48 Hours a Day

Chapter 281

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“David, start when you are ready.”

Zhang Heng had seen several people try to ride this machine before, but it was totally different from sitting on it.

Zhang Heng noticed that he had a small display on the front right to show the offset. Apart from this left and right hands, there was a control rocker in front of each other, which seemed not so complicated in terms of operation.

However, when the multi-axis training device was started, Zhang Heng knew how difficult it was to stabilize the seat. The accuracy requirements for strength and angle were very high, and he was just beginning to feel a little operation skills. The multi-axis training device It started to accelerate.

Zhang Heng felt like he was thrown into a fast-rotating blender. He tried to stabilize the seat with a rocker, but honestly he didn’t even know if it was useful.

He could see the entire world shaking upside down above his head, and he could still see the spotlight on the ceiling one second before, and the scene in front of him switched to a calf who did n’t know who it was next second, and then became In addition to the pipes on the wall, the undigested dinner was tumbling in his stomach.

At this time, in addition to the player who went up before Zhang Heng was still vomiting in the bathroom, the previous few people all eased over. They gathered in a short distance to look at Zhang Heng on the multi-axis training device. Or some expression of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

After all, the performance of each of them was quite embarrassing before, and it would be better to see someone joining their center.

But after looking at the middle-aged man with gold wire glasses for a while, his face changed first and asked, “How long has it been?”

Everyone hearing this, you see me and I see you, they have just come out of the nightmare, although they have been observing the surrounding environment, but their attention is basically focused on the man who looks like an instructor. time.

Who knew that at this moment a voice suddenly said, “2 minutes and 52 seconds, he has more than doubled our average time, twice the shortest record.”

It was the only girl in the group of 7 who had short hair and looked very capable. She seems to be very interested in Zhang Heng. She has been staring at Zhang Heng since she took the initiative to retreat. She is now pinching the clock.

“Thank you for reminding me.” Fatty has woke up from a coma after being treated by medical staff, but because of the food fountain he performed before, many people are now looking at him with poor eyesight, and there are signs of being excluded. He is now standing Slightly away from the crowd, wiped cold sweat, said with a bitter smile.

“What’s this guy’s profession, pilot, acrobat?” The copy named Anthony’s robust man opened the mouth and said,

“Who knows, I think he’s more like a professional killer.” The girl said, a flash of excitement flashed in her eyes.

Just when several people were talking, Zhang Heng finally stopped the multi-axis training device. When his feet touched the ground again, the dizziness in his mind completely disappeared, and he had to reach out and hold the side. Stair handrail.

Thanks to the pirate experience of the previous decade, he drove the Jackdaw through many storms, and his balance has been tempered, which is much stronger than the ordinary person. This is why he can be on the multi-axis training device. The reason for persisting for a longer time.

But then he walked into the bathroom like everyone else. When he came out of the bathroom, the six people outside had reunited.

And the man who looks like an instructor also opened the mouth and said again, “To prevent some of you from forgetting, let me introduce myself again. My name is William Kenhouse. You can call me Kenhouse or Captain. , Whatever you want, as you know, we just launched Apollo 3 into the sky three days ago. This plan is the first time we have brought the lunar module into lunar orbit for testing and is also a preview for the lunar landing. So far, everything is going well, and if nothing goes wrong, they will be back in 10 days, and then it will be our highlight. “

The captain said paused here, “We will use Apollo 1 to send our people to the moon, but now there is a problem. Just a week ago, someone on the mission team was infected with a new type of infectious disease. Our medical Although the team tried to control the source of the infection, they still lost a group of astronauts. In their current state, they can no longer perform the flight mission, including the official members and replacement members who will be performing the Apollo 1 mission, and The support team, in short, we have no astronauts on hand now. “

Zhang Heng and other players are listening quietly. NASA in history has definitely not experienced such a large-scale infectious disease. This is obviously a copy of the sudden occurance that they insert in order to “upper rank”, but more importantly, later How will it develop.

The captain continued, “In short, our manpower is very tight. The director proposed to the president to postpone the moon landing, but this proposal was rejected. Sputnik 1, Gagarin, the Soviet Union in every important cosmic exploration The results are ahead of us. The current situation is 2: 0, so we will win the next game anyway.

“… Personally, I prefer to choose astronaut candidates from experienced Air Force pilots, but the President and the Director have recommended you, I don’t know why, in my opinion, you are not as good as I have participated Grandma of World War I, but since this is NASA’s decision, I can only obey orders, so put away the half-dead expression on your face.

“I will be responsible for your future training. If you are lucky, when the astronauts of Apollo 1 come back, and they can restore their body to a good level in the future, you will be replaced and supported. The identity of the team will be added to the next mission without having to go to space to die, okay, now do you have any questions? “

All players are using this time to quickly digest the information they have just received. In fact, most of the people have guessed their identity after the eyes opened to see their wear, but the captain’s passage, but their situation The explanation is clearer.

Everyone is a little bit dumb now. Most of them have experienced many copies of the game. It stands to reason that they should also be accustomed to winds and waves. They have dealt with a variety of difficult situations, but they were notified when they came up. You are the first to go to the moon.

Before entering the copy, all players thought that they were mentally prepared. However, no one had prepared such a thing as flying out of the atmosphere. Everyone glanced at each other, but what they saw from each other was that they were on a multi-axis training device. When more uneasy.

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