48 Hours a Day

Chapter 312

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Jared stabbed the burning red strip in his hand into the coyote’s mouth, and the latter issued a series of screams. Jared was frowned and flung the seriously injured coyote aside.

After lifting the danger on his own side, Jialai turned to look towards Zhang Heng, and found that the other party was one against two, and the battle had ended, and Jialai regretted that Zhang Heng’s movements were too fast. When he turned his head, I saw only two coyotes with burn marks on their fur, and ran into the darkness with their tails in between.

He simply couldn’t see how the other party won this battle, which also made Jalai’s wish to learn more about Zhang Heng defeated.

At this time, the sound of the helicopter propeller was also heard in the ears of everyone. I have to admit that after the series of accidents, the NASA’s response to sudden occurance was much faster, and it also improved the astronaut’s response. Protection level.

Less than 5 minutes later, the captain jumped from the helicopter and opened the mouth and said, “Are you all okay?”

Zhang Heng and the others nodded, even the most dangerous Bruno just did n’t actually hurt, at most it was just a little frightened, the most serious thing was that the coyote spit on the face, and the taste was a bit bad .

The captain said, “didn’t expect will encounter wolves here. It has been a long time since there have been no wild wolves, but this does remind us that I will react to the above to see if I can add a point to drive the wolf in the emergency backpack. And so on, but it ’s better not to expect too much, and after their approval, maybe you have already visited the moon twice, so … I ask you again, do you still want to continue this training? “

The nodded of Jale and Bruno without the slightest hesitation, although they had just experienced the scene of the shock, but there was no victory or defeat between the three, they did n’t want the training to end, so the captain turned his head towards Zhang Heng, who said , “I respect the opinions of team members.”

This answer was somewhat unexpected from Jared and Bruno.

It stands to reason that Zhang Heng should choose to interrupt training at this time, so that with his previous results, he can directly get the final quota, and the reason why he now makes such a decision, there is only one possibility, that is, he also decided to use this time The opportunity to solve all threats in one fell swoop and avoid other situations in isolation.

“Okay, let’s meet at the end, and pay attention to safety.” Since the three people agreed, the captain said nothing and got into the helicopter and left the camp.

After cooperating to repel the coyote attack, the atmosphere between the three people seemed to be a little better, but the hearts of the three people were very clear, this is just an appearance.

When the number of customs clearance is reduced to one, there is no room for compromise between them.

I don’t know if it was interrupted by an accident. Afterwards, Jale seemed to give up the action until the sun rose from the east, the temperature began to pick up, and nothing happened.

The 3 people spent the night safely by the fire.

In the early morning, they took advantage of the bonfire that had not been extinguished, and ate a hot breakfast again. If nothing else, this was the last meal they ate in the desert.

Because it is less than 30 kilometers away from the target location, if it is successful, it can be reached in 7 hours.

But Jale had n’t come to Bruno to discuss the next plan of action, and Bruno had been completely stubborn. He knew that this meant that Jale had never put his alliance with him in his heart, nor did he think how useful he was. .

But Bruno wondered why Jale was still not so anxious until this time, he even had the leisure to reorganize his emergency backpack before departure, knowing that it was not far from the end point, and the time left for them Running out.

If you can’t make a shot within the last 7 hours, you may never have the chance to make another shot.

Bruno is currently the most anxious of the 3 people, but his anxiety is useless, and he has lost the game props, and Jared is equal to abandoning him. He does not know how to solve the top secret under the surveillance of NASA. Two competitors who are obviously stronger than him can only wait passively.

As in the previous day, the three people who had breakfast continued on the road silently.

But because of this time, the time they picked was early in the morning, and the sun did n’t come out very long. At this time, the temperature in the desert was not too high, and the physical consumption was not as intense as before. At the same time, 3 people unexpectedly received the Prompt, tell them to complete a “desert camping” achievement, and each person gets 2 points.

The importance of points has long been self-evident since the game is going on, and the acquisition of points has always been the focus of the research of the Great Guild. The research results are 5 Eight Sects, but no matter which program, it can only be to a certain extent. In order to improve the efficiency of points acquisition, because of the uniqueness and non-repeatability of the copy, in theory, the point acquisition solution you summarized in one copy can not be directly used in other copies.

For example, the 30 food achievements that Zhang Heng once obtained in the copy of Tokyo Drift will not take effect afterwards. No matter how much American signature food he eats in the 60s, he ca n’t get any more points, but before In his transitional copy, he did get a “fast food & music” achievement through vinyl records with burgers and Mexican Brother Xi chicken rolls.

This combination fascinated him.

However, under these randomness, certain rules are indeed hidden. For example, Zhang Heng has found that the probability of getting points after encountering danger and successfully passing the danger will be very large, but this rule is actually not very useful, because players also It is impossible to go crazy for points.

After all, it doesn’t make much sense to have points even if no one is there.

Bruno feels like this now. The joy of gaining points is completely diminished by the anxiety about the future. He wiped the sweat from his face. It has been 3 hours since the breakfast for 3 people. The temperature of the desert has been Increased, the uncomfortable dryness of the past also came back.

But what made Bruno even more anxious is that now there is still no sign of Jale to shoot. Bruno does not understand exactly what Jale is waiting for, and what exactly makes him even willing to give up the rare opportunity last night.

Is there anything more suitable for hands-on than when the first officer at night is lowered?

Just when Bruno 100 was puzzled, he felt that the oncoming hot wind seemed to have a tendency to gradually increase, so he looked up and looked at the distant skyline.

next moment He finally got the long-awaited answer.

The voice of the captain came from the intercom, “The team noticed that there was a sandstorm ahead, the training was cancelled, stay on the spot, don’t move around, our car will pick you up soon.”

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