48 Hours a Day

Chapter 325

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Middle age person The thing that can’t afford to sleep on the train is like an episode, and it quickly passed.

After discussing for a while, everyone’s attention quickly turned to other things, the melon seeds should be nibbling, the child should be kidding.

Zhang Heng took the opportunity to fetch the water to scan the car, and did not see any guys with abnormal behavior. Before contacting you, you always get a message from an unhappy look (# `O ′). The person who did it is indeed There is a high probability that it is not in the car.

After returning to the seat, the TOEFL girl was still chatting with Zhang Heng happily. Zhang Heng responded on one side, but on the other side his thoughts stopped at what happened before. Obviously, this thing would not end like this. 3 The Great Guild has been rewarding mysterious women who suddenly appeared on auction that night.

In addition to the fact that the three guilds wanted to play because the opponent played all over again, the more important thing was to retrieve the B-Rank item [Death Dream] from the latter. Such a Great Killing Artifact was not found one day. No one can feel at ease, after all, no one knows whether the encounter with the president in front of the Silver Wing will happen to himself.

However, because Zhang Heng has always been in a stand-alone state, the only single-player copy of other players who has encountered other players has survived. He is relatively safe, and in general, he will not be selected as a target. The matter, the other person’s choice of the person in his seat next door should be just an accident.

Nothing special happened until the train arrived at the station.

The TOEFL girl wanted to get in touch with Zhang Heng, but after all, she was too shy to be able to speak out. Seeing Zhang Heng carrying a backpack and carrying the suitcase disappeared into the sea of ​​people, she felt a sense of sorrow in her heart. Feeling, she knew that 2 people should not meet again.


Zhang Heng didn’t want to trouble Grandpa, but the latter came to the station to pick him up, driving his old Volkswagen.

Zhang Heng gave a hug to his grandfather outside the exit, then put the luggage in the trunk and took the co-pilot’s position, which reminded him of another thing, although he used to take the training in the copy of Tokyo drift. Thor also learned a beautiful drifting technique, and even won the death race, but he still can’t drive in the real world.

Because he doesn’t have a driver’s license yet, maybe he should also take the time to get his driver’s license down.

“How is school life?” Grandpa asked while driving.

“It’s not bad, it’s the same.” Even without the warning of Tang Suit, Zhang Heng will not tell Grandpa what happened during this time. Let me not say whether such a thing can be understood and accepted by others, even if Grandpa I know there is nothing I can do except to worry about him.

However, there was the issue of Zawelcha before, but Zhang Heng had considered whether he should indirectly remind his grandfather to pay attention to similar dangers, but then I thought about it. Even if the ordinary person knows this kind of thing in advance, it is difficult to make effective. The response came, that’s all.

Moreover, grandfather, as an older generation of intellectuals, who only has a firm Marxist belief, should not be involved in such things.

“You look mature a lot during this time.” Grandpa looked at Zhang Heng in the rearview mirror, paused, “Very well, don’t be as frivolous as your father, men should look like men, try to say as much as possible , Speak with action. “

“Then why did you marry your mother to him?” Zhang Heng asked, opened the CD case and pulled out a “7 Lixiang” from it. The album was almost as old as this car, Zhang Heng Skillfully inserted it into the car CD player.

After a while, Dong Zhou’s voice echoed in the car.

Grandpa coldly snorted, “Your mother has a bad vision from childhood to big, it should be her grandmother.”

Zhang Heng laughed and said nothing more.

Half an hour later, the car drove to where it lived, and the grandfather’s community belonged to the unit. However, because it was built earlier, there was no underground parking lot planned, and only later parking spaces could be added on the roadside.

After the grandfather parked the car, Zhang Heng got out of the car and took down his suitcase. During this period, he also met several residents in the same building, because everyone used to work in a unit, and basically upstairs and downstairs. They are acquaintances. Zhang Heng had been in the courtyard when he was a kid, and many people have been there.

At this time, it is necessary to stop and greet 2 sentences, so just a few steps and just walked for a few more minutes.

Back home, my grandfather reheated the pre-prepared meals. When he was eating, he talked about Zhang Heng ’s parents. At Christmas, Zhang Heng received a call from two people saying that he would come back this year, but two people not at all said the specific time, until a few days before the flight was booked.

2 people will take a flight 4 days later to Shanghai first, and then transfer back. Although my grandfather is very dissatisfied with the status of the 2 people who have been abroad in these years, they can still see that this family reunion is very important. I started to prepare various ingredients a week ago, and also took out Maotai, which has been treasured for a long time.

The feeling of going home is always very good, especially for Zhang Heng, it is extremely complicated and long for Zhang Heng.

After taking a shower, he walked into his bedroom with his backpack, pressed the switch on the wall, the light was on, Zhang Heng looked around all around and found that there was not much change at here and when he left.

Except for the new sheets and quilts, the other things are the same as before. The Hulk and Spider-Man hands that he bought in junior high school still have the classic posture of Bruce Lee and Altland on the bedside shelf. Now, the antique psp is stuffed at the bottom of the drawer, and there are several posters from SHE and Dong Zhou.

Zhang Heng threw the backpack in front of the desk, and then threw himself on the bed.

At this moment, he finally no longer has to think about what happened in the previous copy, nor does he need to guess the thoughts of those around him. This is probably the meaning of home.


Zhang Heng fell asleep at ten o’clock, then ate breakfast, and began to help grandfather to clean up before the new year together. They first started from the study, turned out the gadgets that were stuffed everywhere, and wiped them clean. Then classify and return.

Zhang Heng also turned to a BB machine that had not been unsealed under the bookcase. He was a little hesitant about how to deal with it. At this time, he saw the grandfather on the other side suddenly stood; on the other side, he was holding a photo album in his hand Into contemplation.

Zhang Heng put down the BB machine and walked over.

This album should be quite old, and the photos in it have been yellowed, but you can still see the people above. It is a girl who smiles sweetly and a serious young man.

“She looks beautiful.” Zhang Heng said.

“Yeah, so I always said that her vision was not good. At that time, many young men pursued her, but she chose me.” Grandpa wiped his glasses and said with emotion, “I was very good in all aspects of the school at that time. Ordinary, just a nerd with a flair. I can still remember that I was too nervous when taking pictures. The people in the photo studio let me relax a bit, but I could n’t laugh anyway, I could only stretch my face with her After taking this picture, she always said that I looked very sturdy then. “

When my grandfather was talking, a picture slipped out of the album.

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