48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1139

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In fact, more than one coconut in the player squad has vomited, and the repairman and the mouse have vomited twice, but no coconut looks so serious.

Her hand wrapped in a bandage by the doctor, the wound seems to be unable to heal at all, the blood has been oozing out, and the bandage will be changed again after a period of time, even under the effect of the tranquilizer , Coconut doesn’t look very good either, and even her lips are showing signs of cracking.

Not to mention the lingering nausea, players can basically feel it, but the difference is different, and there is a slight sour taste in the air, but it is not so obvious.

The players have come out of the bookstore one after another and got on the jeep again.

Zhang Heng walked behind and said to Coconut, “You help me tell her that she can call her boyfriend and ask her boyfriend to stay at home today and do n’t go out, but do n’t say Unnecessarily, if she does anything tricky, I can find it. “

Coconut gargles with water from the kettle of an old bookstore. Hearing this gave Zhang Heng a glance,” Would you like to tell her why? ” “

” Well, just tell her the nuclear power plant exploded. “

Coconut nodded.

After a moment, a surprise look appeared on Besova ’s face, which seemed a little unbelievable, but not at all was too scared in her eyes, Zhang Heng estimated that she did n’t know this at all. The severity of the incident is just like the night anglers they saw on the road.

However, Zhang Heng did n’t explain it. At first, the coconut as a middleman looked tired. Zhang Heng did n’t want to trouble her anymore. Second, Zhang Heng asked Besonova to call her boyfriend to tell him Benevolence is full, if Besonova is unwilling or unbelieving, Zhang Heng will leave her alone.

But after thinking about it for a moment, Besonova actually called the boyfriend on the phone in the bookstore, and he was very obedient throughout the whole process. He did n’t talk for long, but in the end it seemed a little annoyed. Fiercely fell on the phone.

“She said that her boyfriend did not listen to her, insisted on going to work at the train station, and told her not to talk nonsense, saying that some of his colleagues had received the news, but a water tank of the nuclear power plant exploded, The accident has been brought under control. “Coconut Road.


As long as anyone who has been to the scene and has reason, will not think it is just as simple as the water tank exploded, but Zhang Heng hearing this also did not say What, just took Besonova and coconut together.

Because the head of the repairman is a little dizzy, the driver is now replaced by Kui Ye. After everyone arrives, she asks, “Where is Jiatrov now, do any of you know

“That guy is estimated to have run away. He is the deputy chief engineer of the No. 4 reactor. Unlike the ordinary people in town, they should know the reactor very well, so it must be clear that the reactor has exploded If you stay there again, you will only be exposed to more radiation. “

” Don’t be arrested. “Maintenance worker frowns saying,” so we have to find a way to get him out of the police station. Get it out. “

Zhang Heng didn’t rush to reach a conclusion, but just said,” Go and see his residence first. “

Although Besonova doesn’t know the best Where does Trov live, but the latter is not an unknown person in Pripyat, his residence is very inquiring. Besonova got off the phone and made two phone calls, found a friend who was married to the gas plant operator of the nuclear power plant, and soon got the address.

Keye drove the car to the door of Gatilov under the human navigation of Besonova, but it is disappointing that Gatilov not at all came back after the explosion.

“He didn’t go home, did he just run directly?” the mouse asked.

Zhang Heng thought about it and turned his head towards towards expression some painful coconut, “You ask her if she knows the staff or family members of the No. 4 reactor at the nuclear power plant to see if they can get the best Troff’s whereabouts. “

The coconut took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

After seeing Besonova shook the head, hesitated and nodded again. She walked off the car again and came to the public phone booth. This time she spent a long time, but Zhang Heng looked at her next to her and did not feel the change in the [Oath Ring].

It took about half an hour before the public phone rang again, and Besonova hung up the phone after only a few words.

“She asked her to contact the foreman of the No. 4 reactor unit Viktor Grigorievich Smakin, Smakin was the foreman on the 26th working in the daytime. Going home, it was picked up by a bread not long ago. It is said that he returned to the nuclear power plant to help. According to Smakin ’s view, Gatrov left the nuclear power plant about three hours ago, listening to the people over the administrative building. Said I went to the civil defense headquarters. “Coconut Road.

“Three hours ago? That is to say, after we left the nuclear power plant, he stayed there for at least two hours before leaving. Why, is he not going to die?” The maintenance worker wondered.

“The three-hour civil defense meeting should also be over. At the time of the incident, Jiatlov was in the control room, not far from the reactor, and it should have received considerable radiation.” Cut down the boy and said, “If he really stays there for another two hours afterwards, the radiation dose will be greater, and he will now feel 80% uncomfortable.”

“Hospital.” The mouse and the maintenance worker shared the same voice, “Gyatlov is very likely to be in the hospital now.”

“Not only him, but also the probability that the people in the control room that night were in the medical center.” Zhang Heng said , “We should be able to see a lot of people on this trip.”

Zhang Heng was right, when they returned to the medical center, they found it was completely different from the first time they came .

The number of sick numbers has more than four or five times, mainly firefighters and employees of nuclear power plants that night, not only the No. 4 reactor, but also the duty staff of the No. 3 reactor next door. The angler also noticed that his body was uncomfortable and his breathing was short at dawn. His lungs were burned like fire, and his skin was sunburned. This is the darkening of the skin caused by nuclear burning.

Coughing sounds in the ward, and there is also a radioactive detector, which has been dropping alarms, so the cleaners have to always disinfect the corridors and wards, throwing away all the wounded ’s clothes, However, Didi’s voice was still thinking, and no one realized that it was actually due to the radiation dust floating in the air.

Pripyat at the moment, there is no place without radioactivity.

Some cases seem to be very serious, but most people can tolerate it, at least now it seems that their physical and mental conditions are still normal, and some people are still chatting, not fully aware that maybe A few days later, his body will rot a little bit.

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