48 Hours a Day

Chapter 395

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Reya, a 2nd grade student in the music department of Pierre Mundez University, she did n’t know about the big brother Edward and Black Nest. Edward just hurriedly sent her an encrypted email before leaving Black Nest. Black The people in the nest spent a lot of effort to crack the encrypted email, and found that it was just a 60-second animation of SpongeBob. “

“This thing is very Edwardian.” The little boy praised.

“So she didn’t actually know she was in trouble, did she?”

“Yes.” Mawei said, “This is also the difficulty of this rescue operation. The two of us do not know each other. I wanted to contact Leiya in advance to tell her the truth, but now she is under the close monitoring of the black nest. Her mobile phone, computer, mailbox, and social network are completely transparent to Black Nest. The reason why they have never used her hands or tried to use her as a bait, if we ca n’t help but contact her on the Internet, we must Will be found. “

“Our previous plan was to paralyze the network that monitored her, but there was no good way to make her completely believe us and leave us.” Philip scratched his head. “If she fails, she might Treat us as an adult trafficker. “

“Do you have more detailed information about her?” Zhang Heng asked the blue-haired female child looking at the screen.

Ponytail looked towards Valdo.

“Is it finally my turn?” The latter rubbed his hands, laughed, pulled a USB flash drive from his pocket and inserted it into the computer, and then opened the folder.

“what is this?”

“All the social materials related to her that can be found on the Internet, including blogs, small Christmas videos on ins, the names of dogs she likes, boys who secretly fell in love with in junior high school, the model of lipstick … Although we can’t contact her , But I can do it by sneaking around on her various social accounts. “

“Can I also learn this technology?” Zhang Heng got the information and not at all started anxiously, but asked Waldo.

“Of course, I have dozens of ways to hack into social accounts, and some do not even require you to have too much computer knowledge.” Talking about areas where I am good at, Valdo self-channel.

The little boy was coldly snorted. She had changed the attitude of the latter because of Zhang Heng ’s handsome hand and active reconciliation posture. As a result, the latter is now interested in hacking social accounts. It began to plummet.

Fortunately, at this time, the horsetail man coughed twice and interrupted 2 people. “That … this matter should be discussed in private later, let’s focus on what we want to do now.”

Zhang Heng has no objection to this, he needs to invade the technology of the network account in order to continue to investigate what happened ten or seven years ago.

But it’s not a hurry, after all, it’s less than a day before the game starts.

Afterwards, Zhang Heng used the time on the plane to browse all the materials related to Leiya in the USB flash drive, and already had a rough idea before landing.

“Pretending to be Gaspard?” The ponytail surprised.

“Yes, Gaspard is one of Leiya ’s closest ties. The two met in an online music group a year and a half ago. Later, they sent each other 2 messages and 1000 SMS messages. , Each regards the other as their best friend, and the most important thing is that they have n’t met each other yet. What we said Leiya may not believe, but if you change to Gaspard, just make an excuse and she will Follow us. “

“It’s a good idea … but it’s not easy to operate.” Philip grasped his hair subconsciously, he couldn’t imagine that if he was dressed as Gaspard, the probability and Leia would probably be taken apart in 2 words. By the way, as for the other 01 guerrillas, although they are better than him in acting, they are also limited.

So in silence, Zhang Heng said, “I’m coming.”

Waldo almost didn’t spray out the lemonade in his hand. “Come on, are you Asian ?! It’s the most impossible of us.”

“Have they discussed skin color issues in their email and SMS records?”

“You wait …” Valdo searched for keywords, and found that 2 people had discussed the living conditions of the minority society and the music style formed, but they did not talk about their skin color.

“That’s what it says, but you don’t look like a Frenchman when you get up, and do you understand music very well, such things will show up when you talk about it.”

“I played some pianos, but I really don’t know much about French pop music, but rest assured, these will not be a problem tomorrow.” Zhang Heng glanced at Wrist Watch, 20 hours have passed since he entered the copy. According to this copy flow rate calculation, he will enter the parallel copy in another 10 hours, where he has almost a year, enough for him to integrate into France, and at the same time to supplement some pop music knowledge.

In addition, a group of 01 guerrillas came to work as a logistics team for him.


The plane landed at Grenoble Airport.

Waldo stretched out a big lazy waist, reluctantly left his first-class seat, and after getting off the plane, he and half prime to go through the car rental process, the horsetail man went to pick up the luggage, and Philip connected to the wifi and processed a few Days of work.

Zhang Heng and the little boy remained, the latter made it clear that they did not want to take care of someone, and took out the game console while wearing headphones and started playing.

What is surprising is that she is playing a very old game. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Old Antique.


This casual little game invented by Russian Alexei Pakitnov in 1984, by moving, rotating and placing various squares to form a complete line to eliminate and score, was once popular all over the world.

However, the program of this game was obviously changed by the little boy. Generally speaking, the difficulty of Tetris will increase with time, but in her hand, it is the highest level of difficulty as soon as it comes up. Building blocks like strong wind and swift rain Also falling from the air, the little boy concentrated his attention, flicked his fingertips, and dragged the blocks to the desired position.

It can be seen that this game extremely tests the player’s eyesight, hand speed and thinking ability.

The little boy supported it for about 2 minutes and a half, and finally lost.

“Can you give me a try?” Zhang Heng opened the mouth and said on the side.

The little boy hesitated for a moment and then said that you ca n’t play this game, but remembering the advice given to her by Ma Weinan before leaving, letting her not to have any conflict with Zhang Heng, she could only reluctantly hand over the game In Zhang Heng’s hands.

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