48 Hours a Day

Chapter 185

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Seven days have passed since Malcolm’s warning. Although Karina behaved easily in front of others, she was actually a little uneasy, but nothing happened in the next few days.

2 There are still long queues in front of the hand cargo trading office. Those captains who cooperated with Karina privately not at all were warned by the Black Business Alliance. After a while, the wind was about to pass, and their minds became active again. Believe what the businesswoman said before, Malcolm did not want to really deal with this matter, and pushed them completely to the opposite of the Black Business Alliance.

Then someone started secretly visiting Karina.

However, when everything was about to get better, suddenly bad news came.

Karina awakened from her dream and didn’t even have time to get dressed. She put on her pajamas indiscriminately and ran towards the pier barefoot. It was already late at night, but there were many people around the beach.

Honig, who is in charge of island defense, also brought people to the scene and was confronting a group of people.

However, most people’s eyes were focused on the two sailboats at the port. The two three-masted sailboats had never appeared on the island before. Like the group of people who got off the boat, they were all new faces, but solid. The hull, the dark barrel, and the black flag flying on the mast are all proving their identity.

This is a new group of pirates, and powerful.

It was not that there were no new pirates docking in Nassau, or that more and more pirates have chosen to supply here since Nassau became famous. It stands to reason that residents of Nassau are no longer surprised by this.

However, the situation at this time is rather special, because this group of guys are extraordinarily arrogant, and fired 2 guns before entering the port. Fortunately, these 2 guns were only at the unmanned beach, but even so, many people were surprised. A cold sweat came out.

Honig frowned, “Who is the captain among you?”

A man with a mermaid tattooed on his arm was directing two men to insert wooden strips on the beach, hearing this came out of the crowd.

“How do you call it?”

“Captain Wilton, just call me Wilton, but I heard that the businessmen I robbed prefer to call me Wilton the Executioner.” The man pulled out the knife from his waist and saw Honig The pirates behind him immediately raised their muskets.

Wilton laughed, took another apple from his arms, and peeled it with a knife.

Honig expression remained unchanged, indifferently said, “Executioner? Never heard of it.”

Wilton bit the apple. “Don’t blame you, because I never keep alive when robbing. People who know this name are basically dead.”

He said this cruel thing in a careless tone, and there was a touch of enjoyment in his eyes. Even these pirates on the beach who had been fighting for many years could not help but feel a chill.

As a veteran of Nassau, Honig once captained by Black Beard and Black Prince, but he will not be scared by a few words, coldly snorted, “I do n’t care who you are from, where you come from, dare to face it again. A cannonball is issued here, and I can guarantee that your story is over. “

Unexpectedly, Wilton behaved politely at this time, put down the knife in his hand and opened the mouth and said, “We haven’t known the rules here since we first came here. I would like to apologize for any offense. Before sailing, I always heard people talk about the legends here, we just want to come and see this place called the home of pirates. “

Seeing the other party’s soft Honig’s expression improved a lot, waved his hand, and let the people behind him put away the musket, “Nassau is a free and open place, as long as you don’t cause trouble, you will be welcome here.”

He said he was about to leave, but didn’t expect then came a voice behind him, “Captain Honig, I remember there seems to be a rule on the island that the pirates here can’t attack the merchant ships of the black market.”

It was Karina who spoke with anxiety on her face, because the breeze that was supposed to be in North Carolina stopped at the port of Nassau, just between the newly arrived two pirate ships, before running to inform Her people told her that the Breeze was back with the two pirate ships.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, that is, the Breeze has been hijacked. This is the reason why Karina is so anxious. The cargo on the ship is still second. What she is most worried about is the safety of the crew such as Malone. .

Honig stopped this, he also noticed the breeze on the side and asked Wilton, “You robbed her boat?”

The latter shrugged, “We are pirates, isn’t it justified to rob merchant ship?”

Honig glanced at the businesswoman again, “You better return the boat to her.”

“if not?”

“Otherwise you may not be able to sell the spoils of war with her.”

Wilton laughed, “Thank you for your reminder, I think we will have a solution to this problem.”

Honig did n’t say anything, Karina stared wide-eyed, and once again stopped Honig, who was about to leave, with a face that was difficult to disbelieve. “Is it just that?”

The latter raised his eyebrows, “Do n’t your black market businessmen have formed a black merchant alliance, and now this kind of thing is yours to solve, and strictly speaking they do n’t violate the regulations on the island because they rob you Was not a pirate on the island. “

After he finished, he pulled out the sleeve that was caught in the hands of the business woman. “Sorry, I am only responsible for the overall safety of the island. This matter is not under my jurisdiction.”

Looking at the back of Honiger ’s departure, Karina ’s face emerged with a helpless look. She looked towards the lively crowd around her, and many of them also sold things to her at the 2nd hand goods exchange. But now she looked away silently.

At first glance, the group of Wilton not to be trifled with. Although we no longer have a two-hand item trading office, we later have a channel for changing money, but it is always better than going out to die.

Karina looked at didn’t expect and the person who spoke first was Wilton. He pointed to the breeze not far away said with a smile, “Is that ship yours?”

The business woman turned back and said angrily, “Dignified Black-Commerce Vice-President Malcolm would only use this kind of indiscriminate means to deal with me. I warn you if there is something unexpected about the person on that ship. I swear to take you and everyone … “

She was interrupted by Wilton before she finished, “I do n’t know what the Black Merchant Alliance is, and I do n’t care about the grievances between you, but it seems that you are indeed the owner of the ship, very good, I am preparing I want to talk to you about a deal. “

Karina smiled angrily, “You still want to do business with me after grabbing my transport?”

“Why not?” Wilton scratched his neck. “You always get spoils of war and you have to change it for money, and I still have a lot of special products here. Only you will pay for it.”

He pats his hands, and several pirates rowed back to the boat with a small boat behind him. After a while, he brought four people over. Karina recognized that the four people were all crew members on the Breeze, and they were tied with hands and feet, but they were seen. The business woman was relaxed, but Wilton’s next words made her tremble with anger.

“Ah, the goods are here. Let’s make a price.”

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