48 Hours a Day

Chapter 229

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng interrogated the captain, chief officer, sailor and the others on the Miranda separately to prevent confessions, and later confirmed the answers of several people to each other, so as to ensure the reliability of the information collected.

But half an hour later, he got a news that made him a little surprised, so he reunited Billy and Anne and the others again, and got the chief carpenter on board.

“Do you want to go back to Parrot Island?” Billy was taken aback by Zhang Heng’s bold thoughts.

“According to the information obtained from the captives just now, only one naval warship, Kent, remains on Parrot Island, which is when their defensive power is weakest.” Zhang Heng said, “We may take advantage of this opportunity The survivors on the island were rescued, and in addition … recaptured the gold we landed there. “

“How to do it, according to the current situation of the Jackdaw, we can’t support a complete battle, otherwise we don’t have to be so troublesome, and we have to rely on the terrain of Pearl Island to solve the Miranda. After Parrot Island, no Terrain can help us again, this probability is a tough battle that cannot be tricked, and we have almost no chance of winning. ”Although Billy is also interested in the proposal to rescue the pirates on the island to retrieve the gold, but after thinking about it, I still think that this The risks are too great.

Instead of answering the helmsman ’s question, Zhang Heng turned his head and looked at the ship ’s chief carpenter Guy, “If there is enough material, how long can we repair the ship to a state where we can fight again?”

The latter was shocked for a while, “If there is no shortage of materials and everyone helps together, 6 days, no, 5 days can be completed.”

“But where did the material come from?” Dufferina asked.

Zhang Heng pointed to the Miranda stranded not far from the rocks, “Take it away as a material.”

Guy eyes shined, immediately nodded and said, “This is a good idea, but in that case, there will be an additional 2 days.”

“There is no problem in time. 6 ships from the Navy sent 5 ships to hunt us down. We killed one of them. Now there are 4 ships left. They agreed to return to Parrot Island after 2 weeks to solve the remaining problems on the island. Pirates, only one day has passed. We spent 7 days repairing the ship. The remaining time is enough for us to go back to Parrot Island and fight again. “

Billy hearing this can’t help but be tempted. The navy can’t be overstated. After all, it’s not easy to stick to Nassau in the state of the Jackdaw. No one would think they dare He went back halfway, so only one boat was left on Parrot Island to guard a group of pirates who had lost their ships and supplies.

Zhang Heng ’s plan was indeed bold at first glance, but it was not unrealistic to think carefully. Although killing the Miranda made everyone succeed in giving out a bad breath while getting enough food and fresh water, it did not make up for them this time. The losses suffered by going abroad.

This time the pirates of Nassau were really miserable by the naval pit. Not only the ship 2 was lost, but the gold that had been robbed from the Spanish treasure ship before was also cheaper for the navy. If the gold could be robbed back and rescued from the island The survivors of this can be called a real counterattack.

“I think this combat plan will work, and we can start preparing for the next battle.”


Soon, the crew on the beach were all understood Zhang Heng’s plan to counterattack Parrot Island’s battle plan, and the crew meeting afterwards was unanimously passed without a doubt. I immediately invested in the repair work.

Rarely there are so many people to call, and Guy decided to take the opportunity to take a comprehensive clean-up of the Jackdaw ’s hull and remove conch seaweed and other debris that were absorbed on the deck during the voyage You can make the Jackdaw’s sailing speed increase another half quarter to meet the next tough battle.

But just as everyone was doing in a frenzy, Zhang Heng, the captain, disappeared.

When Annie found Zhang Heng, the latter was sitting alone behind a reef, watching the sunset in the distance gradually falling into the sea.

It was about 200 yards away from the crowd sitting in front of the fire, which made him look like someone from another World.

Annie found a piece of sandy land beside Zhang Heng and handed over the bottle in her hand. “The repair work is going smoothly, and it will be almost completed tomorrow morning. Guy said that the repaired Jackdaw will be Stronger than before. “

“Very well, we have spent a lot of time on this island, and it’s almost time to go again.” Zhang Heng took the bottle and took a sip, after which Anne took the bottle from Zhang Heng’s hand. When I came back, I took a sip.

“Really, how about you, how are you?”


“Aren’t you going to talk about the previous storm, the crew said that it was a miracle, saying that we were sheltered by Goddess Thetis, but you and I all knew it was not true, and I heard Seth with you Story, you climbed the mast at that time to engrave the name on it, right, what is she called, Betty? “

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t let the Jackdaw step into the footsteps of that Clark ship,” Zhang Heng said. “I just … I don’t remember when I watched the sunset so quietly last time. “

Zhang Heng did use the shell before the crisis, and he himself did not at all experience a bitter and hatredful experience, nor the so-called angry youth, so in the end, he could only use a tricky way to bring himself into literary works He chose Ran Agen, the protagonist of “Miserable World”, the bad luck egg that was imprisoned for nine years in order to help the poor elder sister to raise 7 children and steal bread, because of the previous series of encounters Before Bishop Miriam, he was very angry with the world he was in.

This method of stealing chickens finally came into effect. Zhang Heng not only succeeded in the summon, but also helped Jack the Jack to escape successfully, but also had the first contact with the ancient Celtic god who claimed to be Betty.

Zhang Heng only knew that the other party did not look for him before, not because it was not the right time or to create a sense of mysteriousness. It was only because the latter was too weak. After seducing Seth on the ship, there was no power to show up until Zhang Heng After taking over the shell, she engraved her name on the mast again, while providing a lot of anger before she regained a small amount of strength.

According to herself, her strength is not as good as before. Not only is it not as good as the floating period more than 1000 years ago, even 100 years ago, she also performed much better than she was on the Clark ship, which is why Zhang Heng It is impossible to really control the storm like the captain of the Clark ship, speed up the navigation, and even use it to attack the enemy. Zhang Heng can only do the best to make the storm not damage the Jackdaw as much as possible.

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