48 Hours a Day

Chapter 260

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

After receiving the number, Zhang Heng carefully observed the crowd in the waiting area. The situation at this time was much more complicated. In the waiting area of ​​the incense pot shop, there are not only students, couples, but also couples, fathers and daughters, colleagues, etc. Twenty-thirty people, Zhang Heng even saw 2 suspected gay boys among them, the fatter one with a hello-kitty pink hairpin in his left ear.

From the appearance alone, it is difficult to judge who was peeping at him. Although there are indeed a few high school students who are still looking here, they are basically peeking at Asuka Asuka, and they lined up before. At the time, Asase Asuka was waiting for him on the other side, so it was not these high school students who peeped at him.

In addition, the shopping mall is also an open area, and there are people passing by from time to time. In theory, it is possible that the person who spied on him before was not in the waiting area.

Zhang Heng frowned, this kind of smelling ahead of time that something is going to happen, but don’t know what will happen and so on doesn’t feel good.

Just then, someone photographed his shoulder.

Afterwards, Zhang Heng heard a wow of whistling sounds from the Asase birds around him. He turned around and saw a Kumamoto bear.

There are many large-scale shopping malls that will hire people to wear similar doll clothes to sell cute clothes. This is also a way for malls or shop businesses to attract customers, especially popular with girls and children.

Sure enough, Asase Asuka saw the Kumamoto bear and was shocked joyfully said, “Ah, so cute, can you see く ま モ ン in China?” She said while pulling out her Polaroid from the small bag, using the expected Tone, “Can we take a group photo together?”

Zhang Heng nodded, so interrupted that he couldn’t find the previous voyeur anymore, he found a couple who was closer to them, and asked the boys to take photos of the two of them and a bear.

However, Kumamoto did not leave afterwards, but stood on the spot and extended the hand to Hayase Asuka, making a coquettish move.

The latter laughed, and generously gave Kumamoto a strong hug.

As a result, when the two people separated, Kumamoto bears an extra rose in his hand, pointed to Zhang Heng and pointed to Asase Asuka, and his face was red, but I did not know it was because of shyness. Still because she can’t speak Chinese, she took the rose and said nothing.

After Kumamoto had another heart, he waved his hand and turned to leave, looking for the next couple, and after this matter, Hayase Asuka seemed a little absent-minded, waiting for one minute to take the polaroid photos, She didn’t take much care of the photos, so she hurriedly opened the pouch and tried to tuck the photos in, but next moment her movement stopped there.

“What’s wrong?” Zhang Heng asked.

“Eh? Where’s the wallet? I remember the wallet was still there when I took the picture.” Asase Asuka murmured and turned the parcel again, but she still couldn’t find her wallet.

After that, she carefully looked for her own pockets, but still no shadow of her wallet. At this time, Asase Asuka was a little flustered.

Because there is not only cash in it, but also her bank cards and campus cards in China and Japan, but even more terrible things are still behind. Then she found that the passport in her bag was gone, and she was about to come to her. It’s time to go home for the New Year. Her air tickets have been booked, and she can’t board the plane without a passport.

If Asase Asuka was right, her wallet was still lying quietly in a small bag on her shoulder before she took the Polaroid, and the only person who had physical contact with her in the following period was Kumamoto. Bear.

Less than 3 minutes after the other party left, Zhang Heng said to Asase Asuka, who was about to cry. “You are waiting for me here, don’t go around, I will be back soon.”

After talking, Zhang Heng chased away in the direction where the Kumamoto bear left, but he ran to the end of the corridor without seeing the shadow of the Kumamoto bear. Running further, Zhang Heng stopped a few passers-by and asked if they saw a Kumamoto bear.

He deliberately picked people who came from different directions to ask, but the answers he got were no exceptions.

That Kumamoto bear seemed to evaporate out of thin air.

Later, Zhang Heng saw the help desk not far away and ran over.

“Sorry, sir, I don’t have the right to disclose to you the personal information of part-time staff in our mall.” The guide there felt that Zhang Heng was more of a prisoner, nervous.

“Then you think that when the police and the media come over, it is known all over the city, and the newspaper network is everywhere. You will hold similar events in the future. The first reaction of others is to take care of your wallet first, or just It ’s better for you to stop calling the police and get the wallet back, or not to contact the media after the alarm? ”Zhang Heng asked,“ Do n’t say I did n’t remind you, he just walked away for a few minutes It may not have left the mall. “

Probably shocked by someone’s momentum, the guide swallowed. “Wait a moment, I’ll ask our leader again.”

After half a minute she put down the phone again, “Sir, I just asked the responsible colleague, he said that today our mall did not invite anyone to pretend to be a Kumamoto bear to attract customers.”

“What about the shops in your mall? Have they invited anyone.”

“I don’t understood this.” However, the instructor hesitated and added another sentence, “But generally there are such activities, and the merchant will report to us …”

However, before she finished speaking, she saw Zhang Heng’s silhouette rushed to the escalator on the other side.

While the instructor was talking, Zhang Heng discovered the Kumamoto bear on the second floor. The latter not only showed no signs of escaping, but also squatted outside the shop only in a hurry. A 2-6 year old girl child.

After embracing it with the little girl child in the same way, it changed a lollipop to each other, and then touched the latter’s head.

And Zhang Heng had already jumped from the escalator that was only halfway in awe at this time.

It only took him more than ten seconds to go down from 5-Layer to 2-Layer. His feet landed steadily. After seeing two girls drinking milk tea not far away, the girls seemed to think of something afterwards. When I got out of the phone, I wanted to record a scene like a stunt performance, but Zhang Heng stopped playing the elevator and ran to the only opposite.

The straight-line distance between the two sides is not far away, but there is a hollow patio in between, and Zhang Heng must walk half a circle along the corridor to pass.

The Kumamoto bear apparently noticed him too, but it was not at all panicking, and stood in front of the store looking at Zhang Heng with his hips open. His cracked mouth and 2 blushes made it look extra Battered.

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