48 Hours a Day

Chapter 359

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Okay, although we didn’t get the help of Destruction King or Flame Girl, but on the plus side … At least the Kui Tiao here is indeed delicious, and I even want to have another one after eating a bowl The bowl, “the waiter little brother said as he handed the empty bowl just finished into the kitchen.

But in the next moment, the Lianxiang Tower not far away from them suddenly exploded without warning. The shock wave shattered all the glass windows into 1 * 1 small particles. The pedestrians nearby were also overturned to the ground, even carrying 粿The ceiling of the shop was also trembling, and a wall of skin fell directly into the bowl of the bald man.

“Ah, the evil scientist, doesn’t even make us delicious?” The bald man complained, “I leave my favorite beef ball to the end … Is this the result? “

The culprit of all this, a giant mechanical spider with a height of 5 meters appeared on the other side of the pedestrian street.

As soon as it appeared, it caused a panic in the crowd, and people on the pedestrian street fled and fled.

Flame Girl quickly rushed to the cash register and withdrew all the paper money inside. Just when she was about to close the store door, her body suddenly froze there, a panic expression appeared on her face for the first time, anxiously said.

“A Gang, A Gang is there!”

A Gang is the first child to destroy Wang and Huomei, just in elementary school, in the vicinity, this is the time to go to school, he is also carrying his school bag home, but didn’t expect passing the Lianxiang Building Suddenly encountered an explosion at the time, he was also overturned to the ground as one of the victims, and now the life and death are unknown.

Not far away, the mechanical spider is moving eight sickle-like legs towards this side, and every time a step is taken, there is a deep ditch on the ground.

“Leave it to us.” The bald-headed man stood up from his seat and took out his sunglasses from his pocket and brought it to his face. “Just to thank such a delicious kuih, rest assured that we will solve this trouble for our old friends. of.”

After talking, he used the chopsticks in his hand and the table next door to spell out an rpg bazooka, resisting on the shoulder, aiming at the mechanical spider that was getting closer, and then whistled, “The game is over, silly big guy . “

The high-explosive armor-piercing warhead rushed out of the bazooka at a speed of 117 meters per second, and flew towards the mechanical spider, and accurately hit the latter’s body, but the result was that everyone started, the shell that could destroy the light tank was not even able to Leave a trace on the body of the mechanical spider.

“I recall what I said before, and I suggest you regenerate a child.” The bald man retracted the rocket and sat back again, and asked the waiter little brother on the side, “Aren’t you going to try it?”

“I don’t know, there are too many people here, my butcher will hurt innocent people, and this thing is obviously a new weapon built by evil scientists. I suspect that even if I release the butcher, it is not his opponent.”

While the waiter little brother was talking, no one thought that the destruction king, who was still in the kitchen, suddenly rushed out of the kutiao shop without saying a word and rushed to the mechanical spider.

“Uh … who can tell me why he chose to commit suicide? Why did your marriage come to an end, or did your married life put too much pressure on him?” The bald man looked to the flame girl .

Zhang Heng originally planned to shoot, but a flash of thoughtful expression flashed in his eyes, and then he stopped. Of course he was not at all completely idle, but was using this time to build a weapon to deal with mechanical spiders.

It can be seen that after the super villain switched to the chef, the destruction king rarely exercised, and he started panting after 2 steps, and the fat on his chin was also trembling, but he did not stop at his feet, and ran before the mechanical spider. In front of Lianxiang Building.

When he picked up his unconscious son on the ground and turned his head to run back, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the top of his head.

The leg of the mechanical spider slashed down, destroying the king and twisting some bloated body, dangerously and dangerously escaped the blow, but he was also stumbled by something under his feet, fell to the ground, was originally by him Armed in his arms, A Gang also rolled out, without hesitation, the mechanical spider raised his other leg again.

“I’m not sure if I want to watch the next scene.” The waiter little brother closed his eyes unbearably.

However, the next moment he imagined the bloody picture not at all appeared, because the leg hacked by the mechanical spider disappeared magically.

It wasn’t blocked by someone, it didn’t suddenly break down, or it broke … it just disappeared completely, as if it never existed.

The beautiful man rubbed his eyes and counted again, and found that the mechanical spider now only has 7 legs left.

So everyone’s eyes finally focused on the white fat chef who had just got up from the ground and gasped on his knees.

As if to confirm their suspicion, the mechanical spider that became a little fly into a rage out of humiliation because of losing one leg actually lifted two legs at the same time, and stabbed towards the unconscious A Gang.

The people who kept their eyes wide open at last saw what happened before, destroying the king to take a deep breath, his movements became unprecedentedly dexterous and rapid, and the pair of hands still covered with butter and scallion flew up and down, only It took less than 3 seconds to break the two legs of the mechanical spider into a bunch of parts.

He didn’t stop at all, and then climbed onto the back of the mechanical spider. The latter’s 8 eyes even showed a trace of fear like a human, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

Its body is impervious to sword and spear, and the metal shell that can’t be broken by armor-piercing bullets is no different than the onion just bought from the vegetable market under the destruction of the king. It is peeled off layer by layer and kept shrinking, leaving only the ground. A small mechanical spider with the size of a fingernail and a small calf wanted to escape, but was knocked on by the chef shoes dropping from the sky.

Destruction Wang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to the stunned crowd, “Why are you looking at me, what happened just now?”

“Your destructive power … is it back?” The waiter little brother excitedly said.

“My destructive ability, this, how is this possible?” The destructive Wang was stunned. Just now his focus was on how to save his son. The brain had no time to give instructions to the body, so his hands were only relying on instinct. In action, he didn’t react until then, looking at his hands, his voice trembling, “My destructive power … is it really back?”

But after howling, he glanced at the flame sister not far away with one eye.

The latter rushed up immediately, inspecting the body of A Gang on the ground, and found that he was only in a coma, and he was relaxed after nothing serious, looked up to destroy the kingly road, “Sorry, I know you are with us for these years It ’s not easy, I ’ve been suppressing my nature, trying to be a good husband and a good father. “

Destruction Wang scratched his head, “It’s okay … I actually occasionally peek at good-looking female customers and have hidden private money. Sometimes I pretend to have washed my feet before going to bed …”

“Be yourself.”

“Huh, what?”

“I said it was time to be yourself, and you heard what they said before. At this time, you can use your abilities to do the right thing, do something that is good for the world, save the city, become a hero, make up for the previous Those mistakes made, A Gang and I will be proud of you. “

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