48 Hours a Day

Chapter 345

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

(The name of the hostess will not appear until the next chapter. I must give priority to logic and storytelling. This is the best I can do.)

“I still remember when I was a kid, back then there was a village in the city,” you always look unhappy (# `O ′) at Yangji Village, not far away. 2 people came out from Starbucks Guangli Road has been walking all the way to Guangzhou Avenue.

This is one of the busiest arterial roads in Huacheng, and it is also the most serious place for traffic jams in the morning and evening. The LEGO drivers on the road whistle impatiently while crawling forward at the speed of a wheelchair.

When the signal light in front of him turned green and the traffic stopped, the two crossed the interchange and came to the other side of the road.

“I was probably still in elementary school at the time. It felt messy inside, with self-built houses everywhere, densely packed like lattices next to each other, labyrinth-like alleys, and messy wires like cobwebs on top of my head. There are also clothes drying on the wire. Be careful of the bicycle next to you when you pass underneath. They will always carry the mud and splash it on your trouser legs. “

“Do you live inside?”

“For a while, our family once rented a house here, but it started to be demolished 7-8 years ago, and we also moved away. I am not a native of Guangdong, my dad and my mom were young Came here to work. “

Now that the relocation rooms and office buildings have been newly built here, Zhang Heng probably made a visual inspection. The height of each building is above the thirty-forty floor, and some aunts are sitting by the street outside the building, with renters at their feet. Brand, waiting for the tenant to inquire while chatting in the sun.

You always squat in an unhappy look (# `O ′), scratching the jaw of a wild cat with the palm of your pliers, the latter’s face showing an expression of enjoyment, shaking your tail,” My dad Working in the restaurant on the second floor of the office building, he is off work at 2:11 in the evening. He is a very good person. You will know if you see him. He used to have a smile on his face. Whenever, he will make me a homemade celebration. “

“Are you going to wait for him?”

“No,” you always take an unhappy look (# `O ′) Took a deep breath, stand up,” It ’s not too early, my stomach is hungry, my mom should be preparing dinner now, by chance You can go for a big meal, but before that, there is still something to do. “

“whats the matter?”

“Kill me.” You always look at Zhang Heng with an unhappy look (# `O ′) and blink your eyes.


The high school girl was carrying a schoolbag under the billboard for treating male infertility. She was walking while holding an English book. She was carrying English words every minute. She did not notice that the two silhouettes behind her were following her.

Zhang Heng glanced at it before pretending to pass in front of her, and found that her appearance was almost exactly the same as that of a guy beside her, but her eyebrows looked more green, and she didn’t have that cynicism.

“Are you sure you want to kill yourself?” Zhang Heng turned his head towards someone.

The latter was shrugged, “If I do n’t kill her, I ca n’t go home. After all, my mother is just an ordinary person. Even if she is now a Lego brick, she ca n’t accept her daughter divided into two, and I have enough to make one She was worried, 2 of me was completely disaster …… There are too many people to start here, wait for her to pass through a small place, we can do it there, there are still a long time no one has driven a zombie car, take her After it’s killed, just put the body in the trunk, don’t worry about the police, anyway, World will be destroyed in 3 days. “

The two followed a little girl who knew nothing about it. Sure enough, they came to a place with little traffic, plus the time had passed at night, the lights were dim, and it was indeed a perfect crime place like a small theater in Conan.

Zhang Heng tried to buckle a piece of 1 * 1 blue part from the road teeth, waved it in his hand twice, and there was a series of numbers 2, which is the code that every piece of Lego bricks will have.

“Are you coming or me?”

“Come on … Didn’t my previous mischief make you very hot, so I gave you a chance to get revenge and directly attacked me, I hope you can enjoy some happiness from it.”


Zhang Heng said nothing more, and carried the blue part to the lonely girl in front of him.

However, he was still not used to acting in Lego. The sound of footsteps caused the idea of ​​the girl in front. The latter was trying to recognize the English in the book in the dim light, raised his head, and looked subconsciously behind him.

——The one who greeted her was a piece of blue 1 * 1.

“Hiss ~” You always sucked in a cold breath (# `O ′),” It hurts hurt !!! “

“Are you sharing pain?” Zhang Heng frowned.

“No, I just help you with some sound effects, hoping to increase your immersion.”

Zhang Heng was speechless, “Go and open the trunk.”

“Follow the orders, Mr. Killer.”


Zhang Heng had little experience in murdering Lego female high school students, looking at the schoolboy girl who had shown (º﹃º) expression in the trunk without moving, and he asked someone, “She … is this hung up?”

“Not good said, would you give her another 2 knives?”

“Forget it, so be it.” Zhang Heng closed the compartment lid. “Now?”

“We are not far from my house, and you will say that it is my classmates, but you look a little mature.”

You always look unhappy (# `O ′) to pick up the high school version of the schoolbag you dropped on the ground and hand it to Zhang Heng,” Put this stuff on your back, and it ’s better to handle your hair, It can be a little more chaotic, the learning tasks are so intense, how can everyone have the time to live so delicately. “

Ten minutes later, 2 people came to a dilapidated bobbin building, where there was no elevator, so 2 people could only climb to the 6th floor with bare hands, through a flying white sheet and a few shirts, came to a look and The humble door.

You always look unhappy (# `O ′). You are talking all the way, but at this moment, you are suddenly silent. Looking at the block wall in front of you, Zhang Heng sees that she should be very hopeful. I came back here, but for some reason I seemed to be afraid to come back here, so she went to drink coffee after leaving the train station, and went to the place where she lived when she was a child to revist an old haunt and stood in a restaurant where father works She didn’t go downstairs, and even she kept sneering all the time afterwards to cover up her nervousness.

After a while, she stretched out her pliers hand a little hesitantly and knocked twice on the door.

“Who?” There was a voice of a middle-aged woman.

“It’s me, mom.”

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