48 Hours a Day

Chapter 268

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

At the crucial moment, Zhang Heng embraced the fake Ma Wei, which weighed a lot less than he expected, probably less than 100 pounds, which was not directly proportional to her height.

But now is not the time to pay attention to this kind of thing, Zhang Heng will take the fake Ma Wei on his shoulders, and then run to the outside of the playground. Even if he is carrying a person, his speed is still much faster than the fake Ma Wei. .

In addition to the natural advantage in gender and his insist on exercising now, the difference in physical strength is also obvious. Compared with the fake Ma Wei who ran like a little white mouse for a full 2 minutes, Zhang Heng is at ease, basically The door was opened without much effort.

The fake Ma Wei swallowed back the nausea in his chest, and then ran to tears again when he thought of something, “You yin me! Use me as a bait to attract the attention of that thing, but you are stealing away, right?”

“Sorry.” Zhang Heng apologized, “Prop effect, but objectively I really need someone to attract its attention when I open the door.”

In the situation at that time, besides using [Shadow Moment], Zhang Heng could n’t find any other way to get out of it. He could only escape from the cement wall package by entering into the shadow state and abandoning the existence of his body. [Shadow Moment], he ca n’t lift the state in the middle, he can only watch the counterfeit Ma Wei being chased by the monster in 4 places, I ca n’t help it.

However, what Zhang Heng didn’t say was that at that time, he could actually leave directly through the iron gate and sacrifice the fake Ma Wei. This is the safest option for him.

However, against the latter, when he was swallowed by the monster, he did not immediately run away. Instead, he endured the fear and asked him what help he needed. Zhang Heng was still willing to take this risk for her.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the counterfeit Ma Wei can withstand the shadow for 3 minutes and let him open the door, otherwise Zhang Heng can only silently leave, so speaking from a certain perspective, the fake Ma Wei that iron man marathon is actually Is fighting for her own chance of survival.

The latter rested for a while. She was about to catch up with the heartbeat of the passionate girl before, but she obviously did not plan to run down, but changed her posture and continued to lie on the back of Zhang Heng like a koala. on.

Zhang Heng knew that the former had a lot of physical exertion before, but there was no uncomfortable must to drive her down, but after running for a while, Zhang Heng ’s right shoulder suddenly hurt, frowns saying, “Hey, can you be honest , We are still running. “

The fake Ma Wei snorted with his nose and stopped for about 2 seconds before reluctantly moving his teeth away from Zhang Heng’s shoulders, looking at the tooth marks left there with satisfaction, “I understand the truth, but don’t bite You can’t swallow my breath. “


After doing what he wanted to do a long time ago and dared not to do, the fake Ma Wei finally turned his attention to the main business again and asked Zhang Heng, “What was that thing just now?”

“I do not know.”

“Don’t you know?” The fake Ma Wei eyebrows raised, “That thing is just for you.”

No more effort to run, she can finally put her energy back to thinking. The fake Ma Wei was originally a very smart person. Recalling what happened before, it is easy to reach such a conclusion.

“I met once before, and I saved a little child from it. It was probably because of this thing. I was staring at me.” Zhang Heng paused, and asked again, “The weakness you said before is What do you mean. “

“Are you a rookie player?” The fake Ma Wei was a little surprised. “But it’s not like your strength. Things like this are not secret. Most old players know it. This supernatural monster generally speaking will have weaknesses. If it exists, it is only necessary to target the weak points, even if it is a strong and incompetent guy, it is theoretically possible to be killed by a pupil who has just brought a red scarf. “

“A weakness, is it like the heel of Achilles?”

The fake Ma Wei nodded, “That’s the kind of thing. To deal with this monster, you usually have to find its origin or legend first, because the way to deal with it is likely to be hidden in those stories that are spread by word of mouth but not very eye-catching. “

“Apart from this?” Zhang Heng also asked, there are lucky rabbit feet and the forest of Divine Pagoda Pio’s previous experience, Zhang Heng did retrieve the information on the wall to swallow people on the Internet, but unfortunately not at all get what Useful clues, and now it is clear that there is not enough time for further investigation.

“Apart from this can only be hardened, and it can be effective against most monster physical elimination methods, but this time … I’m not too sure, or you smashed it while waiting for it to be attached to the wall. Try? “

Zhang Heng knows that this method is mostly useless, because it can be easily switched between solid and liquid, which also makes it more difficult to deal with it.

Zhang Heng has been trying to stay away from all around walls as far as possible, but there are forests made of reinforced concrete everywhere in the city, which is the natural home of that thing. It can move between 4 different walls, which also makes it It is almost impossible to be eliminated.

But the weakness previously mentioned by counterfeit Ma Wei made Zhang Heng think of something again.

But before he could speak, he met another acquaintance in front.

Zhang Heng did not choose the road, because there are dormitory buildings and other buildings nearby, which is not only an excellent hunting place for the other party, but also may bring danger to the people in the building. He carried the fake Ma Wei across the northeast of the playground The small garden here is usually very lively, and there is also an artificial lake, which is one of the couple ’s favorite places after dinner, but now the school is on holiday, it is more than ten o’clock in the evening, Zhang Heng didn’t expect When meeting other people, and Shen Xixi, who just broke up with him not long ago, she did have some concerns tonight, and even swayed outside for so long before returning to the dorm.

Hearing the footsteps in the distance, she stood up from the bench by the lake. After seeing Zhang Heng, she also showed an unexpected expression on her face, but then she heard the fake Ma Wei on Zhang Heng’s back shouting, ” Run, run !!! “

Shen Xixi raised her eyebrows, somewhat puzzled, but when she saw the black liquid behind the two, her pupils shrank sharply, but her face was not surprised.

Zhang Heng originally thought that Shen Xixi would ask all sorts of questions. After all, when normal people encounter this kind of thing, they will first find a way to figure out the situation, but Shen Xixi didn’t drag on the mud at all. Hearing this immediately ran away.

She and Zhang Heng were side by side and ran while asking, “Where did you find this thing, what means of attack did it have to do with the wall?”

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