48 Hours a Day

Chapter 159

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Jackdaw’s maiden voyage was a big win, and it was no surprise that the Black Merchant Alliance could not stand Zhang Heng. Especially after he established a cooperation with Karina, the Black Merchants Alliance found that Jackdaw had a channel to monetize the spoils of war, the only one Negotiation advantages no longer exist, and naturally we must start to find other solutions.

Fraser said that he and the Jackdaw need time to grow not at all wrong, but at the same time this sentence also applies to the black business alliance that is still a newborn.

A group of black market businessmen headed by Raymond and Malcolm pursue profits, hoping to establish a trade order on the island and end the chaos of until now. They have obtained a sufficient number of supporters and allies through a series of means. The powerful pirate groups are almost on their side, but on the other hand, the voice of opposition has always been there.

What they are doing is not in line with the spirit of freedom and admiration advocated by Nassau until now. Especially among small and medium pirates, many people are dissatisfied with the current price plan. However, compared with organized black merchant alliances, they lack leadership and The sense of cooperation, until now are all scattered, and sporadic resistance can’t afford any splash. Once the black business alliance has successfully passed the most dangerous period of the previous period and stabilized, these people are only reluctant to accept the reality. A choice.

However, the emergence of Zhang Heng has made them see hope again. The Jackdaw is the only pirate group in Nassau that has no strength but has not cooperated with the Black Merchants Alliance. It has become a banner of opponents invisible.

Things are no longer just a problem between the Jackdaw and the Black Business Alliance.

This is good and bad for Zhang Heng. Whether he wants it or not, he and his Jackdaw are once again pushed to the top of the storm, but on the other hand, countless eyes are now staring at them. The problem can only be solved by means within the rules.

This is undoubtedly more beneficial to Zhang Heng, because as long as the Jackdaw develops normally, it will make the Black Merchant Union more and more uncomfortable, but he did n’t expect that Malcolm, the No. 2 character of the Black Merchant Union, will be so fast Just find yourself.

“I checked. At the dinner at Terence Manor six days later, Malcolm invited many people with faces and faces on the island, including some well-known captains, landlords on the island, etc., mainly to thank them for their black merchants. The support of the alliance should be no problem in terms of security. ”Billy, the helmsman, was very competent. Immediately after receiving the invitation from Zhang Heng, he went to investigate this matter. He went to the door early on the 6nd day and told the result to the latter. .

“It’s hard work,” Zhang Heng thanked.

When the helmsman of the Jackdaw left, Annie yawned and walked downstairs. “What kind of dinner do you really intend to attend?”

“Well, Malcolm wants to know what kind of person I am, and I also want to know what the Black Merchant Alliance intends to do next.” Zhang Heng explained.

“Ah, I don’t understand what you guys are thinking. If you meet the enemy, you can just cut it. Why do you need that many nonsense?” The red-haired girl sat at the table while mumbling, scooping aside. Spread jam on the bread.

“I sometimes hope that things can become so simple.” Zhang Heng paused, “Not to mention this, how is your house looking?”

“It’s not bad, Harry helped me around, and finally found a house that was almost exactly what I imagined. It was very close to the pier. Just a quarter of an hour away, there are 2 pubs on the street next door, and the whole There is no closing at night, there is a small open space behind, you can practice the knife, the most important thing is as long as 200 silver pesos, Harry said that the price can be cheaper, I think it is suitable for me, I plan to pay in the afternoon.


Zhang Heng knew what this cottage meant for Anne. She fled from a wealthy family to Nassau in pursuit of freedom. When she was a child, she often saw the maid-born mother appearing cautiously in front of father, and she was rebellious since then. The red-haired girl does n’t want to be like a mother anymore and depends on whom to live, so she will be so serious about the agreement that was given to someone by half the spoils of war.

2 people from the very beginning said yes, Annie only stayed here for a period of time, and will move out when she has money, and now it is finally the day that Annie immediately starts on the island after getting her own share of wars Looking for a house, until today, I finally found a satisfactory place to live, and also realized my dream of until now.

But her dream has changed a little bit today.

“No one can stop me from lifting my feet to the table from now on!” The red-haired girl said boldly. “No one can force me to finish the soup in the bowl!”


Zhang Heng originally planned to help Annie move together, but at noon the crew of the Jackdaw clashed with another group of pirates in the courthouse. Zhang Heng, as the captain, had to deal with the dispute.

It was not a big deal. Although there was a group fight, not at all people died, only the guy opposite to a bad luck was stabbed to the thigh. When Zhang Heng arrived at the court, the two sides were facing each other. The bad luck stabbed to the leg The ghost has bandaged the wound.

He briefly understood the course of events, knowing that this conflict was because the two sides were fighting for a trick. Originally, the trick was already wrapped by the hunter ’s pirate, but because the Jackdaw ’s pirate was willing to double The price, the prostitute changed his attention again, the pirate of the Hunter felt that his male dignity was insulted, so the two sides fought …

This kind of thing basically happens in every court. Generally speaking only needs to pay a small amount of money, but now the entire Nassau knows that the Jackdaw made a big profit, and the Hunter and the others are greedy. In the compensation, Lion’s big mouth, after being rejected, relying on the crowd to block the crowd of the Jackdaw here.

The captain of the Hunter stood up from the table and adjusted his collar, but Zhang Heng was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and said directly, “Release.”

“No problem, as long as you pay the medical expenses of 20 Spanish Gold Coins.” The former grinned.

“It seems that we can’t reach a consensus on this issue, so let’s follow the old rules.” Zhang Heng finished withdrawing the saber from his waist.

When the captain of the Hunter saw the expression changed, he did n’t expect that the other party was so cruel. The so-called old rules refer to the two gangs of pirates. If the opinions are different, the captain can single out and fight together to solve the dispute. Zhang Heng The meaning at this moment is undoubtedly the choice of the first one.

If it was 20 years ago, he did n’t mind accepting the challenge, but now he is old and his figure is somewhat out of shape, and the odds are not high, so he quickly said, “We have a lot of people, why should I talk to You singled out? “

But when he said this, he blushed first, and even the pirates behind the Hunter horn showed a disdainful face. Among the brave pirates, this cowardly cowardly behavior will undoubtedly be scorned by everyone .

But this time in order to make a mistake, the captain of the Hunter had to put his face aside first.

“Group fight? Are you sure.” Zhang Heng hearing this expression unchanged, withdrew the saber, turned his head to look at the lively prostitutes who were not far away, “Whoever participated in the 3 Silver Coins of a Hunter?”

His tone barely fell, a large group of people suddenly stood up in the court.

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