48 Hours a Day

Chapter 163

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

This is a fight without referee or surrender.

The black man with a scar on the left side of the stage had the upper hand, and the opponent under him now seemed to have fallen into a coma. However, he did not have any intention of stopping his hand, and continued to punch again until the opponent Badly mutilated with that face smashed, 5 officers

Unrecognizable, the cheers from the audience grew louder and louder.

But at this time, the black man with a scar on his left face seemed to be a little tired, and there was still a lot of time left before the deadline. He couldn’t help but breathe, stood up from the ground, walked to the other side of the stage, and hugged a respectful The bronze statue of True Master is almost tall, ready to use this thing to give a final blow to the compatriots on the ground.

However, a cry of excitement broke out in the crowd at the next moment. When the black man with the scar on his left face realized that it was wrong, it was too late. Then he was hit hard in the back of the head, and the whole person stumbled for 2 steps, then hugged He couldn’t hold the bronze statue in his hand, but was hit on his feet by the thing.

This bronze statue weighed at least 100 kilograms. He fell vertically and smashed his foot bones. However, before he could cry out, he was grabbed by his arm. Everyone did n’t expect the one behind him. I can’t see the blood of the 5th official. At this time, he still has such great strength. Next moment his arm bursts with blue muscles, and he actually twists one of his opponent’s arms.

The latter broke into a cold sweat, but in exchange for more cheers from the audience, this sudden turn also attracted everyone’s applause.

The unilateral abuse of dishes is certainly good-looking, but it ca n’t catch up with such a dramatic change, which can stir up the emotions of the guests.

At this time, the badly mutilated guy apparently learned the lesson before the scar face, without any slack, and quickly broke the other arm of the other party, and then used his own arm to tighten the opponent’s throat.

The black man with a scar on his left face made a meaningless hob from his throat, writhing his body desperately. However, he lost his hands and he completely lost the chance of reversal. He soon turned his 2 eyes outward, not far from death. Far.

The thin middle age person did n’t go to see this fascinating bloody fight, instead his attention was focused on Zhang Heng ’s body. Those eyes seemed to be able to see through people ’s hearts. At this moment, he seemed to be evaluating the latter and paused for a moment. Continued again.

“I admit that the Alliance made a mistake in dealing with you and your Jackdaw. We underestimated your strength. At the same time, my men took some impolite actions without your consent. The maiden voyage caused trouble. Tonight, I invited you to come to my manor for a dinner to apologize to you personally, and hope you can reconsider your cooperation with the alliance. “

“Re-cooperation?” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

“You have proven your strength, and I am willing to persuade the alliance to increase the purchase price for you, and may even consider giving you the price in the top range, as long as you terminate the cooperation with the business woman named Karina. “The thin middle age person finally threw the chips.

“Don’t you really think that we can compete with us just by a newcomer? Karina’s father used to be a black market businessman on the island. Many people in the league knew him and watched her. On the face of my father, we did n’t embarrass her too much, and with her confidentiality measures you did good, we did n’t hear about your cooperation until the Jackdaw returned to Nassau, so the whole thing would go on. It’s so smooth, but once the alliance is serious, she can’t survive in Nassau with her ability and being a woman. “

“That being the case, why did you want to restart negotiations with us, Mr. Malcolm?”

“Although I have always believed that order will make our World a better place, everything is always difficult at the beginning. As early as 3 months ago, the alliance has already clarified the new pricing rules. We have spent so much effort on the island. Establishing the current trade order is only the starting point. It is not easy to push it forward. Although we will eventually overcome all difficulties, it is always a good thing to speed up the process. “

Malcolm received a glass of wine from the maid ’s hand. “Recently, many small and medium pirates in Nassau see you as a banner against the Alliance. Your deeds have inspired them deeply, which has also brought a certain degree to our work. Excuse me, have you ever played poker, Captain Zhang Heng? “

“of course.”

“In my opinion, the most important thing to win is the timing. When your hand is good enough, you should bet decisively. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult for you to win so much money.” Marco Mu meaningfully said, “And now is your best chance, Captain Zhang Heng. Once Karina is out and the league stabilizes, those restless guys have to accept the reality, and all the cards in your hand will be discarded. You will regret that you did not accept my suggestion today. “

“Is this a threat?”

“No, it’s just a good advice. I appreciate you. The last person who can make the entire Nassau known to everyone in such a short time is William Kidd. Your future is limitless, so We should choose our partners carefully. I do n’t want you and me to become enemies one day. “

On the stage, the black man with a scar on his left face finally swallowed his last breath and ended up struggling, leaving only one leg still unconsciously cramping, and his opponent finally exhausted his last energy and fell together Ground, the latter’s head was still bleeding, stained the floor, but at the same time, it also greeted a prolonged applause.

Steward directed the maids to clean the stage, and Malcolm rushed to Zhang Heng nodded, “lost.”

He walked onto the stage with a glass of wine, and did not care about the blood on the soles of his feet. He gave a brief welcome speech to the guests tonight, thanking everyone for their help during the establishment of the Black Business Alliance, and then announced the start of the dinner.

The violinist who was waiting for a long time played a melodious piece of music, and the maids served the dishes just cooked.

The black robust man who had just won a difficult victory was dragged out of the banquet hall with the corpse.

Malcolm not at all spent too long at the dinner, he seemed to have a lot of things to deal with, and he left shortly after completing his speech.

The three of the Jackdaw did not plan to spend the night in the villa, they ate something and prepared to leave, but as soon as they approached the gate, Zhang Heng suddenly stopped, he saw a coffee tree not far away 3 people are digging with a spade.

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