48 Hours a Day

Chapter 308

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-The Great Basin Desert, the largest desert in North America.

The total area exceeds 500,000 square kilometers, including most of Nevada, more than half of Utah, and Idaho, Oregon, California, and Wyoming.

Speaking of this desert, most people think of Las Vegas first.

In 1888, it was just a small town. In 1905, because of the discovery of gold mines, a large number of gold prospectors poured in. However, like other gold mining towns, Las Vegas quickly ran out after the gold mines were emptied after a short bustle. Reverting to the previous depression, its real rise was during the Great Depression in the United States. The state legislature passed the bill to legalize gambling, which transformed the city built on Desert into a gambling city with many nightclubs, hotels and casinos.

Unfortunately, Zhang Heng did not come to Las Vegas for this time.

The plane landed at Area 51 Air Force Base, which was newly built more than ten years ago, and is located on a dry river bed in Nevada, only 130 kilometers from the flamboyant Las Vegas.

The United States has denied its existence for decades after its establishment, but at the same time, in order to prevent curiosity from approaching, the Air Force bought 9000 acres of surrounding land and established it as an air traffic control zone and an armed restricted zone.

Area 51 was originally used to develop U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. After the development of U-2 reconnaissance aircraft was completed, other “black” projects began to be implemented at this base, but it was not until 2013 that the United States recognized 51 The existence of the district.

This is also a mysterious color that covers area 51. Many people believe in the so-called “green house” (a frozen body of an alien is stored in it. All previous US presidents will come here to visit, and some people solemnly vowed to see it. I have been to a short, gray creature with a huge head in the vicinity.

However, Zhang Heng 3 obviously has no such blessings. They are not grotesquely shaped aliens, but a person in charge of the air force base. They look very ordinary. After shaking hands with Zhang Heng and the others one after another, he said that the simulation The environment has been set up and can be trained at any time.

The captain rarely showed a humane side. Considering that the sun has gone down, the training time was finally put in the morning tomorrow.

After dinner, the three people got the opportunity to move freely. However, it is said that they are free. The places they can go to are actually limited, and basically they have their eyes on them no matter where they go.

The person in charge of the reception also specifically apologized for this, reiterating that the move was not aimed at them, but because the most basic security alert was being implemented.

Zhang Heng and the others expressed their understanding of this, but it was impossible to do something at the base in this way, at least until tomorrow morning they were safe.

This result is not unacceptable. For the 3 people, this may be the last time they had a sound sleep. After eating, Jia Lai took a deep look at Zhang Heng, nodded at the latter, and left A sentence “See you tomorrow.” After the talk, I was not in a mood to walk under the whole monitoring, and took the lead to return to my room.

Seeing Jale leave, Bruno quickly got up and followed Fatty out of his room, but he watched as the door closed in front of him and almost hit his nose.

Bruno’s expression was a bit embarrassing. Fatty made it clear that he didn’t trust him. He didn’t discuss the plan for tomorrow’s plan with him. It seemed that he was just going to use him as a tool, but he had to say that his judgment was indeed accurate.

Bruno wanted to inquire about Jia Lei’s plan in advance to see if there was anything that could be used. It would be better to kill 2 people together. Now that he had a cold shoulder, he could only go back to himself in vain Residence.

So there was only Zhang Heng left in the canteen. Zhang Heng silently ate the last spoonful of baked beans in front of him. At this time, the sky outside the window also dimmed. In the threat of survival, we are about to face the final life and death competition, and it is difficult to ignore such a magnificent sight.

“Magnificent desolation, isn’t it?” A strange voice said.

“Sorry?” Zhang Heng turned around and saw a middle age person. The latter was dressed as an engineer. It should look like a researcher in Area 51. I don’t know when he came behind him, laughed, not at all. The previous topic, but asked, “Are you an NASA astronaut, I heard that you are going to the moon.”

“David.” Zhang Heng self-introduced, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and extended the hand, “We are a member of Apollo 1, but strictly speaking is only a candidate.”

“Einstein.” Middle age person shook hands with Zhang Heng, who raised his eyebrows. Zhang Heng had never seen a picture of Einstein when he was young, but middle age person said that Zhang Heng did find 2 people. There is something similar between the eyebrows.

But the latter then let go of his laughed hands, “Just kidding, you know the nature of our work, we signed a confidentiality agreement before we came here, we can’t reveal our real name to outsiders, how about Mr. David, to us Are you satisfied here. “

“You seem to be doing very well.”

“You too, as early as 60 years ago, no one thought that humans could fly in the sky with a big iron bird. No one would believe that humans could leave Earth and go to outer space ten years ago. Most people still do n’t think humans can set foot on another celestial body. “

Einstein paused, “But all this has happened. With the help of mathematical formulas, those principles of mechanics, and repeated experiments … Humans have completed things that seem impossible to accomplish again and again. This is not in modern society. Gods Vestige, I do n’t want to be disrespectful to the person who led the Israelis to build their country, but I want to say-technology is the greatest power in this world. “

Typical remarks by engineering students, but speaking from a certain perspective is also difficult to refute.

“I’m sorry to disturb your meal, I just heard that NASA astronauts are here, so I couldn’t help but take a look, you know,” middle age person shrugged, “No one comes here usually, anyway, very Nice to meet you, Mr. David. “

“I am also happy to meet you, Mr. Einstein.”

“Okay, don’t delay your rest time. I wish you a smooth training in advance and successfully boarded Apollo 1. I will listen to your moon landing broadcast.”

The middle age person ended the short conversation, holding the mug in his hand, and turned to walk out the door, when the sunset was completely sunk below the horizon.

But when he walked to the door, he stopped again and turned back, “Oh, yes, I almost forgot to say, I have a small gift for you, as our first meeting, just leave In your room, I hope you like it. “

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