48 Hours a Day

Chapter 172

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On the 21st day after going to sea, Zhang Heng could feel that they were getting closer and closer to the target. A few days ago, another ship pirate and Goddess spear exchanged fire, but this time there are weapons equipped whaling ships. Becomes more tricky.

There was damage between the two sides, and the final battle ended with the pirate ship ’s secondary mast being hit, and the Spear of Goddess was once again successfully out of danger.

After the Jackdaw met the pirate ship returning to Hong Kong for repair, Billy by chance knew the sailor above, and the other party gave them the information on hand.

There are about 50 sailors on the Goddess Spear and 17 artillery guns, 9 of which were taken from the pirate ship that they were slaughtered before. Apart from this, the 50 sailors are all strong and strong, Kong In Military there is force, but the speed of the whaling ship is not fast, because it is filled with whale oil and whale wax, the maximum speed is only about 5 knots.

Counting the time, if it goes well, maybe the two sides will meet in about half a day.

However, the weather has also changed at this time. Everyone saw the huge dark cloud hovering overhead. Merck the ship’s sail has been mobilizing and climbing the mast, waiting for the wind to increase. In addition, some people are praying to the Goddess of the ocean.

Zhang Heng studied the nautical charts in the captain ’s room. He did not forget to promise the black gladiator. He marked all the unmanned islands he encountered along the way. First, he ruled out that some are too small and lack the necessary resources for survival. Others who have no hidden environment are also crossed by him. Apart from this Those who are too close to the normal route are obviously not a good choice.

In the end, there were only 2 or 3 options left, and Zhang Heng planned to take some time to take a look at the return trip.

As soon as he closed the chart, the hull rocked.

As early as when he came to this World, he encountered this situation inevitably, but as long as the wind and waves are not too large, he will not affect his normal actions. Speaking of which this can be considered practicing Blade Technique at sea The additional advantage he brings, he needs to constantly adjust his center of gravity according to the hull of the hull, so the advantage is that even if he returns to land, he can quickly return to normal even if the center of gravity is out of balance.

Zhang Heng opened the door and walked to the gangway. The raindrops flew in diagonally from the entrance and slapped on his face, mixed with the salty peculiarity of the sea breeze. Billy on the deck was talking to the watchman.

“Is everything still normal?” Zhang Heng asked.

“I was thinking of going down to find you. We have no problem, but there seems to be a slight problem in front of our right.” Billy said, handing the copper Telescope to Zhang Heng.

The latter placed Telescope in front of his right eye and saw the little black spot that undulated in the wind and rain.

“The spear of Goddess?”

“I don’t know. I’ve observed it for a while. It seems to stop there, but we can quickly understood. At half the hour at the current speed, we can almost approach it.”

“Be careful, try to avoid the side of it when chasing. There is a lesson from the Pelican. It does not rule out the other party’s tricks and deliberately pretend to be nobody. Wait for us to hook.” Zhang Heng added, reasonably speaking It shouldn’t have met so quickly, but it doesn’t rule out what happened in the middle. In addition, there are other dangers on the Sea Territory besides the Goddess Spear.

“Wait a minute, I’ll bring a team of people up for investigation.” Annie on the side also opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Heng nodded, after that, he waited, the Jackdaw entered the state of combat readiness, all the members were in place, and the gunners were all standing in front of the artillery. Because the wind did not benefit them, it took almost 40 minutes for the Jackdaw to catch up with the ship in the distance.

But before that, Zhang Heng had seen the whole picture of the ship in advance from Telescope.

Different from the current ships on the Caribbean Sea, this ship has a peculiar appearance. It has a round stern and 4 sturdy masts, but the above sails are already in tatters. The tall stern and stern make it When viewed from the side, it is U-shaped, and the ship is covered with conch and green algae, which looks uneven.

At a glance, Zhang Heng is already sure that this ship is definitely not the spear of the Goddess they are looking for.

“Is this … Clark ship?” Billy’s words were also a little uncertain. After all, this Spanish sailing ship had been basically extinct as early as the early seventeenth century, but the tenth five, sixteenth century was once very popular. The design allows it to load more cargo, adapt to ocean trade, and more masts can give more power to the ship. When Magellan traveled around the world, 7 of the 5 ships were Clark ships.

However, due to the high cost and the difficulty of operation, especially in the headwind, the high bow and stern building made it very easy to attract the wind. In the Elizabethan era, the Clark sailing ship gradually began to withdraw from the historical stage. It is now more simple in design and more operable The good Galen sailboat was replaced.

Until now, even an old sailor like Billy has never seen this old-fashioned ship.

“This guy seems to have a certain age.” Mr. Helm said with emotion, he saw the text engraved on the stern, it should be the name of the ship, but because the place is too long, the place has been rotten and the writing is also fuzzy. .

Zhang Heng shouted Annie who was about to put down the boat, opened the mouth and said, “There should be no one on it. Let me go with you.”

Billy and four other sailors were on board together. They brought 4 oil lamps. The wind and waves on the sea are now large, and the boat has been floating at four places. The distance is not too far, but the seven people still spend it. It took less effort to get close to it, and the ropes on the side of the ship were rotten and could not withstand the force. Fortunately, Billy had expected it, and he carried claw hooks with him.

After the claw hooks were fixed, Anne first climbed up first, followed by another sailor and Zhang Heng, and Billy took care of the padding.

The red-haired girl raised the oil lamp in her hand after landing, and took photos in four places. Then she said, “There is no problem with the deck.”

Zhang Heng also turned over from the side of the ship at this time. If it was just speculation before, he can now be sure that this ship does not belong to this era. Although the ship is also loaded with artillery, the models are very old. Compared with the more than 30 cannons on the Jackdaw, like a toy, Sea Territory in the vicinity has no self-protection.

“Let’s search in groups of two, pay attention to safety.” After Billy also got on board, Zhang Heng divided the work and divided the areas that everyone is responsible for.

Six people spread out by words, and Zhang Heng also walked to the captain’s room.

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