48 Hours a Day

Chapter 299

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Zhen Xao, Jia Lai, high school students and middle-aged persons like intellectuals are all waiting in the corridor.

Everyone kept quiet, even with the door closed, and the middle age person who looked like an intellectual, after confirming that everyone had arrived, took out a lighter from his pocket.

After wiping out the flames, move the lighter closer to the door lock. After a few seconds, the magic happened, and the copper door lock began to melt silently.

Based on the temperature of the lighter and the heat released, it is normally impossible to melt a piece of copper in such a short time.

Therefore, there is only one answer. The lighter in the hands of middle age person is also a game prop.

However, he obviously had no idea to explain, and quickly recovered the lighter after the door lock melted.

Immediately after the high school student pushed open the door and rushed in with Jared, after everyone entered the room, Zhen Xao closed the door with the fastest speed, and at the same time, the towel in his hand was used to plug the melted key and avoid the room. The voice spread.

But soon they discovered that their actions seemed superfluous.

The door lock melted little, but when the high school students and Jared rushed into the room, basically not anyone who slept particularly badly would be woken up.

However, Bruno on the bed still slept in hu hu.

Even when the middle age person who looked like an intellectual came to the bed and reached out to pats his cheek, he still didn’t react, just mumbled and rolled over.

The middle age person turned on the bedside table lamp, bent over, picked up a small medicine bottle dropped on the ground, and placed it under the light and looked at it.

“What is this? Sleeping pills.” The high school student asked.

The middle age person did not answer. Open the medicine bottle, take out a capsule, open it, and pour the medicine powder in it on the back of his hand, but he not at all can see what.

“Can you show me?” Zhen Xao on the other side reached out.

“Of course.” Middle age person passed the medicine bottle in his hand.

Zhen Xao inspected it very carefully. Not only did she smell it, she picked out a few of the medicine powder with her little finger and tasted it, and finally came to the conclusion, “This thing is a bit like LSD.”

“What is LSD?” Jared asked.

“A hallucinogen, whose scientific name is D-lysergic acid 2 ethylamine, can give a strong illusion to the user. This feeling is difficult to describe. Just like you can see the flow of sound and color, everything around you Elongation and deformation become part of your fantasies … I was tricked by someone in a nightclub and once tasted this kind of thing by mistake. As far as I know, it can also be addictive to junkies. “

“Ah? What do you mean.” Jared was still confused.

“That means this thing is actually a drug.” The middle age person who looks like an intellectual is straightforward.

At this time, the high school student on the other side had already tied up Bruno, and everyone found out that Bruno was actually not at all asleep, his eyes were open, but his eyes were small, and his face remained The faint smile is like not realizing the situation now.

“It turns out that this guy is a drug addict, no wonder he is all powerless every day.” Jia Lai suddenly.

“Regardless of this, the matter is important. Search to see what props are on him.” Middle age person looks like an intellectual.

In order to prevent someone from taking advantage of this opportunity to embezzle props, two players teamed up and supervised each other in a quarter of an hour. Not only did he search Bruno, he was turned upside down, even the toilet. The water tank behind the cover has not been missed.

The crowd finally found a total of 2 props in the room, a fork and a tooth like a cat, but these props are unidentified in the hands of everyone except Bruno. If you want to know their role Wait until Bruno is awake, or at least until he is awake to communicate.

However, LSD’s effect was very long, and Bruno only slowed down until nearly 5 o’clock. After realizing his current situation, he was very angry, clamoring to kill the leading middle age person.

But when the latter put the bottle of LSD in front of him, he finally calmed down again.

Intellectual middle age person pushed his glasses, “So the reason why you didn’t let us search the body was because of this, you know that NASA will not let a drug addict land on the moon.”

“I told you that I didn’t do those two things.” Bruno said angrily, “You have found the wrong person, oh no wait …” He stared at the middle age person, “or you are the real murderer , Deliberately divert the attention of others to me, are you okay to start again? “

middle age person shook the head, “It’s a bit late at this time, isn’t it? We have to solve your problem first, no matter what, I will ask you a few questions below, I hope you can answer it truthfully.”

Bruno hearing this sneered, “What if I answer truthfully, wouldn’t you tell the NASA people about my LSD?” After he finished, he looked at the other four people in the room. Sorry, haven’t you found out yet, who is the murderer is not important, he is just taking advantage of this opportunity to kill the person who threatens him the most, I am the first one, “his eyes turned to the high school students , Warning, “You will be the second.”

His words obviously brought some touch to the high school students, who had a hesitant look on his face.

At this time, the middle age person opened the mouth and said, “Do n’t be disturbed by your words and your emotions and judgments. If you want to improve your order, you must pass him, so his outing will only be one thing for you. Good thing, this is the result that will not change anyway. We need to focus on finding the murderer now. Any other ideas can be discussed later, do you agree? “

Everyone hearing this has no objection.

The middle age person moved the stool and sat in front of Bruno again, “I know you hate me now, I admit that the actions against you tonight were all planned by me, because among us your suspicion has always been the biggest, but … “His words changed,” You must admit that your previous reasoning is not unreasonable. If I am a murderer, I will use this thing to kill people who threaten me, so I decided to give you a counterattack. Chance to prove that you are not the murderer, so your reasoning sounds more credible … Although you will still be out, I will become the most suspected person after you are out. This kind of thing is not exactly what you want to see Is it? “

“Oh, save it. I ’m not just a 3-year-old kid. I know exactly what you want. I wo n’t give you what you want. You may never know who the murderer is, so pray well. I am not the next goal myself. “At this time, Bruno relaxed completely. After the secret of LSD was exposed, he knew that he was finished, and he made his attitude clear that he did not want to cooperate with the investigation of middle age person.

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