48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1146

Zhang Heng and the doctor both endured the discomfort of the stomach and finished the biscuit, but the coconut was put down after only a few bites. She ran out of the bottle of water because she vomited too much before, she is now The whole person is a little short of water and needs some water.

And Kui Ye does n’t care about the life and death of 50,000 residents in the town, whether she will be exposed to radiation, she is frowned, “So, you asked the three people in the hospital, not at all to start the task completion prompt, then we will next Going to find the person behind the list, who is coming? “

“Chief Engineer Fuming, as well as the factory director Bryukhanov.” The doctor said, “According to the view of Deputy Chief Engineer Gyatrov, when he left, both Fuming and Bryukhanov had arrived at the nuclear power plant. Administrative Building No. 1. “

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