48 Hours a Day

Chapter 310

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Breakfast is bacon pieces and cinnamon buns with Guozhen, pea soup and golden spear fish salad, standard Apollo era astronaut meal.

Mainly dehydrated and semi-humid foods, plus some heated foods and natural foods (mainly nuts), there is no problem with nutrition, but the taste can only be said to be ok.

Benefiting from the advancement of food preservation technology, future aerospace food has been greatly improved. In the era of Zhang Heng, NASA will provide astronauts with more than 180 kinds of physical objects and beverages. You can even eat chocolate ice cream on the International Space Station ( Of course, even now it is a very luxurious thing), which also helps the astronaut’s emotions remain stable for a longer time.

But for now, they obviously do not have such good treatment.

The storage room in the service cabin stores enough food for three astronauts to eat for eleven days. If the mission is not accidental, the time to go to the moon and return to Earth is eliminated, and the remaining food can support 3 to 6 days. , Enough astronauts to wait until the rescue team of NASA arrived.

However, considering the damage to the communication equipment and the possibility of various situations, this training requires Zhang Heng that they cannot stay in place for rescue.

So after having breakfast, the 3 people performed a simple positioning. After distributing food and water, they started the field walking training again, and moved to the next target location with their supplies on their backs.

-This is also the hardest part of the entire field survival training.

The target location is 80 kilometers away, even if you walk nonstop, it will take about 20 hours to reach the fastest.

Even more how now is summer, when the temperature of the desert exceeds 40 degrees Celsius during the day.

Under the scorching sun, the body’s water loses quickly. If it is not replenished in time, it is easy to enter the dehydrated state. Fortunately, after this period of devil training, even if it is the most general fatty of physique, there is no way to leave behind. As for Zhang Heng, he is the best of the three, and has experienced more severe situations than this, as well as lv3’s field survival skills. The current situation does not present him with too many challenges. .

In fact, there are emergency backpacks and supplies in the service cabin provided by NASA, which has saved a lot of trouble for desert survival. After all, NASA is not to train wild survival experts. Under normal circumstances, this training only requires astronauts to respond The steps in the manual, make good use of the things at hand, reasonably allocate your physical strength, and then complete the task within the prescribed time.

More than just physical exertion.

But after walking in the desert for a while, the mood of the crowd inevitably fluctuated.

The hot and dry environment is not only a torture and test for the body, but also affects everyone’s emotions to a certain extent, especially when 3 people are hiding their hearts.

On the surface, the situation faced by the three people is the same, and they all have to compete for the last place, but in fact, Zhang Heng does n’t even do anything, as long as he can survive in training, relying on his excellent results, still Can successfully board Apollo eleven.

On the contrary, Bruno and Jared are more passive, especially Jared, because of his previous strategy, which resulted in his ranking at the end of the three. He needs to use this last training to kill both.

But Jale did not know what Zhang Heng thought. The latter wanted to successfully pass this field survival training and took advantage of his achievements to climb to Apollo 1. He was still prepared to take some risks to solve him and Bruno. This threat.

After all, the quarantine period is still a week, and the safety cannot be completely guaranteed.

The main problem is that Jia Lai does not know exactly what kind of person Zhang Heng is. During this period of more than a month, he is not just blindly weakening, letting people relax his vigilance, but also secretly observing With everyone,

The energy he spends on everyone is different. Like the strong man and high school students, Jia Lai is too lazy to study, and Zhang Heng is the one who makes him spend the most attention.

But until today, his understanding of Zhang Heng is still seriously inadequate. The former is the most mysterious existence of this round of players, solo, he can’t see the other party’s career in the real world from Zhang Heng, past, even Even age cannot be determined, and it is difficult to read from Zhang Heng’s face what he is thinking.

This is where Jared feels the most tricky, because without knowing the type of opponent, it is difficult to choose the next strategy of action.

When there are 3 clearance places, he tends to maintain a good relationship with Zhang Heng, but now he avoids inevitable and must find a way to effectively deal with each other.


The silhouette of only three people in the endless Desert is slowly moving on the sand dunes. Bruno pulled the collar. This is the first time he did n’t know how to open the water bag to drink water, but the anxiety in his heart has never been resolved. .

He looked up at Zhang Heng who was walking in front. From the start to the present, the pace of the latter has remained almost at a frequency, and it seems to be completely unaffected by the environment.

In addition, the fat who has been silent behind him has also put a lot of pressure on him. After eating breakfast, the team has been shrouded in an atmosphere that is about to happen and so on, but there is nothing on the way down Occurred, this kind of feeling can not be kept up, it is more irritating than the hot weather.

In the afternoon, 3 people found a sheltered rock wall. After lunch, Zhang Heng used stones to leave arrows on the ground. This is also part of the training. In order to indicate to the rescue team behind them Direction.

After that, three people took a rest for half an hour to go on the road again.

By dusk, the breath of Jared and Bruno were obviously heavier than before, their clothes were soaked in sweat, and the part of the skin exposed to the outside was blushed by the sun. Although many protective measures were taken, There is still a lot of sand pouring into the clothes, and the skin constantly rubs when walking, which makes people feel more uncomfortable.

The ten-hour long journey made their physical strength drop quickly. Zhang Heng, as the team’s Captain, decided to suspend the advance after seeing this situation and find a suitable place on the spot to prepare for the overnight stay.

He collected some dry branches, as well as dry bushes, raised a campfire, which could be used to heat the heated food collected from the service cabin, and also let three people eat a hot dinner.

This also caused a doubt in Jia Lai’s mind. So far, Zhang Heng has been performing field survival training in accordance with the captain’s requirements. Is he really planning to get the last place by his score?

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