48 Hours a Day

Chapter 295

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The captain was still worried that these newcomer candidate astronauts would see shaking and psychological shadows after seeing their companions die in front of them, but from the evaluation results, he seemed to be more worried about this time.

Considering the time constraints, everyone had resumed training in the afternoon.

According to the original arrangement, after the lunar landing training was completed, the flight training was followed, but this time is different from the past, and there is no trainer to sit behind them to guide.

After more than a month of intense training, the students will soon be flying their first solo flight.

NASA has always attached great importance to flight lessons, calling it “space preparation training”. The pilot ’s situation and spacecraft pilots have many common grounds. For example, they need to constantly judge the current safety situation, mission priority, Weather conditions, fuel quantity and flight path … Then make various decisions in a short time based on the collected information.

In the event of an aircraft failure or other emergency, the driver must make the correct response, and at the same time they need to use Wireless Electronics and the ground control center to keep in touch.

Therefore, flight training has always been a top priority in the training, and it is also the training that the most players invest their time and energy in.

However, not long after the “accident” in the morning, the murderer was not found out, and even the NASA accident identification report did not come out. Everyone can only guess the reasons that led to the crash of the moon landing training machine and the robust man named Anthony above. What is it.

The main thing is that no one knows how the other party did it.

Except for the youngster who was accused of sneaking out of the door at night, no one seemed to have left the aerospace center. Everyone usually activities together. It stands to reason that no one should have contacted the moon landing machine in advance.

While training, Anthony was the first to go on board. At that time, other players were also standing next to the captain, because Zhang Heng ’s score was basically locked in the first place, he not at all focused his attention on the moon. On the training machine, I still spent some energy on other people, but during this period not at all found that someone showed any obvious abnormalities.

Supernatural power?

Considering that the players who enter the copy are all players, the possibility of carrying game props is very high, which is also the most reasonable explanation at present, but in this way, there are many possibilities.

Zhang Heng can understand why middle-aged people like intellectuals want to find the killer so much, because this matter is not resolved, and a sword of Damocles hangs above everyone’s head.

However, as long as the main mission is not completed, everyone can only continue to brace oneself training.


After all, a major accident had just occurred, and Cape Canaveral Air Force Base was also very nervous. The jets used for this training were also repeatedly checked by ground crews to ensure that there were no more mechanical failures.

Zhang Heng put on a special flight suit, put on a helmet and oxygen mask, and sat in the cockpit. This may indeed be the first time for other players to fly alone, but in the previous transitional copy, he has soloed a lot. Secondly, when actually training with the T-38, the flight instructor sitting behind was always full of praise for his performance.

Zhang Heng lv1’s aircraft driving skills may not be as good as professional pilots, but it is enough to cope with the current copy. Especially after this period of strengthening and consolidation, what he lacks is only flight experience.

The top youngsters and high school students have already completed flight training, which also allows the remaining players to put their hearts back a little bit.

Zhang Heng is the third person to train. He fastened his seat belt, pulled out the safety pin of the ejection seat, opened the flat display, lower display, and the corresponding electric door, respectively connected to the aircraft’s radar and flight control. , Communication system, engine system, start APU and engine, check the instrument panel, and confirm that everything is good.

Then he made an OK gesture to the ground staff outside, who helped him remove the ladder and wheel block and unplug the power. Zhang Heng released the handbrake and allowed the plane to taxi out of the hangar and onto the runway.

It is still windy in the afternoon, but it is much better than the morning weather. The main thing is that the sun is clear and it is still very suitable for flying.

At 13:45, Zhang Heng talked with the tower and requested to take off. After approval, he pushed the left-hand throttle to the maximum and accelerated the aircraft to 220 kilometers per hour. After that, he pulled the joystick back to complete a beautiful lift-off.

The plane successfully left the ground, Zhang Heng glanced at the attitude instrument, confirmed the elevation angle and slope of the nose, and flew towards the mission target point.

This training required him to find a frigate named Miller at sea, and then return.

The content of the task is not too complicated, especially for Zhang Heng, he only needs to be careful not to miss the goal. After confirming that everything is normal, he even enjoys the scenery outside the window.

I have to admit that this game has indeed changed him in many ways.

If he was crazy half a year ago, he would n’t even think of what would happen today. Even if it ’s the rich 2nd generation, he ’s only staying in the 5th ring racing and fantasizing that he is the stimulation of Fujiwara Takumi. Piloting a fighter plane, he flew over the territorial waters of the United States.

At 13:52, Zhang Heng talked to the tower for the second time and reported his flight height and Mach number. At the same time, he also checked the fuel level of the aircraft. It was still as usual, but the sunlight outside the window was dazzling.

It took Zhang Heng less than ten minutes to find the target frigate. At 13:59, he called the tower for the third time. After confirming that the mission had been completed, Zhang Heng turned around and returned.

However, he only flew 40% for half a minute. The fuselage suddenly began to tremble violently. Zhang Heng saw through the glass of the cockpit that the engine on the left side of the fighter plane was blazing, accompanied by thick smoke.

A harsh alarm sounded immediately in his ear, and at the same time the tower channel commander’s voice was heard from the communication channel, “David, what happened?”

“I might have hit something, a seagull or something.” Zhang Heng said, while shutting down the fire engine immediately.

“Can you still fly back, David?”

Zhang Heng looked at the falling altimeter on the dashboard, “I will try it.”

Until now, Zhang Heng has remained calm. In the transitional copy, he and Armstrong have practiced this situation. However, he has just controlled the flight status and has not had time to pull the fuselage high. The only one on the right side A loud noise came from the engine.

The fighter lost all its power in just half a minute.

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