48 Hours a Day

Chapter 205

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Clay King accepted the letter of recommendation, “It may take some time to find all the people to vote. Others might say it’s mainly captains like you. Some are not on the island now, but they should almost be there in a month. You ’re all back, then you ’re officially in Parliament. “

“Trouble Mr. Clay,” Zhang Heng said.

Boss laughed, “How about waiting for you to formally join the council to hold a dinner party to celebrate with me. The girls here have listened to a lot of your stories during this time, but I am very curious about you. . “

Before he finished speaking, he saw a girl with a beauty mole who was about 17-18 years old pouting her head, so strangely said, “They said that you can summon out dolphins and chase on dolphins while fighting Are the enemies real? “

“No, the version I heard said that the ropes on their decks had magical powers and could fly up to entrap the enemy. This was told by a crew member on his ship.” Another plump woman said.

“When will you tell us the story of your battle with the skeletons? I heard that you encountered a skeleton ship while sailing with more than 300 skeletons on it. You and your crew bravely repelled them … “

The girls had 7 mouths and 8 tongues until the bustard blasted them away.

“I don’t know that I still have so many stories.” Zhang Heng said.

“Do n’t mind, every rising captain will be accompanied by a series of legends that they have n’t even heard of.” Clay King put the pipe in his mouth and took two bites, “Captain Sam grabbed Wei When reaching the number, there were still people who believed that he was a descendant of King Arthur. “


Before going to sea, Zhang Heng went to the second-hand goods exchange to find Karina once, but the businesswoman was not there.

Jim greeted him immediately. After eliciting the suspicion, Karina increased his salary and made him the person in charge of the trading office. Mr. Bookkeeper was also blessed by the disaster.

Zhang Heng did n’t know how resolutely Karina was after being inquired. The grocery store she mentioned before, the address of Nassau had already been selected, and was at the market. The businesswoman was going to open tomorrow, Zhang Heng thought I didn’t want to bother her in the end.

The port was full of people on the day when it went to sea.

This is the largest joint hunt in Nassau in recent years. The participating pirate ships are well-known, and the Vida will not be mentioned. Since the disappearance of the black beard Titch, the black Prince Sam and the men led by him have faintly become this piece. Sea Territory is the strongest pirate group, and he is also the most famous pirate group.

The only ones with relatively low qualifications are Zhang Heng and his Jackdaw. However, they are now the most popular pirate group in Nassau and the pirate group most wanted by men on the island today. They can be brought back three times in a row The huge amount of spoils of war, the number of total annihilation in World War I is 3 times that of his own pirate group. Although the rise time of the Jackdaw is short, each step is full of Legendary.

Even in a group of well-known veteran pirates, no one would ignore their existence. On the contrary, when he saw Zhang Heng coming to the pier, many captains took the initiative to greet him.

apart from this Zhang Heng also saw Malcolm, this is the first time he met each other after the dinner, the latter’s expression looks too different from the previous not at all, Malcolm only stayed at the pier After a short while, I said a few words to the black Prince Sam, I wish them a smooth operation, and then they are ready to leave.

But before he left, he saw Zhang Heng not far away stopped again and rushed to Zhang Heng nodded.

Zhang Heng also politely responded, and those who did not know could not see the hostile relationship between the two.

Black Prince Sam looked at the expression of 6 differently shaped pirate ships moored at the port and was already a bit impatient. He was very generous. As early as last night, he had told the other 5 of the Spanish treasure ship ’s sailing route The captain of the ship.

There was no need for confidentiality in this operation. With the firepower on the opposite side, there is no possibility of someone secretly repenting and acting alone, because that is no different from direct death.

“Let’s get started. If we can succeed this time, even the queen far away in London will know our name. The merchant ship from now on will see the flag as soon as we see our flag.”


“A mouse was found on the ship?” Zhang Heng put down his Dutch study notes in the captain’s room and looked at the quartermaster and chef in front of him.

“Let Mr. Ramsey talk about it,” Dufferina said.

“Strictly speaking I did not at all see those small things, but the kitchen does lose food, and it is getting worse.” The chubby chef wiped the sweat from his neck.

Rats are definitely one of the most annoying things on board. They will accelerate the consumption of food and water, and they will bite the cables and the ship’s board.

But these are not the most troublesome things, the real danger is that they may also cause plague.

This is a very contagious disease. At first, it is often just a headache and fever, but soon you will feel nausea, ecchymosis of the skin, then the lymph will start to swell, and the pus will rupture quickly, within 3 to 5 days. Because of severe Poison Blood disease, pneumonia or sepsis eventually leads to death.

Especially in this era, only through isolation to control the spread of plague as much as possible, there is almost no effective treatment.

Zhang Heng knows the hazards of plague better than anyone. In the 14th century, Europe suffered 250010000 deaths due to the Black Death, accounting for about one third of the total population of the entire European continent at that time. The latest plague occurred in London more than 40 years ago, which also caused considerable panic.

“Have no one checked before going to sea?”

“My dereliction of duty,” Dufferina said. “I checked it the day before I went to sea, but I didn’t check it again after the supplies were shipped. If there were rats in the boat, it might have been shipped with food or wood. . “

“Don’t blame you, this time is relatively tight. I heard that you were still looking for people to gather at that time. Fortunately, as soon as you find it now, take the time to solve this problem.” Zhang Heng said.

“I bought a cat the last time I went ashore, just to cope with this situation, I will take it and search the cabin again.”

Dufferna finished talking with the chef and left the captain ’s room, but did n’t expect it was this time to bring the cat, and there was still no mouse to steal the food, so he could n’t help it, Zhang Heng had to mobilize the whole ship Carpet-style search every corner.

When the wood storage room was found, there was finally a discovery.

But the result made Zhang Heng kind of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, especially Anne, his face suddenly changed after seeing the scene inside.

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