48 Hours a Day

Chapter 318

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The elevator continued to rise on the mobile launch platform, and the three people were further and further away from the ground. Zhang Heng looked up to the distant sky, where a round of red morning sun was rising from the coastline.

Light and darkness are perfectly intertwined at this moment, like a frozen film.

“Hopefully we can still see such a beautiful scene.” Collins whispered aside.

Despite the amazing height of Saturn 5, people even had the illusion that they would never reach the top, but the elevator finally stopped in front of the covered bridge.

NASA staff pulled the elevator doors open for them and nodded at them. At the same time, the engineer also completed the last inspection before the launch. Three people walked over the connecting bridge between the rocket and the launch platform and drilled into the small command cabin in.

Zhang Heng tried his best not to let the spacesuit touch the complicated instruments and pipelines around him, and at the same time found his own seat, the hatch of the command module closed slowly behind him.

So far, only three people remain in the spacecraft.

Both Armstrong and Collins are NASA’s old men. They have performed aerospace missions before, so they are very calm. However, compared to Armstrong’s unchanged expression, it can still be seen that Collins is a little nervous.

After all, NASA has just happened a series of things before, mysterious infectious diseases, and the crazy downsizing of training camp … all this seems to be in line with the widely spread rumors that “God does not want humans to go to the moon.”

Even with the psychological quality of Corinth, it is difficult to completely ignore these external disturbances.

However, when the mission began, he quickly adjusted his mood and devoted himself to this space flight.

Like Apollo 1 in history, NASA arranged Armstrong as the commander, Collins was the command service pilot, and Zhang Heng replaced Baz Aldrin as the lunar module. Driver.

Collins was also the only person on the Apollo 1 mission who did not land on the moon, because he needed to stay in the command service cabin when the lunar module and the command service module were separated. Once Armstrong and Zhang Heng could not return from the moon , Collins will pilot the cabin to return to Earth himself.

In terms of safety, he is the highest of the three, but the price is that he has clearly arrived at the “home door” of the moon, but he can’t look up, but in the order of the task, he is still higher than the lunar module driver. Of Zhang Heng.

After contact during isolation, Zhang Heng, Armstrong and Collins became more familiar, because Armstrong and Collins returned to the team relatively late, 3 people not at all had the opportunity to train together, which once made NASA seniors worry about 3 Tacit understanding between people.

However, to this day, they have no better solution. They can only try to create an environment familiar to each other for three people during the isolation period. Zhang Heng also determined one thing.

That is, what happened in the parallel copy will not be brought to the normal copy. Armstrong did not have any impression of the time when the two people got along in the Lewis Flight Power Laboratory 14 years ago.

This can also be seen from the expression on Armstrong’s face when the two met again. Armstrong looked towards his eyes as if looking at a stranger.

Zhang Heng is still a little sorry, although he also knows that this situation is the most likely, because 14 years have passed, his appearance has not changed, and there is no trace of aging on his body. This is not a thing in the eyes of anyone. Normal things are hard to find convincing explanations.

Zhang Heng has more or less learned from the network and books of later generations on the matter of the separation of two people.

Armstrong married Janet Elizabeth Hillen in 1956, who he met when he was in college. The two had a total of 2 children. His daughter Karen was diagnosed with a malignant tumor and lost his ability to speak and walk. Karen passed away on Armstrong and Janet’s wedding anniversary.

This incident hit him hard, which is why Zhang Heng saw him as a whole quieter when he saw him for the second time, although Armstrong never showed grief in front of anyone.

But he later applied for NASA astronauts, in addition to his own love for flying, he did not have the meaning of escape in it. Perhaps only in high-intensity training and work can he be temporarily forgotten to lose the pain of the daughter, apart From this, Armstrong’s marriage is not smooth.

In 1989, Janet left a note at the table for Armstrong, requesting the end of their 38-year marriage, and after using Armstrong’s own words

—— “Our marriage is like a failed flight, silently collapsed … if possible, I have to say, I love my wife, I am sorry …”

But at the moment, Armstrong sitting in the command service cabin did not at all think about these things. He has concentrated all his energy on this task, which is why NASA will evaluate Armstrong as a stable and reliable leader.

In a sense, although Armstrong and Zhang Heng are in different times, they have many similarities in their bodies, and they can see each other’s shadow from each other.

At the beginning, there was a tacit understanding between the two people in the Lewis Flight Power Laboratory, and then returned to the copy of the Apollo training camp after fourteen years. Although Armstrong does not remember what happened before, but between the two people A subtle sense of tacit understanding not at all disappeared completely.

Armstrong also noticed that he and Zhang Heng clearly only met for the first time, but there was a feeling of long-term reunion between old friends, and Zhang Heng seemed to know his family situation and his early experiences very well.


The ground control center in Houston issued a command to count down the last two minutes, and the ground staff had all evacuated to safety.

It ’s just that the number of people who came to the scene today to watch the Apollo 1000000 lift off has exceeded 10000. Apart from this, there are dozens of cameras performing live broadcasts. Zhang Heng used the last time to check his safety again. Belt to ensure that 1 is not lost.

At this time, the countdown also came to the last 15 seconds, and the internal guidance was started … Immediately after 9 seconds left, the engine started to ignite, and the first stage rocket’s 5 f1 rocket engines were fully operated at About 12000kg of aviation fuel was burned, equivalent to the total consumption of 1500 jet fighters afterburning.

The red flame erupting from the base brought a huge sand dust around all around, which generated a strong thrust and pushed the spacecraft away from the ground.

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