48 Hours a Day

Chapter 270

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

In the dark, Shen Xixi can only hear her breathing and heartbeat sounds. It has been 5 minutes since she played the battle madness. This D-class quality game prop has effect and put the unknown monster’s attention to it. Attracted to her.

But then it was her biggest test. It was impossible for her to run for 30 minutes without such a headless run.

But after this time of chasing away, Shen Xixi also touched on the behavior of some things. Its characteristics are obviously related to the “wall”. In other words, the farther away from the wall, the safer she is.

There is a free and open People ’s Park less than one kilometer outside the school, which is probably the farthest part of the city from those reinforced concrete forests.

Shen Xixi planned to go there and deal with the other party until Huang Yu and the others arrived, but she ran to the East Gate, but found that the thing had been waiting for her there first.

Shen Xixi had no choice but to make a U-turn and ran to the North Gate, but her intention was obviously guessed by the other party. After only half of this time, she was overtaken by that thing. After a little thought, Shen Xixi finally gave up the last one. South gate.

Once there, the distance is farther, and she can’t run over that thing on this way. When you come there, she usually locks the door at 2 o’clock at night, and even if she runs there, it’s useless.

Shen Xixi finally chose to retreat to the small garden where she had been alone.

This is also the place farthest away from other buildings in the school. Shen Xixi can hide around the small artificial lake inside and hide from each other.

However, after running for so long, Shen Xixi ’s body also began to release fatigue signals to her brain. After all, Shen Xixi was a girl. Although she became a player and started to exercise and strengthen her physique, she also achieved certain results, but it was only stronger than ordinary person. , Even more how, unlike Zhang Heng, a single player who has been playing stand-alone, Shen Xixi takes a teamwork model.

In order to improve efficiency and cope with various complex situations, this requires team members to have their own characteristics, as far as possible the skills and abilities do not overlap, complement each other, and everyone has a set development path.

Shen Xixi’s role in the team is the leader and the brain. Other members are responsible for the battle. She needs to improve her leadership and decision-making abilities, which also means that she cannot spend too much time on physical exercise.

In addition, the restriction of sight at night caused her a lot of trouble.

Although the small garden can be separated from the building, the environment is more complicated, and it is not without reason to be hailed as a couple of Holy Land, because there is only 2 street lamps in a large area, one of which was broken long ago. If you fall, the atmosphere is really good when you are in love, you can hug.

But for Shen Xixi now, it ’s a bit terrible. She does n’t know how to observe all around without the eyes behind her. Its vision is obviously not affected by the sky. In contrast, her own vision in a dim place will definitely be Being affected, it made her unable to grasp the other party’s movements in time.

In fact, if it was n’t for the purpose of preserving physical strength, Shen Xixi did n’t want to take the risk and ran here to give the opponent a chance to attack herself. She stopped by the lake and took a breath, while leaning back on the artificial lake to be alert to other 3 In this direction, her strategy is very simple, but it is also very effective.

Stand under the street lamp that can shine, so that the road in the direction of her left and right hands can be seen clearly. Behind the lake is not at all. The building can ensure safety. The only thing that is more troublesome is the direction in front, covered by trees , But fortunately, it ’s winter now, and the leaves of the trees are almost gone.

This is also the area where Shen Xixi’s attention is mainly concentrated. That thing really wants to attack her from this direction, and it is difficult to escape her eyes.

At this moment, Shen Xixi’s nerves were completely tense, because the opponent was a supernatural monster. Even with her constant calmness, there was some tension at this time.

At this moment, the mobile phone in her pocket shook again. Shen Xixi glanced quickly. It was a short message from Huang Yu, only a simple sentence-wait for me! ! ! I will be in the vicinity and will be here soon! ! !

I have to admit that this short message did make Shen Xixi feel a little calmer. It seems that the situation is better than she expected. Although Huang Yu is not the main attacker in the team, his battle strength is also very strong, second Only to Yang Zihe, but the latter also lived the farthest. He was the one mentioned by Shen Xixi before and it would take an hour and a half for the fastest rush.

Shen Xixi settled her mind, and after receiving the news from Huang Yu, her mind became active again. She not only wanted to escape passively, but also hoped to collect more useful information during the escape and prepare for this later. .

However, as she thought about the next strategy, the rockery in the artificial lake behind her began to melt quietly.

This is not to blame for Shen Xixi’s care, because before that thing was walking on the cement wall, Shen Xixi has been deliberately keeping a distance from the buildings on the campus. She didd’t expect the wall of the rockery can be used by that thing.

After the black liquid flowed quietly behind her, Shen Xixi wanted to react too late, but at this time the counterfeit Ma Wei also arrived. She went to Shen Xixi before and ran for 2 steps but stopped again. He felt a piece of plasticine and rubbed his face bitterly.

It was not successful successfully until two minutes ago. She hurried to the artificial lake and saw the thing behind Shen Xixi, throwing out the plasticine in her hands.

The plasticine fell in front of Shen Xixi and the black liquid, and the next second, a fence rose up there.

Shen Xixi was taken aback, thinking that the fake Ma Wei had hatred against her and wanted to use her hand to kill her, but next moment, she saw that the thing was indeed blocked by this wall. The characteristics are like disappearing.

“What are you still doing, running?” The fake Ma Wei shouted, “my plasticine wall won’t last long.”

Shen Xixi hearing this immediately opened her legs, while surprisedly said, “Are you also a player?”

“That’s right.” The fake Ma Wei sighed while answering. She hated sports most. Now that Zhang Heng is away, her flesh car is gone. She can only continue to run with Shen Xixi by holding her nose, but she ran 2 steps Then she thought of what stopped her footsteps again, with a happy expression on her face, “Yeah, I was almost dizzy. What am I running, isn’t that just attacking you?”

However, after Shen Xixi’s words, she poured cold water on her again. “My game item also has a time limit. The effective time of ten or five minutes is now less than two minutes.”

The fake Ma Wei hearing this ran to tears, “Come on, then I’ll keep running.”

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