48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1142


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There is a tall, thin man with gray hair sitting on the third bed in the ward.

He was facing away from the door and looking at a pine tree outside the window. He did n’t know what he was thinking. He heard the head nurse calling his name and paused for a few seconds before turning his head slowly. .

Zhang Heng was also the first to see Djatrov (previously he only glanced at the corridor outside the ward). This is a name that cannot be avoided once the Chernobyl incident is mentioned in later generations Many news editorials regard him as the first person responsible for the nuclear power plant accident. In those manuscripts, he is described as a arrogant, self-interested and stupid leader.

However, as far as the first aspect is concerned, Zhang Heng has not been able to see too much from Gatyrov. The man in front of him has a sharp face, deep sockets, and looks It’s a bit dull.

Like his colleagues, Djatrov was also exposed to large doses of radiation, his skin was red, and there were still traces of vomit on the collar of the sick suit. He looked straight into the house The five people did not speak.

The head nurse had to repeat it again, “Mr. Gatrov, the expert team came to you.”

“I heard it,” the deputy chief engineer said.

The ward was also quiet at this time, and not long ago everyone was still talking about the expert group. Did n’t expect the expert group came to Pripyat in a blink of an eye, which also explained from the side The importance of the accident, everyone is also unable to bear worried.

The atmosphere was a bit strange for a while.

Besonova was the first to break the silence. “I am Dalia, an engineer of the Atomic Energy Union. The person next to me is Yevrem, an expert in acute radiation sickness, and Valentina, a nuclear physicist, and … … Mr. Sergey, Senior Assistant Prosecutor. ”

The doctor and Coconut Chongjiatlov were nodded, and they said hello, but Zhang Heng still didn’t move, but just looked at the deputy chief engineer coldly, just like poisonous snakes staring at their prey before hunting.

Diatrov felt very uncomfortable, so his stomach sent a signal to the brain again, and Gatrov quickly picked up the trash can beside the bed and vomited again. As a result, Zhang Heng Noticed that the coconut’s body was also trembling. She was obviously taken by Gatilov and wanted to vomit, but fortunately she finally defeated the physical discomfort with her own will, clenching her teeth not at all and taking off the mask on her face.

And Gatelov was not able to spit out anything. His stomach had been hollowed out a few hours ago, leaving nothing but gastric juice.

Gyatoff retched for a while, then rinsed his mouth with salt water, and then lifted the head again, and said in a weak voice, “What do you want from me?”

“About everything you know about this accident, Comrade Djatrov.” Besonova expression said seriously, after experiencing the initial tension she has now gradually entered into her role, Zhang Heng did not Mistake her, this girl is really acting innate talent.

She was originally a little nurse in Pripyat Medical Center, and Gatrof was the deputy chief engineer of the Chernobyl reactor units 3 and 4 and was also a great character in Atomic City. Bezonova usually never dare to talk to each other in this tone.

But now, she is experiencing a wonderful feeling that she had never felt before, just as if she had really controlled the fate of Gatrov in her hands, and she knew that the latter also knew this.

Perhaps it was clear that he had made a big mistake. Djatrov did n’t even need the expert team in front of him to show his identity, nor did he go to verify with the chief engineer Fu Ming or the nuclear power plant Chief-In-Charge Bryukhanov Of course, the main willingness is that he did not expect anyone to pretend to be an expert group, and the size of the courage is still second. The main reason is that this approach can not bring any benefits.

Therefore, Jatlov is nodded, “Okay, I will tell you everything I know.”

Besonova turned to the head nurse again, “Let us find a place to talk.”

“Uh, the hospital wards are now full.” Is the head nurse hearing this?

“Isn’t there a locker room for nurses?” Besonova regretted it when she blurted out, mainly because she had been working here, and she was too familiar with it. When the head nurse said that she would do it first I thought of a solution, but her current status is Dalia, an engineer of the Atomic Energy Union, and obviously should not be so familiar with the dressing room of the medical center.

Sure enough, there was a strange look on the head nurse’s face, but in the end she didn’t say much and took a few people to the dressing room.

Before leaving, Besonova said to Akimov and Topunov, “It is you after the chat with Mr. Djatrov, so you better use the middle Make some preparations in advance at these times. ”

The foreman on duty and the senior reactor control engineer glanced at each other, and they read anxiety and worry from each other’s eyes.

After only 3 minutes, only Gatrov and four of the “expert group” were left in the dressing room.

The doctor took a tape recorder from the mall out of the suitcase and put it on the table, and pressed the record button.

Besonova has arrived in front of the deputy chief engineer on the other side. She is in a surprisingly good condition now, looking at Gatyrov ’s eyes and speaking softly, “Do n’t be nervous, Comrade Gatyrov , We will start with simpler questions. “

“Are you deputy chief engineer Anatoly Stepanovich Gatloff at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant reactor 4?”

“Yes, it’s me.” Djatrov looked a little uneasy, his hands crossed on his chest, and his voice sounded hoarse.

“Can you briefly introduce how you got here?”

“Here, is Chernobyl? Oh, I used to be Chief-In-Charge of a physics laboratory in the Far East.” Djatrov sorted out his thoughts and continued, “Research … small The physical characteristics of the reactor core. “

“en.” Besonova’s pretend to be nodded. In fact, she didn’t understand a single word of Gatrov’s research, but this did not prevent her from continuing to ask.

“So is your work here going well?”

“In general, it is relatively smooth, although some small problems have occurred before the reactor.”

“For example?”

Djatrov hesitated for a moment, but still said, “We have actually mentioned in the previous report, mainly some leaks, most of them in drains and vents, and the amount of radioactive waste water leakage is probably at each 50 cubic meters per hour, there are some waste disposal, and part of the cement structure of the main body of the nuclear power plant also needs to be strengthened, but as I said before, these all are small problems. “

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