48 Hours a Day

Chapter 350

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Evil scientist has always carried infinite building blocks with him, which is why he is becoming stronger and more irresistible, so strictly speaking, this time he opens the space-time channel is also our opportunity, because then he will put infinite building blocks Put it in the quantum collider. During the operation of the quantum collider, he ca n’t take out the infinite building blocks, but for us, there is no such trouble. Taking out the infinite building blocks can also stop the quantum collider. To save the entire city. “

After listening, Zhang Heng said, “Let me start from the beginning. Opening the space-time channel requires a quantum collider and infinite building blocks. There are two quantum colliders, one of which is known to be on the small waist, the other is not I know where it is, so the best way is to wait for the evil scientist to start the quantum collider on Xiaoman ’s waist, and this is also when his power is weakest. At this time, we rushed to defeat him, from the quantum collider Remove the infinite bricks, close the space-time channel, and ultimately save the city? “

“Don’t forget that I have to give him my smart toilet seat back to him personally, and formally break with him, so yes, almost these things.” Bald-headed man nodded.

“But the evil scientist is not only powerful, but he also has a group of bionics built by himself. Let alone the few of us defeat the evil scientist, even the waistline can’t get up.” Waiter little brother worried.

“You’re right, so it’s not enough to choose people. We still need to find more helpers.” The balding man said while looking at the waiter little brother. “Actually, I found the people who were chosen. I also intend to bring them to you first. “

“Do you want to summon all the other surviving Masters to fight against evil scientists?” The waiter little brother suddenly, but then he frowned again, “This is a good idea, but how to do it, in order to avoid evil scientists Everyone has been incognito in recent years. I have some contact information for them, but … wait, you want me to help you find the messenger? “

Bald-headed man nodded, “The animal messenger built by the messenger can reach everyone in the shortest time, but she rarely communicates with other building masters, but the relationship with you has always been very good, and many people have guessed yours before. relationship.”

“Well, I do know where she lives.” The waiter little brother scratched his head.

“Excellent, that’s not too late. Let’s start now.” The bald-headed man stood up and walked over the plate from the side table.


“The second test test is coming.” The beautiful man said to Zhang Heng on the way, “When we arrive at the messenger’s house, we will meet the bionics who came to catch her, and a fight will happen.”

“Fight?” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows. “But we are now with two Masters, they are still much stronger than me.”

Beautiful guy nodded, “Yes, although it is intermittent, but I also practiced for a month, but the current LEGO assembly skills are still LV0, do n’t look at these two guys, but the title of the Master in this copy is equivalent to lvLevel 2 do n’t The skills, that is to say, in the real world, they are already equivalent to full-time LEGO players. Just assemble something yourself, take a short video and so on and put it on the Internet to attract a large wave of fans and become a celebrity, so They are much stronger than us, but … “


“You will be understood at that time.” The beautiful man sighed.

4 people came to a community that looked very old. The residents in the community were mainly elderly people. Basically, every household had flowers and plants on their balconies.

The waiter little brother pointed to an old corridor with a dovecote on the top floor, “The messenger lives there, and the pigeons in the loft are all built by herself.”

“Uh … you told the messenger we will come in advance. Is she planning to kill a few pigeons to entertain us?” The bald man squinted. His eyes were very good, and he saw that the pigeons in the loft were all lying around On the ground, there is red pigeon blood on the railing of the pigeon cage.

“Not good.” Waiter little brother expression changed, tone barely fell. He saw a silhouette of a hood rolled out of the window, stepping on the raised edge of the window sill, and swaying to the next door. Fled on the balcony, and behind her was a black clothed person.

“It’s a bionic man under the evil scientist. We first found the messenger. It seems that the evil scientist is also worried that she will contact other construction masters in this city.” The balding man complexion changed.

Just as he spoke, the waiter little brother on the other side had rushed over. He ran while removing the flowers, wall tiles and fitness equipment along the way. When he ran downstairs, he already had an extra inflatable cushion in his hand. Also printed with HelloKitty cartoon pattern.

At that time, the silhouette with a hood had reached the most critical moment. She tried to put her body on the wall as far as possible, step by step moved to the opposite balcony, but the black clothed person in the back pulled out most of her body. When the window came and stretched his arms, he would catch the hood.

Waiter little brother loudly roared, “Jump down, messenger!”

The silhouette wearing the hood forgot a glance down, hesitated, after all, she lived on the 7th floor, but just a moment of her hesitation that arm has also caught her shoulder, black clothed person’s face showed a touch of joy However, in the next moment he found only one hooded jacket left in his hand.

The messenger clenched the teeth, closed his eyes, and jumped straight upstairs, landing on the freshly baked inflatable cushion.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, more black clothed persons poured out of the corridor, and they rushed towards the waiter little brother and the messenger.

However, the next moment da da da ’s machine gun sounded, and the bald man was not idle during this time. He assembled a Gatling machine gun at the fastest speed, sweeping towards those black clothed persons, which is different from the real world. The Lego version of the bullet particles is much larger, as big as a fist, and much slower, and can be caught by naked eye, but it is as terrible as being hit.

The balding man immediately suppressed the black clothed person like a tide as soon as he joined, but as the First Wave’s forced attack passed, the surviving black clothed bionic person also immediately began to look for bunkers and pulled back the gun.

The next time the balding man felt the pressure, he told the waiter little brother, “Let the butcher, they are too many!”

However, the latter hearing this but the head, “No, the butcher’s lethality is too great and uncontrolled, but there are many civilians in this place.”

In fact, not far from their battle, there was an old man who was basking in the sun. From the beginning of the battle, he was running away with a horrified look, but unfortunately his legs and feet were unfavorable, so he only ran out of 50 cm for most of the day.

Afterwards, the 2 people turned their heads to Zhang Heng and Meinan as if they had made an appointment in advance. “Come on, make something, whatever you want!”

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