48 Hours a Day

Chapter 251

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

It has been a long time since Malcolm had gone to bed on time. After realizing that the person who had acted on him was Raymond, Malcolm’s reaction was also very rapid, and he almost immediately started to set up a counterattack. In fact, for Malcolm, The hard part is not how to get rid of Raymond, but how to maintain the stability of the Black Merchants Union after getting rid of Raymond.

In the eyes of others, the Black Merchant Alliance was a huge monster at the beginning of its birth, but Malcolm, as one of the founders, knew how fragile it was and how to solve all disputes without perfecting a reasonable system, and this is Raymond The reputation of virtue can play a role.

The black market merchants also have their own circles and factions. There are many factions that are opposed to each other. In balancing their power and easing their contradictions, only a few years of Malcolm on the island is naturally incomparable. Sao has been in Raymond for so long.

This is why although the actual leader of the Black Merchant League is Malcolm, the reason for the position of the chairman must be Raymond to sit, as long as Malcolm is given another 2 to 3 years, he can kick completely Opening Raymond, even if only one year, he is sure to digest most of the losses caused by the loss of Raymond.

Now, if you turn your face, it is indeed much earlier than he expected.

However, at this step, there is almost no possibility of relaxation between the two. Raymond must also be very clear. The longer the time is, the more unfavorable to himself, plus the presence of Kalina, Malcolm ’s “opponent”, suddenly appears. It ’s not a surprising choice that he quietly started at this time, but after all, he still did n’t hide Malcolm. The latter now has to think about how to get Raymond out of Nassau. The impact of things is minimized.

Malcolm listed the currently prestigious black marketplace business people of repute on the island, thinking about alternatives to Raymond, and did not return to the bedroom until late at night to change clothes and sleep.

As a result, he was awakened soon after he closed his eyes. There were sprinting footsteps outside the door, and people were shouting loudly. This kind of thing should be strictly prohibited. Malcolm sat up from the bed. There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

steward Wallace hearing this hurriedly pushed open the door.

“What happened outside, so noisy?” Malcolm frowns saying while wearing his clothes.

“A black slave riot ignited the barn, firewood room, and a warehouse for cotton.”

“how many people?”

“The statistics are not available for the time being, but it seems that more than half of the people are involved. They also have weapons in their hands. In addition to the stones picked up on the ground, the kitchen knives and the like, they seem to have daggers and muskets.” Wallace paused, “However, there are only a few. If there is a musket, there will be 2 or 3 at most. I have transferred a team of people to protect you. I have also sent people to several other nearby plantations for help. It ’s safe for people to come over. “

Malcolm had already put on his clothes at this time, boarded his boots, and he came to the balcony. Sure enough, he saw the fire not far away, and there seemed to be fighting.

As Wallace said, there are a lot of people on the black slave side, but the equipment on the guard side is obviously more sophisticated, less enemies, and not falling down. Join the battle.

It’s no problem to continue until the arrival of reinforcements. The management of black slaves has always been a headache. Several nearby planters have passed the gas. In this case, they will not ignore it, so Malcolm Not paying attention to the success or failure of this battle, the loss Stewart Wallace was mentioning on the other side and so on he did n’t take it seriously.

The question that Malcolm is thinking now is whether this kind of thing happening at this node is related to Raymond.

If so, what is the meaning of the other party doing this, and for what reasons did they incite these slaves to cooperate with him.

In the past, there was no black slave escape in Terence Manor, but the vast majority were a few people. They ran on a small scale and rarely made such a big move.

In addition to being easily leaked because of the large number of people, and because the target is too large, it is easy to be caught. There is no place to hide even if it can escape from the manor. In addition, how do these weapons flow into the manor?

However, these problems will not be investigated until the riot is subdued. What is certain now is that Daisy is obviously not the only responder.

Soon, new news came that the riotous slaves were moving towards the stable.

The guards over there were weak, and they could hardly withstand it. If the frightened horses were released by the black slaves, the situation would become even more chaotic, so after getting permission from Malcolm, steward Wallace immediately brought People go there to support.

But halfway through, he suddenly stopped. Wallace found that the accident occurred in three different directions, but the other direction has been quieter tonight.

In addition to the cotton garden there, the torture chamber is also located there.

“It’s really cunning little things.” Steward Wallace was whispered while filling the gun barrel with gunpowder. He decisively changed direction and led the person to the execution room.

In the distance, I saw a supervisor’s body, lying outside the door, with several table knives on his back, and a black male on the other side was walking out of the door with Nadia on his back, Hua Rice saw the trigger pulling the trigger without the slightest hesitation, but the gun eventually hit only a wooden barrel next to it.

The black male was taken aback by this shot. He sat on the ground with one butt and Nadia behind him fell out. At this time, other guards also shot. The black male ignored the Nadia on the side and rolled continuously. The crawler fled back to the torture chamber.

Leah also heard the gunshot at this time, she followed behind the black men, and Laura was carrying Daisy at the end, apart from this there were 4 black maids and 2 black men who planted cotton.

One of the black men and two black maids died in the previous battle with the supervisor, and the remaining black maid was slightly injured.

This is all the battle strength on their side. On the other hand, Steward Wallace has 5 guards besides himself. 4 of them have guns in their hands.

They approached the side of the execution room, and soon came outside the door. When they were about to force a breakthrough, a gunshot came from the front, and a bullet hit the front door of the guard, who fell directly. Go on.

This change also made other people a lot more cautious, but what they didn’t know was that Leah had only this short musket in his hand, and only one last bullet remained after firing the gun.

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