48 Hours a Day

Chapter 256

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhang Heng took out the phone in his pocket and glanced at it. The automatic date display is no different from what the bartender said, which also means that he spent a full 18 days in the 3900th century Caribbean Sea. Only 2 hours passed.

“This time you seem to have traveled far.” The bartender looked at someone with interest, leaning on the wine cabinet.

Zhang Heng took a sip of whiskey, and subconsciously wanted to wipe off the foam on his beard, but he touched his own clean chin. After a pause, he asked the bartender opposite, “The longest game in each round How long is it? “

“No one knows, but it is said that a player has spent six years in a certain script, which is also the longest known copy stay record, and his copy is not much different from the real World. After he came out, he It had to take a long time to distinguish what happened on that side and what happened on this side. “

“So is all this really just a game?”

“Why, why ask?” The bartender blinked.

“I have some historical basis, and I have checked a lot of information. So far, the copy and history I have experienced are almost the same. Of course, because of my arrival, at a certain node, it did deviate from the original history. “” Zhang Heng said that he opened the 100-degree browser app on the phone, entered keywords such as Nassau and pirate in the search bar, and quickly browsed the query results.

Discover what has changed at not at all compared to previous historical records.

Roger Wood was still appointed Governor of Nassau by George I in 1718. He took the fleet to New Providence with enthusiasm, drove away the pirates on the island, and rebuilt the order there. Shortly after the bombardment of Charleston, the Navy was killed, and Anne was arrested by the Navy, but was eventually redeemed by his father to spend money and spent her old age in seclusion in the colony.

And all the legends about him disappeared.

His name did not appear in any news record, which is logically impossible.

In fact, Zhang Heng already had some conjectures after experiencing the script of the Mannerheim line. This time, with the help of the black sail, he also intends to spread his reputation farther in the last few years. After leaving the copy to verify his conjecture, and now he seems to have reached a conclusion.

“In the second round copy, I wondered if I was going through time, but this possibility is too small.”

“Huh?” The bartender made a questioning voice with her nasal cavity.

“Because in a dynamic system, any small changes under the initial conditions may drive the long-term huge chain reaction of the entire system.”

“Butterfly effect.” Miss Bartender snapped her fingers.

“Yes, if you really send all the players back to the past, then our history has long been completely unrecognizable. I have participated in the copy of auction, but the copy was only 4000-5000 players. Even if the number of players is conservatively estimated to have reached 10000, the change brought by so many butterflies will be unimaginable. “

“Maybe people in the World Line do not know that the World Line has changed.” Miss bartender shrugged.

“This possibility is not ruled out, but for this time, I have left a lot of traces in that script. In reality, there can be no change in the world at all, and I clearly remember these two different periods of history.”

“Wow, it looks like you did a lot of big things this time.” Miss bartender tsk tsk was surprised.

“So I now prefer you to intercept a historical time node in each copy to make a game. My question is, why do you want to do this, why do you choose real human history, what information are you passing, Yes, what happens to the people inside when I leave that copy? “

“What makes you sure that it’s just your human history?” Miss Bartender said meaningfully, and paused again, “As for the second question, you can use the game points to buy an extra round of game service and go back yourself.” See if you have a permanent Membership Card 2% off or it ’s a good deal. “

“Then give me an extra round of games.” Zhang Heng thought about it for a while, he spent more than ten years in the copy of the black sail, and the accumulated game points reached an amazing 342 points, which was more than expected It ’s more than 100 points, because he did a lot of important things, whether he was fighting the Imperial Family ’s proud Scarborough when he was still on the Sea Lion, or later he was fighting with the black Prince Sa Mum and the others robbed the Spanish treasure ship, met Roger Wood’s fleet to recapture Nassau, as well as the wealth he earned and his reputation for crossing the ocean.

Coupled with the sale of the more than 700 points of [Molesby’s Bone], the number of game points on him now exceeds 1000 points, and spending 400 points to buy an extra game opportunity is not too extravagant. .

But he just ended a long experience and did not intend to start a new journey immediately.

Therefore, Zhang Heng spent 400 points to purchase an extra round of game services and was temporarily unused.

He handed Betty’s shells, the props he got from this game, to Miss Bartender for appraisal and left the Desire City Bar.

Walking out of the door of the lounge, there are still electric dance music enough to penetrate the eardrums and men and women shaking wildly with the melody.

Every night here is so lively, like this city that never sleeps.

Zhang Heng walked down the iron ladder. In the past, his figure would soon be overwhelmed by turbulent crowds, but this time the youngsters immersed in hormones and music saw him subconsciously withdraw a few steps, leaving space When he came out, even the rebellious youngsters who had the best face and liked to show their masculinity in front of their female companions dared not succeed.

They also do n’t know why. After seeing a guy who looks like a college student, he would involuntarily want to retreat. After so many days, people who come here often know that the 2 guys wearing suits and wearing clothes The robust man in sunglasses can’t be messed up, but now the two sides compare, the two suits of the robust man are also harmless to humans and animals like beautiful sheep and lazy sheep.

Zhang Heng frowned, he can probably guess what is going on. He has been a pirate for more than ten years in the 18th century Caribbean, and it has become a nightmare that scares the whole of Great Britain and even Europe, even though he himself I don’t like the slaughter, but in order to survive in a cruel environment, his hands are still covered with blood. Even he doesn’t remember how many people he killed, how many people died because of him, and his temperament is also Substantial changes have taken place in subtlety.

For those of you who indulge in nightclubs and youngsters in the peaceful ages, they are like a dinosaur who broke into the chicken coop.

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