48 Hours a Day

Chapter 354

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Zhang Heng not at all According to what the man said, choose one of the three as the Teacher, but contacted everyone first. After a lap, he was basically sure. The ability is the weakest in terms of teaching effect. The messenger is the best of the three.

Although she was shy to the extreme, she did not want to speak, and kept covering her face with a hood, but the main points built by Ji This General showed meticulously, and she was always bored when asked by Zhang Heng, speaking from a Certain perspective She is very similar to the little brother that Zhang Heng encountered in the desert island copy before.

On the other hand, the bald man and the waiter little brother on the other side, these two people are more difficult to say. The creation of the bald man is indeed the most adaptable and the most useful of the three, but the nonsense of this guy is also the most of the three. And the focus of attention is always very peculiar. The place that should be explained in detail is taken by him in one stroke. Instead, he can emphasize many unimportant things.

The waiter little brother does not have this problem, but he also has other problems. Although he looks very low-key, Zhang Heng found that his deep in one’s heart is actually very boring, the external performance is that he seems to like to show off skills, before When he rescued the messenger, there was a hellokitty pattern on the air cushion he built. This is not accidental. In fact, he will often play other things when he builds other things. The appearance of this dazzling technique is very unfriendly to the newcomer.

So Zhang Heng finally chose the messenger as the Teacher, and followed her from the most basic creation.


Sleepless all night, but Zhang Heng’s harvest was also great, looking at the ladybug on the ground that gently rocked his tentacles, if not counting the nylon rope accidentally tamed, this little thing should be his first real sense Creation, although it is only the simplest Insect of all animals.

But through the messenger-style decomposition demonstration of the messenger, he is no longer clueless about building. Lego World has its own set of rules, not just simply imitating the appearance to build what you want, such as the previous The fishtail French bread is actually similar to the sword in appearance. On the contrary, like the waiter little brother, he often changes some creations to show off the magic, but it does not affect the normal use of the item.

This is probably what the bald-headed man said before to grasp the essence of things, and every master can accurately grasp the essence of his own creation, which is why they can become masters.

Just one night of learning does not allow Zhang Heng ’s LEGO assembly skills to have any numerical improvement, but at least he no longer ca n’t even touch the door as before.

The messenger made a gesture to him, which meant that he was innate talent in construction.

Before Zhang Heng had time to say anything, a harsh alarm sounded in his next moment.

“Not good, the evil scientist is here!” The waiter little brother complexion changed.

“Damn, those nasty flies are really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed.” Bald men also frowns saying.

2 people listened to the suggestion of the beautiful man, installed a camera and a motion alarm in the mouth of the stone lion outside the door, and from the monitoring screen, one van after another stopped at the door of the waste recycling station The clothed bionics jumped from the car, and they walked lightly to the waste recycling bin.

“It seems we have visitors.” The bald man picked up a can of Coke on the table, rebuilt it into 2 grenade, pulled the ring and threw it directly out of the wall.

2 The explosion kicked off the battle, and the beautiful man threw a box gun to Zhang Heng, and then she copied another one herself.

The grenade dropping from the sky fell into the pile of people and exploded a lot of black clothed person, but the remaining black clothed person did not have any expression of fear on their faces, in fact their faces were simply expressionless, seeing the plan exposed They simply no longer cover up, and generously launched an attack on the waste recycling bin.

In addition to the team that assaulted the main entrance, more people chose to climb the wall directly.

They were greeted by fierce gunfire. Zhang Heng used the box gun in his hand to kill the first two people who showed up, but more black clothed people jumped off the wall fearlessly, and 2 people had to retreat while fighting. Fortunately, garbage dumps are everywhere in the yard, and those discarded electronic products have become their best bunkers.

The bullets ejected by the Gatling guns harvested the life of those black clothed persons like mowing grass, but even so, the number of black clothed persons continued to increase. The bald man scolded and threw away the Gat in his hand. Lin, pulled the curtain around him, revealing the densely packed bullet holes below.

——Metal Storm, the Great Killing Artifact that can fire 10000 6000 rounds of weapons in one second. The bald man directly used it to explode a fence, leaving only a huge blank space where the bullets passed.

However, even if the bald man had used his trump card trick, it only slightly relieved the pressure they faced, and then he and the waiter little brother turned to look towards Zhang Heng and the beautiful man.

“We really can’t stand this time … If you still have any way to get it out quickly, otherwise you can consider seeing you on the advertising wall of 10000 Da Studios.”

The handsome man hooked the head, “Don’t look at me, if I have a way, I won’t always look at the world annihilation anymore.”


No one thought that Zhang Heng, who was subconsciously ignored by everyone at this time, suddenly opened the mouth and said, “Give me 3 minutes.”

“Why, do you want to leave a last word? I also think, who can fight me for 3 minutes? I want to call the candy baby and say the three words that I didn’t have time to say.” The bald man said sadly .

However, the beautiful guy on the other side found that there was something different in Zhang Heng’s body. Obviously the two people had never been separated during this time, but Zhang Heng now does have some differences from a few seconds ago, although His appearance has not changed, this is purely a female intuition.

So the beautiful boy said to the waiter little brother, “Let the butcher, there are no residents around here.”

“As you wish, the chosen person.” The waiter little brother said after putting down the ak in his hand. Less than a moment later, a burly-looking man was ugly and abnormal, and a monster holding a dish in one hand and a hook in one hand appeared in the crowd. In front of you.

At the last minute before the construction was completed, the waiter little brother stretched his legs and kicked his creation directly to the outside of the black clothed person. At the same time, he also threw the last block in his hand, and the block was inserted accurately. In the butcher’s eyes, the latter shook the stitched head on his shoulder, just like waking up from a dream, biting a black clothed person in front of him, and at the same time, it began to produce around his body. Green’s poison qi has poisoned a large piece of black clothed person. At the same time, the pouring bullets could not leave even a mark on its skin.

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