued to expand and spread in all directions under the action of wind force.

The first inhabitants of Pripyat who noticed the explosion were probably a group of night-fishing hobbyists.

The nuclear power plant will discharge the cold water after the turbine pre-heat exchanger into the Pripyat River, because the water is very warm and will attract fish, it is an excellent fishing place, and At this time, it was just in time for the spring spawning season, and hobby fishermen came here, even at night, there were many people.

The nearest distance is less than 300 meters from the No. 4 reactor. When the maintenance workers drove past them by the bus, players saw some anglers looking up at the direction of the reactor. Thick smoke, some of them are starting to pack things because they are worried, but more people still choose to stay where they are.

They seem to believe that the fire will not spread here, especially when several fire engines arrived just now, which also gave the anglers great confidence that the fire could be controlled soon. Some people even think that being able to witness brave firefighters extinguishing fires up close is something that they can brag about to their friends in the future, so they continue to hold the fishing rod and stay by the river.

Apart from this, the people also saw a pair of youngsters who are stealing the forbidden fruit by the river. They ignored the explosion behind them, entwined closely, and farther away, on the railway bridge The workers on the several patrol lines also stopped to watch.

“Oh, it looks like we are the only one in this radius of a hundred miles who is busy escaping.” Kui Ye laughed.

“They will pay the price.” The doctor expressed seriously, “The radiant dust above the nuclear power plant has floated here, falling on their skin, entering them with each breath they take Their lungs, and wait for them to remember later … If they have a future, this will be the last thing they regret in their life. “

” What are these people thinking about, How can you be indifferent to the explosion in a nuclear power plant when you are at the side of a nuclear power plant? “The rat looked incredulous.

“I don’t know, I’m just a surgeon, not a psychologist.” The doctor shrugged.

“Will these radioactive dust float to the town?” Kui Ye was concerned about another question at this time.

“There is no doubt that this is already a thing in sight.”

“So if we stay in the town, will we continue to be exposed to radiation?” the mouse asked Road.

His words also sink all the hearts of players.

And unlike the fishermen and sloppy couples by the river, all players know that they have no choice at all. In order to complete the mission, even if they know that there is radiation in the town, they can only stay here by brace oneself.

So there was silence in the car, and the coconut vomited again after a while, but because she had already vomited the dinner before, now she had to keep vomiting, and the rats were taking care of her.

“Sorry, I seem to have a bit of motion sickness.” Coconut Road.

“I will try my best to be a little more stable, but this section of the road is not peace and security.” Maintenance workshop, he saw several cars from the opposite side and wiped them while talking. However, there were fire engines that followed, and there were also private cars. One of them also blew their whistle. It seemed that they wanted them to stop.

But the repairman would not obey obediently. Once he hit the direction, he bypassed the car and continued to drive forward. He looked at the rearview mirror and saw that the owner of the car had already After walking down, it seemed a little helpless to see the bus driving away, but it did not mean to continue to catch up.

After about another five minutes, ambulances and buses drove through the safety zone near the nuclear power plant and finally entered the town one after the other.

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